Real Housewives of New York Reveals New Mid-Season Tag Lines

The Real Housewives of New York City is back to finish off season 12 with a new set of mid-season taglines for the first time in the show’s history.

Following Tinsley Mortimer’s departure from The Real Housewives of New York as she leaves the Big Apple to move in with and marry Scott Kluth, the show took a two-week hiatus. This week, the show is back with new opening credits featuring new taglines for the first time in Bravo history. Leah McSweeney wrote on her Instagram that she will still “sting like a bitch” referencing her previous tagline and that the change is “a new thing since [they] had to take a two week break” due to “falling behind with editing because of COVID…and Tinsley is now gone.”

BravoTV posted to its Instagram page all of the new opening credits and hilarious new taglines. Each housewife got their new taglines mid-way through the season. Check out the post below:

Dorinda Medley’s new tagline is, “Like a mint in my mouth, I can be a bit fresh.” Sonja Morgan’s tagline reads, “I’m no one’s arm candy,  I’m the whole bowl of sugar.” Ramona Singer’s new tag is: “So what if I’m self involved, who else should I be involved with?” Leah McSweeney quips in her new tagline, “I’ll say sorry for what I’ve done, but never for who I am.” Luann de Lesseps: “I rise above the drama – and won’t settle for the lower level.”

Each tagline appears to reference a scene from the first half of season 12. For example, Luann’s infamous night spent in Ramona’s “lower-level” aka the basement of her Southampton home (“Good night from the lower level.”) Sonja’s new tagline references her fight at a party in the Hamptons with The Real Housewives of New York City’s friend Elyse Slain early in the season about not being “arm candy” for her ex-husband John Adams Morgan (J.P. Morgan’s nephew). Ramona, for her part, takes a hit at her frequent self-involvement in season 12 in her tagline while Leah seems to be referencing her drunken rage (and fight with Ramona) in Newport, Rhode Island. Tinsley Mortimer, of course, did not get a new tagline as she is not a part of the rest of the season. The taglines are definitely more tongue-in-cheek than those from the first half of the season and possibly hint at a new Housewives tradition.

The Real Housewives of New York City returns Thursday, July 2nd at 9pm EST on Bravo.