Power Rangers Got Dark New Armor By Sacrificing Their 90s Powers

Power Rangers Got Dark New Armor By Sacrificing Their 90s Powers

It used to be that a Power Ranger without their Power Coin was not much of a force for good, but in the alternate Power Rangers reality known as the World of the Coinless, Rangers are able to function near the level of their “coined” colleagues. When the Coinless have the chance to reclaim their Power Coins in Anthony Burch and Simone Ragazzoni’s Power Rangers: Lord Drakkon – New Dawn #3, some question the need for their power coins at all.

Lord Drakkon, the World of the Coinless timeline’s version of iconic Power Ranger Tommy Oliver, is seemingly dead, leaving a power vacuum in this reality, giving the surviving Rangers an opportunity to resurrect the original team.

Power Rangers Got Dark New Armor By Sacrificing Their 90s Powers

However, Zack and Trini, leaders of the Coinless resistance since Drakkon’s rise, reject their Power Rings. They opt instead to share the Rings’ energy to arm and protect the Coinless rebels.

Drakkon’s Sinister Use of the Power Coins

Mastadon Sentries from Power Rangers: Lord Drakkon New Dawn

As depicted in Power Rangers: Lord Drakkon – New Dawn, the World of the Coinless diverges from the mainstream Power Rangers timeline with Tommy Oliver’s turn to darkness and subsequent rise to power. First under the thrall of classic villain Rita Repulsa, Tommy – now known as Drakkon – soon overthrew her and began consolidating his power. Having captured the Rangers’ Power Coins, rather than destroy them, Drakkon harnessed their energy to further his plans of domination. His use of the Power Coins this way diluted their energy so that no individual could rival him. Further, it provides an energy source for his newly created army, known as the Ranger Sentries.

Sharing the Power Coins Limits Power Rangers’ Abilities

Power Rangers: Lord Drakkon - New Dawn, the Coinless Remain the Coinless

The New Dawn miniseries shows that, despite lacking access their powers and the Morphin’ Grid, Zack and Trini were able to form a legitimate resistance to Drakkon’s rule. However, with Drakkon now gone, the Power Coins he used are returned to the surviving Rangers: Zack, Trini, Scott, and Kimberly. While Scott wants to use his coin to regain his Red Ranger abilities, Zack, and Trini decline, arguing that times have changed, that all citizens need access to the Morphin’ Grid. Ultimately, Kimberly and Scott are swayed by Zack and Trini’s argument. Their decision to results in the establishment of a new unified resistance force led by the former Power Rangers.

Along with their band of Coinless rebels, their ranks swelled by defecting members of Drakkon’s Ranger Sentries, the ’90s Rangers also receive armor and weapon upgrades, in order to compensate for their fully “coined” powers. While sharing the Power Coins limits a Ranger’s individual abilities, it appears to have made the heroes of the World of the Coinless a stronger team than before – and they will need that strength to face what lies ahead. Indeed, while their reality does not know it yet, the World of the Coinless is about to be drawn into a Power Rangers multiverse war, perhaps the greatest test of any Power Rangers team yet.

Power Rangers: Lord Drakkon – New Dawn #3 is now available from Boom! Studios.