Power Rangers’ 90s Bullies Are Finally Actual Heroes

Power Rangers’ 90s Bullies Are Finally Actual Heroes

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #5 Bulk and Skull are two of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ most iconic side-characters, but their reputation is less than heroic, as they were originally depicted as bullies who would pick on the teenagers they didn’t know were actually Power Rangers. This twist of perspective is incredibly ironic given how much Bulk and Skull looked up to the Power Rangers, as they dreamed of the day they, too, could be heroes. Well, that day has finally arrived, as these ‘90s bullies are finally actual heroes.

Farkas “Bulk” Bulkmeier and Eugene “Skull” Skullovitch were introduced in the very first episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and they have essentially been around from that point forward–including the comic book continuation. In the most recent one, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, Bulk and Skull prove that they’re more than just goofball bullies, but are actually capable of making a difference. They do so by collecting footage of the villains responsible for all the mayhem in this crossover, and then they provide that vital information to news outlets, which then passes the information along to the public. The details Bulk and Skull gathered assuredly saved people’s lives by keeping them informed, and one veteran TMNT hero confirms just how important that role truly is.

TMNT’s April O’Neil Confirms Power Rangers’ Bulk & Skull are Heroes

Power Rangers’ 90s Bullies Are Finally Actual Heroes

In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #5 by Ryan Parrott and Dan Mora, the Ranger X Ninja Turtles and the Mighty Mutant Power Rangers were battling the forces of Rita Repulsa and Krang, and the scene was much too dangerous for any news station to allow their reporters to enter. However, in a previous issue it was revealed that Bulk and Skull had already been captured behind enemy lines by Bebop and Rocksteady, and they had a fully-functional camera with them. Bulk and Skull are no strangers to working a camera, as they did so many times in MMPR, but here, they actually used their media technology talents for good. They got exclusive footage of everything that happened, exposing who the bad guys were while shining a light on the heroes. Not only that, but they exposed the danger of this situation, which assuredly saved lives. Bulk and Skull truly proved their bravery and heroism, which is something that was confirmed by April herself as she gave them recognition for their bravery on live television.

Bulk and Skull Already Became Power Rangers (But Not Heroes)

Bulk and Skull become Power Rangers.

While it is good to see Bulk and Skull actually using their skills for good, this crossover isn’t exactly the first time. In the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Annual 2016 story “Unlucky Heroes”, Bulk and Skull actually become Power Rangers. The original Rangers were captured by a dastardly villain, and Zordon had no choice but to recruit Bulk and Skull for the roles of the Orange and Purple Rangers. While their memories are wiped of the event after they put their lives on the line to save the Power Rangers, the good they did will forever be remembered. However, with this latest act of heroism–one which won’t be ripped from their minds–they know for themselves what kind of heroes they can be when given the opportunity.

Like when they became Power Rangers, Bulk and Skull are no strangers to finding themselves in situations where they shouldn’t be, but then somehow coming out alive after proving to be nothing more than doddering fools. Here, however, Bulk and Skull actually set out to do something heroic and then succeed in that task, rather than stumble into heroics by complete accident. Plus, this time, Bulk and Skull will actually be able to remember all the good they did, proving to themselves and to fans alike that they’re more than just the ‘90s bullies from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, but are actually (finally) heroes.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #5 by BOOM! Studios and IDW Publishing is available now.