Poison Ivy’s Love for Harley Quinn Just Made Her Powers Stronger

Poison Ivy’s Love for Harley Quinn Just Made Her Powers Stronger

Warning: SPOILERS for Poison Ivy #6 by DC Comics

In a fight for her life, Poison Ivy just used her love for Harley Quinn to gain her greatest power upgrade yet. In Poison Ivy #6 by DC Comics, Pamela Isley faces off against the Floronic Man, who is responsible for transforming her and giving her powers against her will. When her girlfriend Harley is threatened by the villain, Ivy’s rage grows to an all-new level as her powers get stronger than ever before.

Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn make one of comic book’s best couples, despite being a relatively new pairing in the DC Universe. While Harley’s origin and friendship with Ivy date back to her first appearances in Batman: The Animated Series, they officially began their romance in the 2010s, quickly becoming one of the most important and beloved couples in all of comics. In a new DC Comics story, Poison Ivy just gained a massive power upgrade after Harley’s life was threatened, as her love for the antihero made her stronger.

In Poison Ivy #6 by G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara, Brian Level, Arif Prianto, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and Jay Leisten from DC Comics, Poison Ivy faces off against her version of the Joker, the Floronic Man. The villain who unwillingly gave Ivy her powers tries to murder his former student, overwhelming her with a series of attacks, including making her cut her own throat. However, as Ivy bleeds out, the Floronic Man tells her he’s going to “track down” Harley Quinn and “turn her inside out.” That turns out to be a huge mistake.

Poison Ivy’s Powers Get Stronger After Harley Quinn Is Threatened

Poison Ivy’s Love for Harley Quinn Just Made Her Powers Stronger

The Floronic Man threatening Harley Quinn fuels Posion Ivy’s rage, as her powers go stronger than ever before, as she finds a new level of rage she didn’t know she even had. It allows her to take on a terrifying form and take down the Floronic Man once and for all. Poison Ivy’s love for Harley Quinn literally helps her increase her powers and stop the villain from killing her.

Ultimately, the Floronic Man made a huge mistake by threatening Harley Quinn, as it ended up getting Poison Ivy, who was on the ropes and seemingly on the cusp of defeat, so enraged that her powers got even stronger. The moment shows that no villain should ever mess with the love between Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn unless they want to face the wrath of the plant-based villain, as Pamela Isley literally becomes stronger if you threaten her greatest love in the DC Universe. Poison Ivy #6 by DC Comics is in comic book stores now.