Project: Playtime – Survivor Guide (Tips, Tricks, & Strategies)

Project: Playtime – Survivor Guide (Tips, Tricks, & Strategies)

The asymmetrical horror of the multiplayer game Project: Playtime sees six players take on the role of Survivors, who must use different tricks and strategies to overcome the dangers presented by a singular monster trying to prevent them from building a giant toy that lets them escape the area. With one of three types of monsters pursuing the Survivors at all times, it can be difficult for players to avoid this adversary long enough to construct the object of their salvation. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources for Survivors to distract or slow down their monstrous foes as they attempt to solve the necessary puzzles needed to create toy parts.

The best strategies for playing as a Survivor involve using the holes to revive teammates often, fleeing into spaces where the monster can’t follow, and changing the camera perspective to prevent surprises. Although it may not seem as crucial as other gameplay functions, the first-person camera angle typically used by Survivors may actively hinder a player’s line of sight as they are attacked by Project: Playtime‘s monsters and their abilities. By shifting between a third-person perspective and a front-facing angle that shows behind the player, the monster has fewer chances to sneak up without notice upon a team of attentive Survivors.

Survivor Beginner Tips & Tricks in Project: Playtime

Project: Playtime – Survivor Guide (Tips, Tricks, & Strategies)

One tool that Survivor players will often find essential when trying to escape the monster is their grapple hands, capable of clinging and swinging across specific railings over large gaps that gain distance from a pursuer. Other aspects of a map’s environment, including collapsible crash doors that shut when players pull down their shutters, are designed to cut off spaces against the monster, forcing it into alternate routes. Survivors might also use areas of the map to their advantage, deliberately designed to provide safety from larger monsters like the Huggy Wuggy in Project: Playtime, with low hanging ceilings or narrow hallways.

When a monster downs a Survivor, they are taken to a hole within the level, where they must defend themselves from multiple defective toys resembling the monsters crawling out of pipes surrounding them. With six targets for the monster, players only have three hearts that are lost one at a time for each instance they wind up at this unfortunate location. Other Survivors can extend their arms down these holes to “revive” another player while the monster may be distracted with someone else, encouraging a team to consistently keep their fellow Survivors up for as long as possible through this rescue system.

While there are simple strategies that utilize everything the Survivor can do in the scary encounters prevalent in Project: Playtime, the best way to overcome a cunning monster involves dividing and conquering puzzles separately. Grouping up together in pairs instead of as an entire group provides support to at least one other Survivor without telegraphing each player’s location to the monster at once. Since several toy parts need to be constructed before players can call the train to escape, keeping the monster confused about a Survivor’s whereabouts should remain a top strategy when collaborating as a group in Project: Playtime.