Pixar’s Ratatouille: 5 Of The Funniest Moment (& 5 Of The Saddest)

Pixar’s Ratatouille: 5 Of The Funniest Moment (& 5 Of The Saddest)

In Pixar’s Ratatouille, we meet Remy, who has big dreams of becoming a chef. The only problem is, Remy is a rat, and in Paris, France, one of the premier dining destinations in the world, rats are never, ever allowed in the kitchen. While digging through trash cans and garbage dumps with his family, Remy likes to create different flavor combinations with what he finds on the street, while the rest of his family doesn’t stop to taste much. 

Remy knows he could be a great chef, if only he could get the chance to work in a real kitchen. As fate would have it, Remy meets Alfredo Linguini, and he may just be the one who can help make all of Remy’s cooking dreams come true.

Funny: Remy Can Read

Pixar’s Ratatouille: 5 Of The Funniest Moment (& 5 Of The Saddest)

While on an adventure to find the perfect spice for his latest creation, Remy and his brother, Emily, break into an old lady’s kitchen to steal her saffron. The two rats carefully make their way through the counters and shelves, trying their best not to get caught. The two brothers make the most out of their adventure, stopping to check out the old lady’s things. At one point, Remy reads a label, to which Emile asks, “You read?” When Remy admits that he does, Emile is disappointed and has a follow-up question, “Does dad know?”

Sad: Remy Loses His Family

Remy looks at Paris in Ratatouille

Emile and Remy eventually give themselves away while in the old lady’s kitchen, and the old lady is not happy about it. She chases the rats with a shotgun and eventually, the chase causes the entire ceiling to cave in, revealing Remy’s family and their home.

The rats must flee quickly with the old lady on their tails. Remy does his best to keep up during the escape, but eventually loses his family in all of the chaos and is left alone and without a home.

Funny: Auguste Gusteau Appears

Remy looking at a framed photo of Gusteau in Ratatouille

Remy’s idol is the late, great chef, Auguste Gusteau. Remy loves Gusteau’s recipes and cooking shows and idolizes everything he did during his life. Once Remy is separated from his family and it feels like there’s no hope left for him, Gusteau magically appears right in front of him, in a tiny floating ghost form, and insists that Remy leave the sewers and explore Paris. Remy does as he was told, but even out of the sewers, it’s hard for Remy to break his old habits. When Remy tries to steal food from a kitchen, Gusteau reminds him, “You are cook! A cook makes, a thief takes!”

Sad: Linguini Gets A Job At Gusteau’s

Ratatouille Disney Pixar Movie Secrets

We first meet Linguini when he comes to the kitchen at Gusteau’s, a very fancy, well-known restaurant in Paris. Linguini is clumsy and unsure of himself. With him, he carries a letter, from his mother who has died. Linguini explains that he has trouble holding down a job and that no one really expects much from him, so his mother wrote this letter and said it should help him get a job at this restaurant.

The mean boss, Skinner, takes the letter and makes Linguini a garbage boy, but as we eventually find out, that letter contains valuable information that makes Linguini much more than just an average garbage boy.

Funny: Linguini’s Soup

On his first night on the job, Linguini manages to find himself in a bit of trouble. As he cleans the floors of the kitchen, he spills some soup. Instead of telling a chef what happened, Linguini decides to fix the problem himself, as Remy looks on, horrified. Linguini has no idea what he’s doing and he’s ruining the food, so Remy jumps into action and fixes the soup himself, but not before the two are caught and Linguini takes the blame, which turns out to be a good thing because the soup is delicious and Linguini gets promoted to a chef position. The only problem is, Linguini has no idea how to cook.

Sad: Remy Gets Caught

After the soup incident, Remy thinks the coast is clear, but it’s not. While still in the busy kitchen, Remy is discovered, and it doesn’t look good for him. Linguini scoops Remy into a jar and turns to his co-workers. Skinner instructs Linguini to kill Remy, so Linguini excuses himself and takes the trapped rat outside.

Once they’re alone, Linguini tries to get the nerve to do as he was told, but he can’t. He sits down, looks at the rat, and realizes that the rat can understand what he’s saying. Linguini lets Remy out of the jar and the two quickly become friends.

Funny: Remy Teaches Linguini To Cook

Once Remy and Linguini make it back to Linguini’s home, they have a lot of work to do. Linguini is now expected to cook at his new job, but he has no idea what he is doing in the kitchen, so Remy steps up to help his new friend. A montage plays out as Remy instructs his new friend. The biggest hurdle is that though Remy can understand Linguini, he can’t talk to him, so there is a lot of body language and sign language being used between the two, which is hysterical for viewers to watch. 

Sad: Skinner Reads The Letter

Skinner, the head chef of Gusteau’s and Linguini’s very mean boss, finally gets around to reading the letter Linguini brought with him when he first asked for a job. Skinner’s eyes read over the words and widen as he takes in the new information. It’s later revealed that this letter from Linguini’s deceased mother explains that Linguini is Auguste Gusteau’s biological son.

This could mean a lot of bad things for Skinner, the greedy little man who doesn’t want to give over control of the very popular restaurant. So, Skinner hides the information, thinking no one else will ever get their hands on this big secret, not even Linguini himself.

Funny: Remy Controls Linguini

Remy figures out that if he climbs under Linguini’s toque, he can control Linguini like a puppet, using Linguini’s hair as the puppet strings. If he pulls a little hair on Linguini’s right, his right arm will raise, and the same happens on the left. After a little bit of practice, the two seem to have the routine down and are ready to get to work. In fact, they get so good at it, at one point, Linguini sleeps standing up at Remy controls his movements and cooks in the kitchen at Gusteau’s, while a very confused Colette watches Linguini move.

Sad: Linguini Kicks Remy Out Of The Kitchen

Linguini and Remy have a disagreement and around that same time, Remy is reunited with his family. When Remy’s family learns that he has access to a kitchen with all that food, they decide to take advantage. The rats sneak into the kitchen and start taking and eating whatever they can get their hands on, thinking no one is around, but Linguini comes back to the kitchen to apologize to Remy for their argument and discovers Remy and his whole family have broken in. Angry, Linguini kicks Remy out and it looks like he really wants Remy to stay out.