Pixar Already Proved Your Toy Story 5 Doubts Wrong (Twice)

Pixar Already Proved Your Toy Story 5 Doubts Wrong (Twice)

Pixar’s latest announcement that Toy Story 5 is happening may seem like overkill to fans of the animated toy franchise, but considering the popularity of the previous films, Toy Story 5 is likely to be just as amazing as its predecessors. The original Toy Story was released in 1995 and has since had four films in the Toy Story world, all of which have done incredibly well with critics and audiences. The most recent film, Toy Story 4, had a hard-hitting finale that seemed like the perfect ending, but now another movie is coming and will hopefully (and likely) reach the same levels as the previous films.

Typically, sequels can be a fantastic or messy addition to a franchise. It is not uncommon for sequels like Toy Story 5 to mar a movie series completely, and Pixar is not an exception to this rule. However, when it comes to the Toy Story franchise, Pixar continues to get it right. Even twenty years after the original, writers can give protagonists Woody and Buzz a new story that is as heartwarming and hilarious as the first, despite fans’ doubts. Because of this magic touch and impressive track record, it seems unfair to doubt the upcoming franchise shake-up, Toy Story 5.

Toy Story 3 Was Never Needed — But Was Amazing

Pixar Already Proved Your Toy Story 5 Doubts Wrong (Twice)

One worry that plagues Toy Story fans is that Toy Story 5 isn’t necessary to the toys’ plot and shouldn’t be made. This is a valid concern, but this fear should be put to rest when it comes to Toy Story. When Toy Story 3 came out a decade after the second film, it wasn’t needed for the overall story. However, it was an amazing sequel and quickly became beloved. Making a movie that adds to the original story can be scary, but with the addition of incredible characters like Toy Story 3’s Lotso and entirely new settings, Toy Story 3 blew fans’ doubts out of the water.

Because of Toy Story 3’s success as a “not needed” addition, it would only make sense that Toy Story 5 could have the same fate. As long as the toys are still up and running, any amount of movies could be used to extend the Toy Story franchise, though this fifth one has specific areas to be explored left by Toy Story 4. In this way, Toy Story 5 can do what the franchise does best: expand the toys’ world.

Fans Worried Toy Story 4 Would Hurt 3’s Perfect Ending — But It Didn’t

Woody And Bo Peep staring lovingly at each other in Toy Story 4

Another major concern for Toy Story lovers is that Toy Story 4’s perfect ending will be ruined by Toy Story 5. Yet again, this fear arose when Toy Story 4 threatened Toy Story 3’s sad ending, and again, the doubts were erased once the movie was released. Though Toy Story 3 offered a heartwarming conclusion of the toys becoming Bonnie’s after Andy went to college, writers could still add onto that story for even more adventure, which, once again, ends in a bittersweet, touching way.

In the case of Toy Story 4, Woody and Bo leave Bonnie’s toy gang and start a new life with the Lost Toys, and they hope to reunite with their children along the way. Though this ending felt like a perfect finale, it leaves plenty of room to explore, as writers can delve into Woody’s new life on the road and the lives of the original toys without Woody. There are certainly risks at play with these new storylines, but once again, Pixar has proved doubts wrong several times over when it comes to Toy Story sequels.

Toy Story 5 Deserves A Lot Of Faith (Pixar Gets This Franchise Right)

Woody and Buzz falling with style in Toy Story (1995)

Although it can be scary to potentially see a favorite franchise get ruined by one bad movie, Pixar’s Toy Story should garner more faith from its fans. Over two decades, Pixar has managed to create a franchise that has never disappointed and has always blown viewers away. Once again, this track record should not only be acknowledged but seen as a show of good faith that Toy Story 5 will be just as amazing as the previous Toy Story films. With so much story left to be told, Toy Story 5 is an exciting venture that is sure to bring plenty of laughter and tears to audiences for the fifth time.