Power Rangers: 10 Moments That Prove Lord Drakkon Has Become the Franchise’s Best Villain

Power Rangers: 10 Moments That Prove Lord Drakkon Has Become the Franchise’s Best Villain

Lord Drakkon, the central villain of Power Rangers’ comic book continuation, is unquestionably the franchise’s best antagonist. It’s only apropos, seeing as Drakkon is derived from the franchise’s best Ranger, Tommy Oliver. In a major change to Power Rangers lore, Drakkon hails from an alternate universe where the original Green Ranger remained evil after recovering from Rita Repulsa’s mind control, subsequently conquering the multiverse and ruling as its overlord.

Even when the multiverse was saved, Drakkon continued to find new ways to devastate those around him. He may not be the biggest or strongest villain of the franchise, given how Dark Specter is effectively the Thanos of this universe, and even keeping in mind how powerful the Empyreals are as the remnants of the God-tier Emissaries Three. However, what makes Drakkon stand out is how he remains the comic series’ most persistent baddie, to this day. Just when everyone thinks he’s finally out of the picture, Drakkon returns with another diabolical tactic up his sleeve. Here are 10 moments that prove Drakkon is the Power Rangers franchise’s best villain.

Power Rangers: 10 Moments That Prove Lord Drakkon Has Become the Franchise’s Best Villain


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BOOM! Studios Power Rangers has not only recontextualized classic characters from the show, but in many cases, reinvented them completely.

10 “Killing” Jason, Effectively Winning The “Great Battle”

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #12

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #12, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers watch Lord Drakkon kill Jason the Red Ranger

In his timeline, after Lord Drakkon fully committed to being evil, he and Rita Repulsa planned for one final assault against the Command Center, in what was described as the “Great Battle.” Their army fought the severely outnumbered Rangers, as Zordon tried to transform Jason into the White Ranger. Unfortunately, Drakkon invaded the Command Center before the process wa complete. After disposing of Jason, he took the White Ranger power for himself, combining it with his Green Ranger suit to create the armor that Drakkon is known for wearing now. It was later retconned that Drakkon faked Jason’s death, imprisoning him instead. Still, Drakkon’s forces defeating their opposition’s leader was the beginning of the end.

9 Destroying Zordon

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #15

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #15, Lord Drakkon kills Zordon

The destruction of the Command Center at the hands of the Black Dragon resulted in Zordon traveling aimlessly through the time warp. He was so deep within the time warp that he became able to access the memories of his alternate reality’s counterpart in the World of the Coinless. From there, he learned Tommy’s alternate fate of becoming Lord Drakkon, as well as the fate of the Coinless Zordon. Moments after Drakkon killed Jason to win the Great Battle, he turned his attention to Zordon, destroying his chamber pod, killing the Rangers’ founder. Drakkon solidified his dominance by eliminating both the team’s Red Ranger and their mystical leader in one flail swoop.

8 Sneaking Into The Main Timeline After His Coinless Defeat

Lord Drakkon evades Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Tommy Oliver by jumping off a cliff

When main canon Tommy and Billy were transported to the World of the Coinless, they managed to neutralize Drakkon’s powers and his army permanently. Drakkon admitted defeat, but even he knew this was just one losing battle on the eve of a bigger war. Drakkon leapt off of a cliff to his apparent death – but, really, he was just lying in wait. As the main canon Rangers created a portal back to their universe, Drakkon snuck alongside them, joining the main timeline. Even though he was immediately captured by Promethea, and the Rangers’ most controversial leader, it all played a part in Drakkon formulating a plan that would lead to the “Shattered Grid” arc.

7 Killing Saba

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #24

After liberating the World of the Coinless from Lord Drakkon, main-continuity Tommy Oliver brought Saba – the ancient instrument that proves pivotal later in creating the White Ranger – back with him to his home timeline. Unfortunately, though, when the Rangers learned that Drakkon was under Promethea’s custody, Saba feared the worst. Determined to end Drakkon before he could do damage to this timeline, too, Saba confronted him with intent to kill, but was countered. Drakkon snapped the sword’s neck/handle, using the dagger to escape. Meanwhile, when Drakkon was driven crazy later down the line, he frequently spoke to Saba as if it were still alive.

