Pretty Little Liars: The Characters’ 10 Most Impractical Outfit Choices, Ranked

Pretty Little Liars: The Characters’ 10 Most Impractical Outfit Choices, Ranked

Pretty Little Liars was known for its unique blend of sass, mystery ad high school drama. Another thing it was known for was fashion, whether they were turning heads for their elaborate dresses and expressive clothing choices or making heads shake at the absurdity of some of the choices they made. A flaw fans chose to ignore about the show is that many of the outfits would not be appropriate for attending classes and certainly would not have made the dress code.

And many of them would have made it very difficult to escape from A. The liars certainly shopped in vastly different places than the normal American teen – from attending classes to funerals, the liars certainly didn’t dress for practicality, and here are the worst offenders.

Aria’s Useless Suspenders

Pretty Little Liars: The Characters’ 10 Most Impractical Outfit Choices, Ranked

Aria is known for her cooky assortment of clothing and has a knack for pulling off the oddest combinations. But she did sometimes make some decisions that she just couldn’t get away with. The best example of this would be her fondness for wearing suspenders the wrong way.

Not only has she literally worn them backward, but she has also worn them loosely without attaching them in some sort of homage to the loose tie look. It is an odd choice that not only akes the suspenders utterly useless but it just makes it look like she got interrupted while getting ready.

Alison’s Pink Funeral Dress

Alisons pink funeral dress

Pretty Little Liars is iconic for not only having many funerals throughout the show but also having the girls wear the oddest choices of clothing for such a somber affair. A lot of the outfits are way too revealing or just out of place at such a function. But most offenders managed to at least still be in the traditional color of mourning: black.

But even though this color shows respect for the dead, Alison blatantly chose to ignore this tradition and instead wore a bright pink floral dress to Mona’s funeral, a clear sign the liar was far from mourning and actually incriminates her regarding Mona’s death.

Spencer’s Wedding Dress

Spencer's wedding dress

This one isn’t really Spencer’s fault but more of a reason to point out how the show loved to put the girls in the worst choices for snooping and evading A. Spencer snooping around after Alison’s mom in a form-fitting wedding gown was the perfect dichotomy and the show definitely had fun with it.

And to be honest, Spencer had a chance to change before carrying out her plan to follow around Mrs. DiLaurentis for answers but she still went ahead with her plan, white dress be damned. And even worse, this was the only wedding dress Spencer ever got to wear on the show since she and Toby never married on-screen.

Aria’s Super Cropped Jacket

Arias Croped jacket

The point of a jacket is to cover up the upper body, ideally layered over other pieces of clothing to keep someone warm. But Aria decided that she was beyond that with this statement piece.

It looks like the jacket shrunk in the dryer and adds little in the area of coverage. It makes the viewer wonder what is the purpose of this piece besides confusing everyone about what the weather must be like in Rosewood.

Emily and Jenna’s Halloween Leotards

Halloween Leotards Emily And Jenna

Sexy costumes at Halloween are nothing new but two of the costumes on the show were just really hard to believe were worn in the fall. Both Jenna’s Lady Gaga costume in season one and Emily’s Barberella one from season 3 involve highcut leotards and very little else.

Considering the show takes place in Pennsylvania it’s fair to assume it’s freezing in October and neither costume seems to come with a coat. Sure they both look fierce and confident in their skin, but unless they are wearing invisible heated tights underneath it’s very unconvincing that they would be able to have a good time in those costumes.

Emily’s Leather Overalls

emilys leather overalls

The girls dressed in many different versions of the classic overalls look and were successful at pulling off the cool casual look. But one instance did not succeed in the comfortable part of the equation, with the choice to have Emily dressed in leather overalls in season six’s  “No Stone Unturned”.

This fabric choice takes a comfortable staple of fashion and turns into something that looks hard to move around in. And yet this doesn’t stop her from wearing them while riding a bike. It just really doesn’t work. Maybe if that bike was a Harley and not a ten-speed.

Aria’s Back To School Black Dress & Heels

Aria Little Black Dress School

Many would agree that the girls always looked like they were dressed for a party or club more than they were dressed for High School. But of the girls, Aria takes the cake when it comes to wearing clothing to school that would have made walking from class to class miserable.

One of the standout outfits that Aria wore to Rosewood High was an LBD and super high heels paired with an oversized eagle necklace that looks like it could hurt someone. The outfit as a whole just begs for Aria to faceplant in the hallway while running away from A.

Aria’s Red Date Dress

Aria Red Dress

Aria took it to the next level when she wore this striking red dress to her very first date with Ezra, in public, during the day.  For someone who worries about being caught with her forbidden beau, she wears a dress that grabs everyone’s attention, making it a very odd choice and one that almost led her to be spotted.

Hanna’s Funeral Dresses

Hannas funeral dresses

Hannas’s worst outfit offenders both happened at the last place one would think: funerals. These three looks are not the best or most practical choice for a funeral, after all. The dresses she wears to Ian, Wilden, and Charlotte’s funerals are better suited for a red carpet.

The Halloween Outfits They Wore To Investigate Ravenswood

Aria, Spencer, Hanna, and Emily in Halloween costumes on Pretty Little Liars

PLL was known for its Halloween episodes and the creators took the opportunity to dress the girls in elaborate and stunning costumes. None of these was very practical, especially with murderers on the loose. But the worst offender of the group costumes would have to be season four’s “Grave New World”. The girls’ plan involves crashing a Victorian-themed Halloween party and the girls went all out, corsets and everything.

But what they all seemed to forget is that they would have to walk around and possibly even run in them. Spencer’s outfit looks the hardest to manage with her giant hat and scratchy-looking sleeves and heavy skirt. It may have been historically accurate which was very Spencer-like, but surely she and the girls could have prepared a little better for their mission.