Quiz Lady Review: Sandra Oh & Awkwafina Have Great Chemistry In Energetic Comedy

Quiz Lady Review: Sandra Oh & Awkwafina Have Great Chemistry In Energetic Comedy

Quiz Lady is silly and even occasionally ridiculous, but it works somehow. Directed by Jessica Yu from a screenplay by Jen D’Angelo, the comedy offers a different kind of road-trip buddy scenario that centers on sisters who couldn’t be more wildly different from one another. The script won’t knock your socks off or anything, but there’s something utterly charming and whimsical about the whole story that is sure to warm your heart. It may not be laugh-out-loud funny at every turn, but Quiz Lady, with an irresistible cast, is entertaining with just the right amount of heart and energy.

Anne Yum (Awkwafina) is obsessed with a quiz show hosted by the bow tie-wearing Terry McTeer (Will Ferrell). It’s the one thing she can rely on amidst a mundane job and a mother whose gambling addiction has racked up thousands of dollars in debt. Anne’s life is thrown off its axis when her older sister Jenny (Sandra Oh) drops in unexpectedly. When Anne becomes an internet sensation after Jenny shares a video of her getting all the quiz questions right, she agrees to audition for the game show to save her dog from a kidnapper who’s demanding the $80,000 her mother owes him. Anne must try to overcome her nervousness about being in the spotlight while reconciling with her sister if she is to beat the pompous reigning champion Ron Heacock (Jason Schwartzman).

Quiz Lady Review: Sandra Oh & Awkwafina Have Great Chemistry In Energetic Comedy
Sandra Oh and Awkwafina in Quiz Lady

Quiz Lady exudes a lot of warmth. The film doesn’t take itself seriously and its stars capitalize on the sense of excitement and humor that permeates the story. The film knows exactly what it’s trying to be, and it doesn’t deviate from its outrageous premise or buoyant tone at any point. It’s fun all the way through, even when it gets to be so ridiculous and silly that you simply want to endearingly roll your eyes at what’s going on. This is a movie that isn’t afraid to be zealous and sweet in equal measure, grounded by its relationship between Anne and Jenny despite becoming more outlandish at every turn.

Sandra Oh is having the best time as Jenny, whose blue and purple hair extensions only add to her big sister wants to have irresponsible fun persona. We’ve often seen Oh in more dramatic roles, but she’s hilariously unhinged in Quiz Lady and her exuberance is worthy of applause. Even in her wildest moments, Oh brings sincerity to her performance, easily breaking through Jenny’s exterior to show something deeper beneath her over-the-top behavior. Awkwafina’s Anne is more restrained, and the actress plays up her anxiety and nervousness, as well as the pent-up frustration and anger she has for Jenny. Crucially, Awkwafina and Oh have excellent chemistry. The film simply wouldn’t work without either of them and their scenes together are always fantastic, elevating the material.

quiz lady will ferrell
Will Ferrell in Quiz Lady

Quiz Lady is full of chuckle-worthy humor; you can only laugh at the spectacle of it all. Jessica Yu is able to stage multiple gags in a way that elevates the cast’s physical humor, and Jen D’Angelo’s script, even when it gets to absurd stages, can be heartwarming. The film on the whole is a charismatic affair, elevated by a great cast that goes above and beyond to deliver, among them are Will Ferrell as the earnest and kind quiz show host and Holland Taylor as Anne’s spirited, grouchy neighbor. Quiz Lady walks a fine line, and while it can be too much at times, it makes for an enthusiastically enjoyable watch that doesn’t disappoint.

Quiz Lady is now available to stream on Hulu. The film is 99 minutes long and rated R for some drug use and language.