6 Killing Main Continuity Tommy Oliver

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #25, Lord Drakkon kills Green Ranger Tommy Oliver

With the “Shattered Grid” storyline officially beginning this issue, Lord Drakkon wasted no time making the most of his newfound freedom by hunting the main-continuity Tommy Oliver. After deceiving Ninjor into returning his powers, Drakkon wanted to supercharge the original Green Crystal that gave Tommy his powers. Drakkon couldn’t have picked more tragic timing, as Tommy just wrapped up his first date with Kimberly. Seconds before they would’ve shared their first kiss, Drakkon appeared behind Tommy and stabbed him in the back. Tommy’s soul would resurface through space and time, thanks to the Ranger Slayer, but physically, he died that day and was M.I.A. from most of Shattered Grid as a result.

Lord Zedd as a Power Ranger


11 Ways The POWER RANGERS Comics Have Redefined Franchise Lore

BOOM! Studios continues to build upon the history of the Power Rangers franchise by expanding to its vast lore in new and exciting ways.

5 Mind Controlling Kimberly, Turning Her Into The Ranger Slayer

Go Go Power Rangers #12

Go Go Power Rangers #12, Lord Drakkon transforms the original Pink Ranger into the Ranger Slayer

In the World of the Coinless, Kimberly dedicated her life as one of the resistance leaders, determined to put a stop to Drakkon once and for all. Drakkon, though, believed Kimberly could be more of an asset to him than anything else, since they had proven so evenly matched, and spent years evading each other’s kill attempts. Using an old spell from Rita, Drakkon opted to mind-control Kimberly, making her the Ranger Slayer. Even when Kimberly eventually overcame his imprint, the time spent with Drakkon left enough of a mark on her for years that she then became obsessed with atoning for her sins.

4 Creating A Brand New World

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid #1

The final step of Lord Drakkon’s master plan was to directly enter the Morphin Grid. From there, after taking care of the Emissaries Three, and acquiring the heart of a Morphin Master, he dismantled the multiverse completely, reshaping a world in his image. In a universe where he was the hero of his own story, everyone swore unwavering allegiance to Lord Drakkon. Changes to the new, unified timeine ranged from Zordon and Rita playing Tommy’s parents, to Anubis Cruger being his dog, Billy his car washer, Finster his butler, and so on. The city, schools, and programming were all about Drakkon, with seemingly no end to his reign in sight – until the soul of Tommy spoils Drakkon’s world.

3 Joining the Omega Rangers

Power Rangers #1

panels from Power Rangers #1, Lord Drakkon alongside the Omega Rangers

Despite being defeated in his most intricate scheme, Drakkon later returned inside of a comet, though not like he was before. This time, he was a far more deranged, lost, and even fearful version of himself, as he warned the Rangers of the incoming threat of the Empyreals. The Mighty Morphin team was skeptical, hesitant to believe his words, and instead kept him captive under their Command Center. The Omega Rangers, though, were talked into helping Drakkon escape so that, in return, he would help teach them about these Morphin Grid monsters and help defeat them. Though everyone involved was hesitant, Drakkon became a part of the Omega Ranger squad.

2 Manipulating Omegas And The Empyreal To Get His Powers Back

Power Rangers #12

As it turned out, the Empyreal threat was all a ruse from the beginning on Drakkon’s behalf, right from the start of his ominous warning to the Rangers. After his defeat during Shattered Grid, Drakkon was trapped in the void of what was left of his universe. There, he watched the Orange Empyreal kill the Red Emissary. Knowing he was next, Drakkon pleaded that he was useful to the Empyreal, promising to seek out the Omega Rangers and bring them to him. The Empyreal sent Drakkon back to the main timeline, via a comet. By keeping his end of the bargain, Drakkon was gifted his freedom and his powers back, pulling off the ultimate double cross.

1 Forming The Drakkon Rangers

Power Rangers Unlimited The Coinless #1

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Coinless #1, the newly formed Drakkon Rangers

Much like how the previous several entries made clear, unlikely alliances can sometimes be forged in order to deal with a common, universal threat. As evil as Drakkon has been, even he knows when there are bigger fish to fry, and besides himself, the franchise has seen no threat bigger than Dark Specter. When Dark Specter’s army grew in numbers and his forces charged across the universe, Drakkon realized it was time to recruit old enemies to take him down. He acquires the services of resistance leader Bulk, Omega Blue Ranger turned villain Kiya, his former Ranger Slayer Kimberly, and her right-hand women Trini and Scorpina, forming them into an all-new Power Rangers team.