Power Rangers Reveals The DEATH Ranger, The New Non-Binary Ranger

Power Rangers Reveals The DEATH Ranger, The New Non-Binary Ranger

Warning! Spoilers for Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 by BOOM! Studios

The world of the Power Rangers is expanding as the brand new Death Ranger, the Power Rangers’ new non-binary Ranger, will debut in a new one-shot expanding on the history of the Omega Rangers. BOOM! Studios revealed a new comic titled Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 that will introduce the terrifying new character and explore how the Omega Ranger became corrupted.

The Omega Rangers are a thousands-year-old team of Rangers who fought against some of the darkest threats in the universe. The Omega Rangers team has elemental powers, as the Yellow Ranger is powered by Earth, Blue by water, Red by fire, and Black by air. However, the new one-shot will reveal a new member of the Omega Rangers, as the Death Ranger will make their debut in the Power Rangers universe in a brand new story that will showcase the non-binary character.

Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 by Paul Allor (GI Joe), and Kath Lobo (Good Game, Well Played) is a new one-shot that will share the secret history of the Death Ranger. In the tease for the issue, the non-binary Ranger was originally part of the Omega Rangers thousands of years ago, as the heroes used their incredible elemental powers to protect against some of the most dangerous forces in the universe. Unfortunately for the Omega Rangers, their former team member was “seduced by the death-defying powers of the Rangers’ greatest foe,” leading them to become the Omega Ranger. Milennia later, the Death Ranger will connect to the Omega Vault in Safehaven. Check out the cover for Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 by Keyla K. Valerio.

Power Rangers Reveals The DEATH Ranger, The New Non-Binary Ranger

Writer Paul Allor confirmed that the Death Ranger is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, just like the entire alien race the unnamed Ranger comes from does. Check out the Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Ranger #1 unmasked variant cover by Goni Montes.

Power Rangers Death Ranger 1

ComicBook.com also revealed another cover featuring the new non-binary Ranger, as Death Ranger takes the spotlight in a stunning new cover from artist Derrick Chew.


Check out the full solicit for Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Rangers #1.

“THE LEGENDARY OMEGA RANGERS defended the universe from evil thousands of years ago, the six of them using their elemental powers to protect others from sinister forces. But that all changed when one key member turned on the others, seduced by the death-defying powers of the Rangers’ greatest foe.”

With a slick design and an intriguing backstory tied to the Omega Rangers, the non-binary Ranger appears to be a welcome addition to the Power Rangers universe. Readers can see the Death Ranger in action and discover what turned them into the darker version of the Ranger when Power Rangers Unlimited: The Death Rangers #1 from BOOM! Studios arrives in comic book stores and online retailers on August 31st.