Peacemaker Admits He Hates a Surprising Bat-Family Hero, Setting Up a Pitch Perfect Rivalry

Peacemaker Admits He Hates a Surprising Bat-Family Hero, Setting Up a Pitch Perfect Rivalry

Warning: Potential Spoilers for TITANS: BEAST WORLD #5!

Peacemaker has at last confronted the Bat-Family member he’s harbored longstanding animosity towards, and surprisingly, it’s not Batman but Nightwing. Smith’s disdain for Dick Grayson is unexpected, given that even formidable villains like Deathstroke find it hard not to respect Nightwing. Nevertheless, this brutal confrontation has set up what could be an extremely entertaining and ongoing rivalry.

In Titans: Beast World #5 by Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis, and Eduardo Pansica, Peacemaker is standing guard in the Bureau of Sovereignty as Amanda Waller awaits the commencement of her strike against those infected with Beast Boy’s spores—an attack with the potential to claim a million lives.

Peacemaker Admits He Hates a Surprising Bat-Family Hero, Setting Up a Pitch Perfect Rivalry

Fueled by the urgency to avert this impending tragedy, Nightwing infiltrates the military base, hoping to convince Waller to call off the devastating strike. It is here that Smith and Dick find themselves in a confrontation, during which Peacemaker candidly discloses the reason behind his hatred for Nightwing.

Peacemaker Admits He’s Always Hated Nightwing

TITANS BEAST WORLD #5 featuring Peacemaker punching Nightwing in the face.

Despite stating his intention to just have a conversation, Waller denies Nightwing’s request to talk and immediately unleashes Peacemaker on him, plunging them into a fierce and brutal battle. In the midst of their confrontation, Smith reveals, “I’ve always wanted to beat some of that smug superiority out of you.” This revelation not only exposes Peacemaker’s longstanding resentment towards Nightwing but also unveils that the root of his dislike for the hero lies in his perception of Dick’s supposed sense of superiority.

The revelation that Peacemaker despises Nightwing for his perceived “smug superiority” is surprising, given that such a characterization is distinctly uncharacteristic of Nightwing. Dick’s heroic persona is celebrated for his virtues of compassion, intelligence, wit, and charisma. Despite his unwavering commitment to a moral compass, he has never used his sense of morality as a pedestal for claiming superiority over others. Hence, it’s plausible that Peacemaker’s animosity toward Nightwing stems more from Smith’s personal insecurities than from any legitimate criticism of the hero’s character.

Amanda Waller DC


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The final hours of “Beast World” draw near and the DC Universe’s troubles are only beginning as Amanda Waller gets the promotion of a lifetime.

A Regular Rivalry Could Be Developing Between Nightwing and Peacemaker

TITANS BEAST WORLD #5 featuring Nightwing beating Peacemaker in a fight

Peacemaker and Nightwing both share a penchant for verbal sparring, with Dick always armed with a witty quip and Smith’s unfiltered nature making him exceptionally entertaining. Though Smith may not present a formidable combat challenge to Dick, the banter battles between these two hold undeniable potential for an official rivalry. The enticing prospect of this banter-filled dynamic evolving into a more regular occurrence between the two holds substantial comedic value, providing a compelling reason for DC to grant Nightwing and Peacemaker more page-time together.

Titans: Beast World #5 is available now from DC Comics!


TITANS BEAST WORLD #5 cover featuring Doctor Hate
  • Writer: Tom Taylor
  • Artist: Ivan Reis, Eduardo Pansica, Danny Miki, and Júlio Ferreira
  • Colorist: Brad Anderson
  • Letterer: Wes Abbott
  • Cover Artist: Ivan Reis, Danny Miki, and Brad Anderson