Peacemaker Just Got the Happy Ending the DCEU Will Never Give Him

Peacemaker Just Got the Happy Ending the DCEU Will Never Give Him

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Peacemaker Tries Hard! #6!While his end has yet to come in the DCEU, at least one Peacemaker has finally gotten the happy ending he’s more than earned. Peacemaker Tries Hard! comes to a close and Christopher Smith finally finds gets the win he’s needed for some time.

In Peacemaker Tries Hard! #6 by Kyle Starks and Steve Pugh, the Doom Patrol’s nemesis the Brain has just been put in the body of Chemo, a living toxic weapon. Peacemaker and his associate, the Golden Age Hero Red Bee, race to stop the villain, but unfortunately, Red Bee decides to sacrifice his life to give Peacemaker a shot at finding happiness for himself.

Peacemaker Just Got the Happy Ending the DCEU Will Never Give Him

Peacemaker mourns his friend and honors Red Bee’s sacrifice by taking care of his bee colonies. Despite the tragedy, Smith’s birthday rolls around, and it’s surprisingly well-attended. Patrons of a nearby bar, Johnny Blackhawk, and even the Suicide Squad and Amanda Waller all stop by to honor Smith’s special day and congratulate him on saving the world. Peacemaker reflects on the journey he’s been on and all the special bonds he’s formed. Even when the Demolition Team stops by seeking revenge, Peacemaker has plenty of people backing him as he prepares to kick ass.

Peacemaker Has Found the Community He’s Desperately Needed

Peacemaker and His Friends DC

Peacemaker might be a hyper-violent, loud, uncouth jackass, but at his core, he’s actually a very sweet person looking for companionship. Peacemaker Tries Hard! explored a more tender side of Smith after Peacemaker bonds with a dog he named Bruce Wayne. Unfortunately, Peacemaker’s pup was kidnapped by the Brain to force Smith to steal Deathstroke’s DNA so Brain could create a new body for himself. Peacemaker went through hell and back to rescue his dog and along the way, met new people who helped him grow as a hero.

Peacemaker Tries Hard! portrays Smith as the same kind of well-meaning jerk he is in the DCEU. Like his live-action counterpart, this version of Peacemaker wants to be a good person and wants connections with others. He strongly desires to be taken seriously as a superhero, even if he knows he’s never going to be one of the greats like Green Lantern. While the Peacemaker television series is showing it’s possible for Smith to have a happy ending, Peacemaker Tries Hard! goes ahead and gives him the kind of closure that helps him find true happiness.

Peacemaker Can Have a Happy Ending if He Works for It

Peacemaker Tries Hard 3 Cover

Peacemaker is a lot of things, but at his core, he just wants people in his life. What started as a search for a missing dog ended up teaching Smith valuable lessons about responsibility, reciprocation, sacrifice, and friendship. Peacemaker Tries Hard! demonstrated that someone like Christopher isn’t completely beyond having a good ending as long as he’s willing to acknowledge his flaws and work on them. In doing so, Peacemaker found the people who appreciate him for him, finally giving him the genuine contentment he’s longed for. Peacemaker Tries Hard! #6 is on sale now.