Predator: Hunting Grounds – How To Find The Predator

Predator: Hunting Grounds – How To Find The Predator

Predator: Hunting Grounds can have matches that can end up being a chaotic mess if players don’t take time to hone their survival skills. With stealth and hard-core alien weaponry, The Predator is a force to be reckoned with if players don’t know how to spot him.

Predator: Hunting Grounds was released on April 24, 2020, by IllFonic. It’s an asymmetrical online experience that pits a small group of mercenaries called “The Fireteam” and the infamous extraterrestrial-hunter in a lush, open map. The matches alternate to where one player will control The Predator while other players will play the Fireteam in a group of four. The player that either catches (or kills) The Predator will be able to play him on the next round. Both gameplay experiences are vastly different based on the weapon selection and move-set between both sides. Hence, the dwindling numbers on the side of the humans can get heart-pumping by the end of the match if players are not well-versed on spotting the alien head-hunter.

The mercenaries come equipped with a standard arsenal of weapons such as; sniper rifles, assault rifles, grenade launchers, machine guns, shotguns, pistols, and SMGs. They also have gear that ranges from; ammo bags, grenades, medkits, and decoys. The Predator has his own unique toys such as the; net gun, plasma cutter, elder sword, smart disc, war club, and Yautja bow. His gear also ranges from; audio decoys, beartraps, and motion detectors. Of course, all these items are unlocked through leveling up after each match. Even though The Predator is a highly efficient hunter, he’s not exactly flawless at covering his tracks. In order to be triumphant with every match, it is recommended that the Fireteam develops a sense of situational awareness and observe their surroundings.

How To Find The Predator In Predator: Hunting Grounds

Predator: Hunting Grounds – How To Find The Predator

As the Fireteam, the first thing that players need to do is find and acquire all the resources on the map. Any smart player that’s controlling The Predator will destroy all the resources first and that will seriously hinder the team. Having proper equipment will up the ante in both combat scenarios and observation. It’s especially important to focus on “orange dots” on the mini-map which are weapon lockers that have heavy-duty firepower available. Thus, players communicating with each other is the backbone toward surviving the round as well as spotting the location of The Predator.

If nothing else, ‘Pinging’ toward the location of The Predator helps narrow down its general vicinity. If players do manage to ‘Ping’ The Predator, it will be ‘outlined in red’ while behind objects and it will be forced to retreat out of sight in order to disappear. It will also appear as a “green dot” on the player’s mini-map for a short amount of time.  Certain players who get joy in using The Predator’s iconic ‘shoulder cannon’ will further narrow down their position because of its red laser sighting. More than likely, these types of players will be perched in the trees as opposed to going toe-to-toe with the Fireteam.

With a keen eye, The Predator will be fairly easy to see when it’s moving, whether it’s cloaked or not. The cloaking device can be highly effective while remaining still, but during movement, The Predator can quickly become a moving target. If The Predator is shot while invisible, his cloaking device will temporarily be deactivated which will fully expose the player. This can help the Fireteam get a feel to where the player is retreating to. Not to mention, that the ‘neon-green blood’ will be trailing behind the wounded Yautja, in which the Fireteam can easily follow.

Audio Clues To Find The Predator in Predator: Hunting Grounds

Even though there’s a lot going on during any given match, there are rich audio clues emitting from all around that assists in pinpointing exactly where The Predator is. The sounds of tree branches falling overhead, the weird “clicking noise” that comes from the Yautja’s throat, or a “roar” in the distance while the player is healing are essential hints. There are also very distinct sounds that come from the weapons of The Predator. If a player launches a plasma bolt with their ‘shoulder cannon’ and misses, this can be a major opportunity to locate where it came from. Even a small skirmish from across the map with another teammate or AI can easily be heard and gives a small window of time to damage The Predator.

Predator: Hunting Grounds is available for PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows.