Power Rangers’ Ultra Gold Omegazord Is the Death Ranger’s Ultimate Form

Power Rangers’ Ultra Gold Omegazord Is the Death Ranger’s Ultimate Form

Contains spoilers for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #100!Zords and their combined Megazord forms have been a staple of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers since their television debut in 1993. Seeing the newest iteration of the giant robots is one of the major pleasures of each new team, but fans have never seen one as terrifying or awesome as the new Ultra Gold Omegazord.

The Power Rangers’ Zords are bio-mechanical machines. Each is bonded to one of the members of the Rangers, going all the way back to the first appearance of the original Dinozords in the pilot episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, “Day of the Dumpster.” Those smaller Zords are then able to combine into even larger robots called Megazords. These combined forms are much more powerful and formidable than the individual Zords, often capable of destroying giant monsters with a single swipe of their weapons, though they do typically require a team of rangers to operate.

In BOOM! Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #100, by Ryan Parrott, Moisés Hidalgo, and Marco Renna, readers are introduced to the Ultra Gold Omegazord. This new Zord is created after the Death Ranger – while controlling Jason the Red Omega Ranger – calls upon the Ultra Omegazord and combines it with the Death Ranger’s own Gold Zord to create a terrifying new threat. The angelic weapon is incredibly powerful, with a single beam from one of its multiple wings capable of taking down a regular Zord.

The Final Form of a Monster

Power Rangers’ Ultra Gold Omegazord Is the Death Ranger’s Ultimate Form

This new Zord builds on the original Ultra Omegazord, but it sports a pair of golden wings and an upgraded suite of weapons. Perhaps most impressively, thanks to their former position as the Gold Omega Ranger, the Death Ranger can control this Zord without the need of a team of additional rangers. This new Zord is yet another reason why the Death Ranger proved to be such an interesting and unbeatable enemy to the Power Rangers.

Once known as Spa’ark, the Death Ranger was an Omega Rangers before being killed and transformed into their current villainous form. With power over life and death, they are on a mission to bring their perverted form of justice to the galaxy by resurrecting the dead. However, their version of life is resurrecting people in a zombie-like state. This gives the Death Ranger the power to raise and control a galaxy-spanning undead army. With a solo-controlled Zord of immense power and control over a zombie legion, the Ultra Gold Omegazord is a godlike villain form.

power rangers ultra gold megazord

The Power Rangers are used to calling upon their Zords to deal with gigantic monsters, but this newest threat is turning their own powerful technology against them. The Death Ranger’s unique powers mean that even once their body is destroyed, they can still control the Ultra Gold Omegazord, meaning the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will have to push themselves to the limit to even compete against this towering new threat.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #100 is available now from BOOM! Studios