Raya And The Last Dragon: The Main Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Raya And The Last Dragon: The Main Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Considering how different the two fantasy worlds are, it’s highly unlikely that the heroes of Raya and the Last Dragon would ever study at Hogwarts. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s intriguing to wonder what Hogwarts house the film’s characters, both heroes and villains, would end up in.

Initially, it might look like a lot of them would end up in Gryffindor since they have to be brave a lot to save their world. However, if one thinks about it harder, the characters of Raya and the Last Dragon are far more complex and their personalities are much different. Depending on their nature as well as their transformation in the film, they would most likely visit different Hogwarts houses.

Dang Hu: Slytherin

Raya And The Last Dragon: The Main Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Slytherin students are known to be cunning. As Tom Riddle demonstrated, they might seem kind and pleasant but they only hide their true face and later reveal themselves to be villains. Dang Hu is the chieftess of the Talon and at first, she treats Sisu who’s in her human form with kindness.

Sisu falls for Dang Hu’s lies hook, line, and sinker. As a result, Dang Hu locks her in a room with the Druun and leaves Sisu to be turned to stone. That doesn’t happen but it doesn’t change the fact Dang Hu is far from a sweet old lady like she presents herself.

Little Nui: Ravenclaw

Little Nui looking adorable in Raya and the Last Dragon

If little Nui studied at Hogwarts, she could use her brain for a good purpose since she’s easily one of the more intelligent heroes of the film. However, in the world of Raya and the Last Dragon, little Nui is an accomplished con artist and she even manages to trick Raya when she first meets her, simply by being extremely cute and swift.

However, little Nui eventually befriends Raya, and then she uses her intelligence to help the heroes. For example, she sneaks into the palace easily which is something not everyone would be able to pull off, especially given her age.

Virana: Slytherin

Virana holding her staff with the magical gem piece

Unsurprisingly, Virana as one of the villains of the story also belongs to Slytherin. She’s even more manipulative than Dang Hu since Virana controls her own daughter Namaari and makes her do Virana’s dirty work. Not to mention that she is responsible for the Druun coming back and hurting people in the first place.

Truth be told, as the chieftess of the Tung, she needs to be merciless and smart to be able to rule and defend her people. So even though she uses her intelligence, typical for Slytherins, to her own benefit, it makes sense from her perspective.

Tuk Tuk: Hufflepuff

Tuk Tuk eating food in Raya and the Last Dragon

Tuk Tuk doesn’t talk like other characters but he still plays a major part in the story. For years, he’s Raya’s only friend and a loyal sidekick who helps her transport anywhere she needs. His loyalty would suit him well in Hufflepuff where people tend to help out each other most of the time.

Also, from the audience’s point of view, Tuk Tuk is simply adorable and his relaxed and goofy nature makes him an ideal Hufflepuff who will always laugh alongside his friends.

Namaari: Slytherin

Namaari backed up by her army ready to fight

Even though Namaari follows in her mother’s footsteps and belongs to Slytherin, she’s not as bad as Virana. Namaari is cunning enough to trick Raya and she uses her intelligence for pursuing Raya on her journey.

Namaari is good at what she does and at realizing her mother’s plans, but she’s a more sympathetic Slytherin since she doubts herself and ends up helping Raya and her friends to save the world, proving that she has the moral strength necessary for her to become a better person.

Boun: Hufflepuff

Boun talking to Raya in Raya and the Last Dragon

Boun mostly functions as comic relief in the film but without him, Raya and Sisu wouldn’t get as far on their journey since he owns the ship they later use for travel.

Boun can come across as goofy and somewhat silly but at the same time, he doesn’t abandon his friends when they’re in crisis, has a strong sense of humor, and enough smarts to be able to lead a successful restaurant. He’s not as brave as Gryffindors but his loyalty to Raya and Sisu more than made up for it.

Tong: Gryffindor

Tong looking menacing in Raya And The Last Dragon

Tong might seem frightening at first thanks to his built and grumpy demeanor. However, he soon reveals that he’s not a bad person, he’s quite a gentle one in fact. He forms a strong bond with little Nui and helps Raya and her friends on their mission. Tong is the type of Gryffindor made cynical by bad life circumstances.

But when he realizes Raya presents a real shot for him to reunite with his family, he gathers his courage, and he and Raya fight side by side. Tong is a fierce warrior and he doesn’t shy away from facing his enemies which would serve him well in Gryffindor full of similarly brave people.

Chief Benja: Hufflepuff

Chief Benja walks with a young Raya

Chief Benja only appears in the film’s beginning and finale since he turns into stone. Just like Hufflepuffs, he’s kind and loyal to his people. Chief Benja has the dream to reunite all of the clans and believes that no person is truly evil. This belief initially turns against him as his visitors abuse his trust and attack him.

However, in the end, chief Benja achieves his dream thanks to Raya and her friends. The fact that he sacrifices himself to save his daughter makes him a good Hufflepuff since people from this Hogwarts house are known for helping others.

Sisu: Hufflepuff

Sisu holding one of the gem piece as a dragon

Both Sisu and chief Benja are Hufflepuffs since they’re idealists who believe in a better future. Raya, on the other hand, is much more cynical at first. Sisu doesn’t know the world she travels through very much and as a result, she’s far from a dignified old dragon.

Instead, she approaches everything with enthusiasm and sometimes is less than careful which puts her in danger. Luckily, her kindness helps the heroes to defeat their enemies as even Namaari realizes Sisu has a point when she listens to her wise words full of love and trust.

Raya: Gryffindor

Raya and the Last Dragon trailer hat_

Raya undergoes a serious transformation in the film. She starts out as an optimistic and brave girl who trains with her dad. When the catastrophe strikes, Raya retains her bravery but grows more cynical. It takes her a while to learn to trust people again but once she does, nothing can stop Raya from achieving her goal.

Raya’s determination as well as bravery in the face of danger make her a good potential Gryffindor student. She doesn’t like to hide her feelings and Gryffindors do tend to be open people like Raya is.