Peacemaker’s Yellow Lantern Upgrade Proved He’s an A-Tier Antihero

Peacemaker’s Yellow Lantern Upgrade Proved He’s an A-Tier Antihero

He may not get much respect in the DC Universe, but Peacemaker’s brief alliance with the Sinestro Corps revealed an interesting connection to an A-list hero. Christopher Smith earning a Yellow Power Ring surprisingly put him in the company of one of DC’s top-tier characters.

Though he’s as much a part of the DCU as any other hero, Peacemaker hasn’t ever really made it to the upper echelon of heroes. He’s been on a few superhero teams such as the Living Assault Weapons and the Suicide Squad, but Christopher Smith is largely his own man. Peacemaker’s mission of attaining peace at whatever the cost has given him a reputation for being overly violent. While he’s gotten a bit of a push since his appearances in movies and a self-titled TV show, the character remains one who is hardly on anyone’s radar in the DC Universe.

But Christopher proved that he’s on the same level as one notable DC hero in the oddest way possible. In Blue Beetle #20 by John Rogers and Rafael Albuquerque, the DCU is under siege by the fallen Green Lantern, Sinestro, and his army of monstrous ring-slingers. After several deadly battles in space, the Sinestro Corps has come to Earth to mount their final assault. Thankfully, the Green Lanterns are there, and because of a new law in the book of Oa, the Lanterns are allowed to use lethal force against Sinestro and his army. As the battle between the two Lantern factions rages on, Green Lantern Hannu kills a member of the Sinestro Corps, causing its ring to seek out a suitable replacement. The ring makes its way to Texas where it greets and forcefully inducts the Corps’ newest recruit, Christopher Smith, the Peacemaker.

The Sinestro Corps Put Peacemaker In Batman’s League

Peacemaker’s Yellow Lantern Upgrade Proved He’s an A-Tier Antihero

Peacemaker isn’t the only DC hero to have the Sinestro Corps come knocking. Before the start of Sinestro’s assault on the universe, a Yellow Power Ring tried bringing Batman into the Corps. But through a combination of his own willpower and Bruce’s previous exposure to a Green Lantern’s ring, he was able to successfully reject Sinestro Corps. So out of all the Earth-based heroes to be recruited, the first two were Peacemaker and the Dark Knight.

No matter the medium, Peacemaker has struggled in being taken seriously as a hero. From his name to his hypocritical motivation, Smith just doesn’t have the ‘it’ factor most superheroes seem to possess. But the Sinestro Corps could have chosen anyone on Earth, and in the absence of Batman, it picked Peacemaker. Is he as well known for being able to being able to terrify criminals and make himself a symbol fear? Admittedly no, but he is seriously dedicated to achieving peace, no matter what he must do to attain it, and that is pretty scary. It’s not the most traditional way of being honored, but thanks to the Sinestro Corps, Peacemaker found himself on the same level as Batman.