RDR2’s Arthur Morgan Is Better Than Every GTA Protagonist

RDR2’s Arthur Morgan Is Better Than Every GTA Protagonist

Arthur Morgan of Red Dead Redemption 2 has emerged as the best protagonist to come out of a Rockstar game to date. With a combination of amazing writing, impressive deeds, and genuine likability, Arthur easily establishes himself as one of the greatest gaming heroes of his console generation. His popularity is so great that he managed to eclipse the protagonist of the original Red Dead Redemption, John Marston.

Arthur especially stands out in comparison to the protagonists of Rockstar’s other series, Grand Theft Auto. While several of GTA’s protagonists have received a respectable level of renown among fans, many of them are rather similar in several ways, and their own storylines typically lack the emotional punch of Arthur’s. GTA’s more irreverent mood compared to RDR2 also has a definite effect on their respective protagonists, and that difference works out in Arthur’s favor as a character. GTA 5‘s protagonists may be rich, but Arthur easily bests them in personality.

Of the many reasons for Arthur’s strength as a character, listed below are the strongest cases for him. Red Dead Redemption 2 lists its writing as one of its biggest strengths, and Arthur truly shines through as the most triumphant example of that. When the story is inspected closely, it is clear that Arthur is one of Rockstar’s greatest creations.

Arthur Morgan In RDR2 Is A Criminal With A Set Of Morals

RDR2’s Arthur Morgan Is Better Than Every GTA Protagonist

From the beginning of Red Dead Redemption 2, it is clear that Arthur has been an outlaw for decades at the time of the game’s story, running with the Van Der Linde gang since he was a young man. While this backstory gives the impression that Arthur is a remorseless lifelong criminal willing to do anything to put some money in his pocket, that description is very far from the truth. While Arthur does live on the wrong side of the law, he has plenty of noble qualities that earn the respect of players. Arthur earned quite a bounty over the years, but he was far more than a mere criminal.

One notable thing about Arthur is that whenever someone from his gang is in need, he doesn’t hesitate to lend a hand. Even at the beginning when he heads out with Charles to find John lost in the snowy wilderness, his first instinct is to make sure that his friend is safe. He exercises his sharp tongue with some barbs at John’s extent after the fact, but that doesn’t change the fact that Arthur didn’t think twice before planning to save him. In fact, the reason for Arthur’s anger at John has nothing to do with having to rescue him, but rather because John disappeared for a year, leaving his wife and young son behind. In the eyes of Arthur, who highly values family and loyalty, this is a major sin. Debates over whether John or Arthur is the better protagonist frequently refer back to this clash.

Arthur’s chivalry doesn’t just extend to his own gang. He is willing to stick his neck out for his old flame Mary as well in order to save her little brother from a cult, for no reason other than to help the two of them out. Beyond that, Arthur can even lend a hand to complete strangers simply because they happened to be in need. Arthur can be in the middle of the wilderness with no one else around and offer medicine to an injured man simply because he can. That’s not the action one would expect from a seasoned outlaw, but while Arthur is not a good man by his own admission, he still possesses human decency in RDR2, which makes him stand out from some of GTA‘s less sympathetic characters.

Arthur Morgan’s Long History Follows Him In RDR2

Red Dead Redemption Sad Arthur Morgan

Arthur has done plenty of things over the course of his long life, and he’s not proud of all of them Even before Arthur joined Dutch’s gang in Red Dead Redemption 2, he had a storied history. In fact, the things that he regrets have done plenty to shape him into the man he is when the player is introduced to them. Arthur’s past comes up on multiple occasions, both positively and negatively, and it becomes a real driving force for what he does.

One reason for Arthur’s aforementioned anger at John for abandoning his family is the fact that Arthur once had a family of his own, a wife and small child. He loved them dearly even though he was frequently with his gang and away from home, and cherished his time with them. However, they died long before the events of the game, and Arthur never emotionally recovered from the loss. Even when he found love again with Mary Linton, he couldn’t trust himself not to make the same mistake again. Arthur rarely speaks of his son, but the loss clearly haunts him. This is reflected in his treatment of John’s son Jack, whom he acts as a surrogate father toward.

Later in RDR2, after Arthur contracts tuberculosis, he wonders if it is punishment for all of the wrongs he’s committed in his life. In fact, it is this realization that can push him towards the path he will take in his final days of life. If he decides to be selfish, then he dies at the hands of the traitorous Micah Bell. However, if he chooses to follow the decency that still dwells in himself, he will be afforded a much more peaceful ending as he watches the sunrise before expiring from his illness. Arthur’s legacy persists after his story, and he can believably be the imperfect hero or conflicted villain of his own story, and the strength of his writing lets him play both roles brilliantly.

Arthur’s Complexity In RDR2 Overshadows GTA’s Flawed Protagonists

Red Dead Redemption 2's Most Out Of Place Easter Eggs Arthur Morgan

There are a few protagonists in GTA who have faced rather similar problems to Arthur, but the way they were written made them less relatable and also less likable, so they could not make the same impact that Arthur has. Take Michael from GTA 4, for example. Like Arthur, his past plays a significant role in making him who he is and deciding his actions. However, Michael’s bad temper and reckless actions, not to mention his antagonistic relationship with his family for much of the story, make him harder to root for. In particular, compare Michael’s relationship with his family to Arthur’s with the Van Der Linde Gang. The Van Der Lindes may have been doomed, but Arthur’s unfailing loyalty makes their dissolution a tragedy.

For an even greater contrast, look at one of GTA 5‘s other protagonists, Trevor Phillips. Like Arthur, Trevor has been a criminal for almost his entire adult life. However, Trevor’s actions are so extreme that despite how often the game tries to play his antics for laughs, he is exceedingly difficult to sympathize with. He may share Arthur’s virtue of loyalty, but it is virtually the only thing he has that comes close to being a redeeming trait, and he spends the majority of his time acting heinously.

In comparison, while Arthur is a criminal, he is usually courteous and friendly to regular folks, and he feels disgusted when he does something he considers distasteful, such as Strauss sending him after unfortunate creditors, ultimately leading to Strauss’ expulsion from the gang. As a counterpoint, Trevor took part in GTA 5’s infamously controversial torture scene, and had absolutely no qualms about torturing an innocent man. Arthur has limits, while Trevor does not, and that makes him an easier character to support.

This may come down to the general moods of each game, as Grand Theft Auto is more focused on raunchy comedy and over-the-top scenarios, while Red Dead Redemption 2 is very grounded and occasionally somber. However, Arthur is much more effective at conveying all sorts of scenarios, be they serious or comical. On the other hand, many attempts to make GTA protagonists sympathetic, most notably Trevor, tend to fall flat due to their built-up unlikability. Through his own actions, as well as his carefully-maintained and illustrated journal entries in RDR2, Arthur successfully connects with the player.

Arthur Morgan is easily the most well-written character to come out of a Rockstar game, and RDR2 benefits massively as a result. His mix of genuine humanity and ruthless talents builds a very meaningful and thoughtful man that players come to love over the course of his journey. Red Dead Redemption 2 would surely not be the success it is without Arthur Morgan as the lead, and he should be used as a blueprint for future Rockstar protagonists.