Pretty Little Liars: First Vs Final Season – Which Is Better?

Pretty Little Liars: First Vs Final Season – Which Is Better?

In the first season of Pretty Little Liars, the main characters are teenagers who would rather date and go to the mall than deal with their best pal Alison DiLaurentis who has disappeared. A few episodes in, Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, Spencer Hastings, and Emily Fields realize that something strange is going on and they seem to be stalked by someone with the mysterious text message signature, “A.”

Fans love some of Ali’s friends more than others and by the final season, the main characters are all more mature as they’re facing real problems in work and their love lives. While viewers would say that every episode of this teen drama is worth watching, it’s fun to compare the beginning of the show to the seventh, final season.

First: The Major Love Stories Begin

Pretty Little Liars: First Vs Final Season – Which Is Better?

Some of the relationships on PLL are better than others but one thing is for sure, the first season introduces fans to the major romances.

From Aria and Ezra Fitz sneaking around because he’s her English teacher to Hanna bonding with bad boy Caleb Rivers, these love stories are not without their challenges but they’re pretty epic. Spencer also meets Toby Cavanaugh and starts breaking down her walls, and Emily meets fellow swimmer Paige McCullers.

Final: The Stakes Are Higher As Hanna Is Kidnapped

Hanna while being kidnapped on Pretty Little Liars

At the beginning of season seven, “Uber A” has kidnapped Hanna and she is able to get away and Mary Drake is the one who saves her.

The stakes are much higher in the final season, as the girls are used to how bad “A” and the team is, and they know that they really could be killed. It’s not a game, it’s for real, and this isn’t the first time that Hanna has almost been murdered by A. While not every fan loved the final season of PLL, it’s hard to argue with these episodes being dramatic, fast-paced, and interesting.

First: The Girls Learn How Dangerous “A” Is

Hanna Marin at the mall on Pretty Little Liars

Speaking of Hanna, “A” hits her with a car in the first season, putting her in the hospital. Hanna also gets a message from “A” a few episodes later telling her to binge-eat some sweets, which reminds her of the eating disorder she used to have.

“A” sends the girls some terrible text messages and these are just beginning in season 1, which is one reason why it’s a better season. While fans want to know who this person is, they aren’t sick and tired of the mystery just yet, and it’s still very compelling.

Final: The Liars’ Return To Rosewood Has Layers

pretty little liars caleb and hannah and jordan

In the first season of Pretty Little Liars, the main characters have never known a world outside of Rosewood, and they feel pretty trapped since everything is so scary.

In the final season, they have come back after spending some time away, and that brings more layers to the story. Hanna is engaged to Jordan, which makes her wonder if her romance with Caleb is actually done, and everyone is figuring out what their lives should look like.

First: Emily’s Coming Out Storyline

Emily Fields smiling on Pretty Little Liars

In the season 1 episode “There’s No Place Like Homecoming,” Emily and Toby are going to go to the big dance together, but it isn’t too long before Emily comes out and is comfortable telling her friends and family that she’s gay.

Fans love Emily’s romances with Ali and Paige, and it’s very moving to watch Emily go on this journey. It’s important for fans to see a teenage girl who is comfortable with who she is.

Final: Spencer And Caleb’s Love Story Is Fresh And Exciting

Caleb and Spencer crying on sides of a door on Pretty Little Liars

Spencer is a fan favorite and has many powerful scenes, including when she and Caleb fall for each other.

While some fans were upset that Caleb and Hanna would spend time apart (and that Spencer and Toby had a gap in their love story as well), it’s definitely different to see these two characters dating. This is a unique and fresh storyline, which is a big deal since a show’s final season can sometimes be dull and tired. Even fans who didn’t want them to work out were interested to see what happened.

First: Is Ali Dead Or Missing?

pretty little liars ali return

The first season of PLL is all about Ali’s friends trying to learn where she disappeared to and how this is going to affect them.

It’s a brilliant mystery since anything could have happened to her. Is she dead? Did she go missing? Why don’t the police seem to know anything? These are all big questions that fans have while watching these first episodes. When Ali comes back, she answers some questions that the others have but not everything, and it does become a little nonsensical.

Final: The Mystery Is Finally Wrapped Up

Spencer being kidnapped by Alex Drake on Pretty Little Liars

There are two ways to look at the way that the mystery on PLL gets wrapped up: it’s lame that Spencer has a twin named Alex Drake… or it’s a brilliant explanation that makes total sense.

Some fans might love it and others might hate it, but either way, viewers do get answers. That means a lot since many TV shows leave fans with unanswered questions after the last episode.

First: The Finale Is Epic

pretty little liars emily spencer aria hanna staring at cell phones

In the first season finale episode “For Whom The Bell Tolls,” a mysterious hooded figure murders Ian Thomas. The moment when they throw him down Rosewood’s bell tower is wild and scary, and it makes for an epic season finale.

No one can find Ian’s body after that, and that is great storytelling since it proves that nothing is as it seems and the girls really don’t know what’s going on.

Final: The Liars Get Happy Endings

Ali Aria Hanna Emily and Spencer saying goodbye in series finale of Pretty Little Liars

Some of the PLL plot twists are lame so it’s nice when the final season gives the girls some happy endings. Everyone ends up with the right partner and the future is sunny.

Many of the characters are getting ready to start their families, as Hanna is expecting her first child with Caleb, and Aria says she and Ezra are looking into adoption. Even though some fans don’t like the “Spencer is a twin” discovery, this last scene between Ali and her friends is perfect.