PlayStation 5 In-Store Restock Confirmed At Best Buy

On Thursday, September 23 at 7:30 AM local time, select Best Buy stores will begin selling a limited quantity of PS5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles to customers who lineup and receive tickets. News of the PS5 and Xbox restock at Best Buy first surfaced earlier this week in a report from TechRadar’s US Editor-in-Chief, Matt Swider.

Sources familiar with Best Buy’s operations reportedly told Swider the retailer hadn’t received new stock for either console in well over a month; last week, however, the store gained somewhat of a stockpile for both. The TechRadar report also mentioned another piece of information that’s since been confirmed – Best Buy will distribute the hardware in a manner similar to its handling of GPU sales. Thus, those who get in line early enough to receive a ticket at the door may very well get their hands on one of the supply-constrained PlayStation and Xbox devices.

YouTuber Jake Randall confirmed Best Buy will indeed sell a limited number of PS5 (Digital and Disc) and Xbox Series consoles tomorrow, September 23. It didn’t take long for the retailer to corroborate, posting links to a Best Buy store page packed with details about the “Next-Gen Console In-Store Event.” At 7:30 AM local time, employees will hand out one ticket per person, asking each customer which console they prefer. A blurb on the Best Buy page reads in part, “If you receive a ticket, you will be guaranteed the opportunity to purchase the console for which you have received a ticket.” The webpage additionally lists all participating stores; at a glance, most states seem to be represented. How many devices each shop can sell remains a mystery, but Jake Randall told followers his local Best Buy in Nashua, New Hampshire only has 50 in stock.

It’s possible most stores will similarly carry only 50 or so consoles, which doesn’t come as much of a surprise. The PS5 and Xbox Series remain severely supply constrained. Sony claims it has enough PS5 parts to reach its fiscal year sales goal of 14.8 million units sold, but semiconductor manufacturers maintain the stock shortages may not let up until 2022 at the earliest.

Despite the ongoing shortages, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S continue to sell like hot cakes, even breaking sales records in the process. The newest hardware from Sony is the fastest-selling console in US history, for example. And the Xbox Series devices quickly became the fastest-selling Xbox consoles to date.