Ready Or Not’s Le Domas Family Tree Explained

Ready Or Not’s Le Domas Family Tree Explained

Ready or Not showcases the twisted rituals of the Le Domas family as they subject their new daughter-in-law to a sinister game to secure her place in the family. The Ready or Not characters illustrate desperation for wealth and power, as it drives them to commit heinous acts. The dark legacy of the Le Domas family traces back to their ancestor, Victor Le Domas, who struck a deal with a man named Le Bail, otherwise known as the devil. For Le Bail to keep the family’s fortune intact, they must observe a dark tradition.

At midnight during a family member’s wedding, they must join together in the living room of the Le Domas mansion and put a blank card into a special box, given to Victor by Le Bail. Then the card is drawn, typically with the inscription of a board game. However, Grace Le Domas’s card in Ready or Not said hide-and-seek. As Grace went to hide, the Le Domas armed themselves with traditional weapons and locked down the estate, starting their vicious game. Ready or Not showcases the Satan-worshiping family’s desperation to hunt Grace to ensure their survival. The family dynamics are crucial in understanding the history of the Le Domas.

Tony Le Domas

Ready Or Not’s Le Domas Family Tree Explained

Tony Le Domas is the patriarch of the Le Domas family and is the owner of the Le Domas Gaming Dominion. He is married to Becky Le Domas and is the father to Alex Le Domas, Daniel Le Domas, and Emilie Le Domas. His sister is Helene Le Domas, who once had to participate in the cruel game against her husband.

As the closest living descendent to Victor Le Domas, he meticulously enforces the rituals and rules of the game, making sure the family uses period-appropriate weapons and no modern technology to assist them, like the security system. Tony is very by the book but has cracks in his composed demeanor when the safety of the Le Domas legacy is in jeopardy. While consumed by the wealth and power given to him by the Le Bail curse, he fiercely safeguards his family, resorting to any means necessary to ensure their survival.

Becky Le Domas

Becky Le Domas with a concerned look on her face and crossbow over her shoulder in Ready or Not.

Becky Le Domas is the wife of Tony, making her the matriarch of the family. Her children Alex, Daniel, and Emilie are her pride and joy, as she protects them in whatever way she can. Becky comes across as open and caring, as she originally embraces Grace as the newest member of the family. However, when Grace gets the hide-and-seek card, she quickly transforms into a more ruthless person. Unlike her other family members, her motivations seem more inclined toward keeping her family intact, as she is determined to eliminate anyone who stands in the way of her family’s victory.

Alex Le Domas

Alex Le Domas speaking with a champagne in front of him in Ready or Not

Alex Le Domas is the estranged son of Tony and Becky, who was sheltered from the grim realities of his family’s history. During the first hide-and-seek game that Alex was alive for, his older brother Daniel hid him in a cabinet, ensuring he remained ignorant of the family’s ruthless nature. Alex distanced himself from much of the Le Domas’s life, avoiding the responsibilities of what it means to be a member of that family. Despite appearing to reject his family’s ways, he fails to warn his future wife Grace about the potential involvement in the deadly game, indicating that he isn’t entirely detached from his family and the haunting curse they carry.

Daniel Le Domas

Daniel Le Domas looking downwards in Ready or Not.

Daniel Le Domas is the eldest son of Tony and Becky and the older brother of Alex and Emilie. He was alive for his aunt Helene’s hide-and-seek game and shielded his brother from the horrors. He then alerted his family to the location of his aunt’s betrothed, Charles, earning praise from his mother. Daniel deals with severe alcoholism, which is most likely due to his inability to deal with the sadistic nature of his family.

He is married to Charity, but their relationship seems rather unloving, as he calls her a “gold-digging whore” and she calls him “pathetic.” Daniel told Charity about the risk of pulling the hide-and-seek card, but she married him anyway. He displays more concern for Grace than Alex when it comes to her integration into the family. He subtly hints to her that she may not belong in the family and says that it’s not too late to escape, showing his disdain for the curse and his family that has succumbed to it.

Emilie Le Domas

Emilie Le Domas holding her son in Ready or Not.

Emilie Le Domas is the youngest child of Tony and Becky and the youngest sibling to Alex and Daniel. Emilie was not alive the last time the games were played with her aunt Helene’s groom, making her first hide-and-seek ritual with Grace. She is married to Fitch Bradley and has two younger sons, Georgie and Gabe. Emilie is a drug addict, as she is seen taking cocaine, which makes her impulsive during the game. She is extremely privileged, caring little for those outside of her family, as she callously kills the maids of the house in search of Grace, demonstrating a lack of remorse for her actions.

Fitch Bradley

Fitch Bradley looking and gesturing to his side in Ready or Not

Fitch Bradley is the husband of Emilie, making him the son-in-law of Tony and Becky. He is the father of Georgie and Gabe. While his game of Old Maid secured him a place in the family, he doesn’t quite fit into the sophisticated life of the Le Dolmas, often portraying the typical bumbling dad. Fitch isn’t as invested in the game as the other family members, as he is more concerned about texting. He is notably the least competent among the Le Domas family members, providing minimal assistance during the game, and spends most of the time looking up how to use the crossbow he was given on his phone.

Charity Le Domas

Charity Le Domas standing frim in front of Daniel in Ready or Not.

Charity Le Domas is the wife of Daniel, who makes it no secret that she married into the family for its wealth, as she came from a poor background. She is the daughter-in-law of Tony and Becky and works ruthlessly to protect the Le Dolmas family during the game. She knew about the potential of playing a deadly game when she married into the family, but she “didn’t even blink an eye,” showcasing her desperation for wealth. Charity was given the game Chess and will do whatever it takes to keep her newfound wealth and power. She and Daniel have no children, most likely due to their loveless marriage.

Helene Le Domas

Helene Le Domas with a cold look on her face in Ready or Not.

Helene Le Domas is the sister to Tony and aunt to Daniel, Alex, and Emilie. Her history is notably darker than that of her family, as her spouse received the most recent hide-and-seek card. This led to her family hunting him down and viciously ending his life, despite her begging for his survival. At her wedding, she appears with long, dark hair and exudes a more affectionate demeanor.

In the present day, she has a short, spiked-up white hairdo and an intense gaze. When the hide-and-seek card is drawn, she displays eagerness and even excitement at the prospect of hunting down Grace. Helene seems to have transformed since her wedding, as she completely worships and relishes serving Le Bail.

Georgie & Gabe Bradley

Georgie & Gabe Bradley with their mother's arms around them and blood on their face in Ready or Not.

Georgie and Gabe Bradley and the children of Emilie and Fitch, making their grandparents Tony and Becky. These two embody the ongoing cycle within the family, to preserve their wealth. Their uncle Daniel is deeply disturbed by the realization that they are actively involved in working to murder Grace. The boys serve as an illustration of the continuous and destructive nature that comes with being part of the Le Domas family. In Ready or Not, they exemplify the pattern the Le Domas family will continue to take, as they work to serve Le Bail in his vicious game.