Pokémon Horizons Teases A New, Mysterious Region

Pokémon Horizons Teases A New, Mysterious Region

Warning: Spoilers for Pokémon Horizons, Episode 24Pokémon Horizons returned from break with a lot of new information for fans, but most tantalizing of all is the mention of a new area of the Pokémon world, an alleged Pokémon paradise. This paradise location was the ultimate goal of the Ancient Adventurer, Lucius, who has been teased as one of the strongest trainers in history.

At the end of the previous episode, fans were left with a mysterious word, “Rakua,” which was stated by an illusion of Lucius conjured up by the mysterious turtle Pokémon now identified as Terapagos. Liko, Roy, and Friede finally managed to make contact with Liko’s grandmother, an adventurer herself by the name of Diana. Diana revealed that she discovered the pendant which became Terapagos a long time ago, and found it alongside a diary of Lucius’ adventures, chronicling his search for a land known as Rakua. This goal necessitated putting together a team of absurdly strong Pokémon, including the Black Rayquaza, Galarian Moltres, and the Titan Arboliva already seen in the series.

What is Known About Rakua, Pokémon’s New Mystery Location

Pokémon Horizons Teases A New, Mysterious Region

Unfortunately, before Diana could hand over Lucius’ diary, the team came under attack by the Explorers, so further information on Rakua has been withheld for the moment. However, there’s a little more that can be inferred from what’s already been stated. While other parts of the Pokémon world are referred to as “regions,” the suffix meaning “region” hasn’t been used alongside Rakua as yet. That may suggest it’s a different sort of place, although exactly how is a mystery. It’s discussed in a manner that makes it sound mythical, perhaps a place akin to Atlantis of Greek myth. Additionally, “Rakua” is very similar to rakuen, the Japanese word for paradise.

Searching for a lost place that’s said to be a paradise is a fitting goal for a legendary adventurer, and it’s certainly the sort of quest that would require a very strong team to achieve. Terapagos reacted very strongly when it heard the word “Rakua,” which may suggest a more substantial connection between it and the mysterious land. Perhaps Lucius was searching for Rakua to return Terapagos to its home, which might indicate Rakua is home to other varieties of Pokémon that have never been documented before. It has not yet been made clear if Lucius ever actually found Rakua, or what his intentions for the place might have been if he did.

The Pokémon world has been littered with the remnants of ancient civilizations, so perhaps a long-lost land of legend shouldn’t be all that surprising. With Rakua now on the Rising Volt Tacklers’ radar, it seems likely that the airship and its crew might start searching for this paradise for themselves. Perhaps reaching this paradise is even the reason why the Explorers want so desperately to obtain Terapagos/the pendant, so the heroes will have to be careful not to lead the villains straight to their goal. Pokémon Horizons seems to be setting up a new arc here, and the mysterious land of Rakua lies at the heart of its next mystery.