Point Break 2 Script Reveals What Happened To Keanu’s Johnny Utah

Point Break 2 Script Reveals What Happened To Keanu’s Johnny Utah

Point Break 2 Script Reveals What Happened To Keanu’s Johnny Utah

The script for a highly anticipated Point Break sequel will answer one of modern cinema’s most burning questions, whatever happened to Johnny Utah? The original Point Break began development in 1985 and was finally released in 1991, achieving critical and commercial success and scooping $83.5 million at the global box office. With Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze in the lead roles, the movie follows an undercover FBI agent investigating a group of bank-robbing surfers. The film developed a cult following and helped further develop the style and career of its future Academy Award-winning director, Kathryn Bigelow.

Acclaimed for its merge of high-octane action, rich characters, and dynamic editing, Point Break is regarded as one of the greatest action-thrillers of all time. The ending of Point Break was left open-ended, with Keanu Reeves’ Johnny Utah walking away and tossing his FBI badge into the ocean as his former friend (and wanted criminal) surfs toward certain death. Fans have spent years speculating what might have become of Utah and whether or not his story would ever be concluded. And with the critically panned 2015 Point Break reboot featuring a very similar ending, it seemed unlikely the character’s story would ever be entirely wrapped up.

However, according to reports from Slash Film, the script for a Point Break sequel series will finally revisit this beloved character’s story. Speaking in a recent podcast discussing the film and any future developments, W. Peter Iliff, screenwriter of the original movie, announced that he had penned a Point Break TV show that focuses on Johnny Utah’s daughter, and, according to the writer, the story will also reveal what became of Utah. Read Iliff’s comments below:

“Johnny Utah has been missing. His body’s not been found. He’s [been reported] dead for years. There’s a mystery around where he is, and you’re going to find out – he’s not dead. There’s a bigger story that evolves around that, while she gets involved in this eco-terrorist movement, which of course is now a big thing.”

Keaun Reeves holding gun and looking at bank robber wearing a Ronald Reagan mask

Iliff revealed more details about the script and the direction the story would look to go. Utah’s daughter, a former Olympic snowboarder driven to retirement through injury, would also become an FBI agent and follows in her father’s footsteps, going deep undercover with eco-terrorists. However, according to Iliff, there is some doubt about whether the TV show will ever happen, with the Patriot Games writer revealing that the schedule of Keanu Reeves and the upcoming Matrix sequel is making it complicated. He revealed, “They made an offer to Keanu to executive produce this television series – not to star in it, just to executive produce. But Keanu’s busy… he’s a busy man, so we can’t get his commitment, so I can’t get Alcon [Entertainment] to do this.

From Iliff’s comments, it appears unlikely that the show will happen at all, and, if it does, it could well end up being that the series is produced but uses a different name and different set of characters, and there is no link to Point Break. Obviously, fans will be hoping that the TV show goes ahead and that the character of Utah gets the send-off he deserves, and TV adaptations have become hugely popular in the past decade. With plenty of streaming services on offer these days, there would surely be plenty of streaming options for any TV show that might be produced. But, as Reeves is currently in post-production on both the fourth Matrix movie and John Wick 4, it seems unlikely he will get around to any Point Break sequels any time soon.