Parasite Eve Might Be The Next Dead Horror Series Making A Comeback

A new trademark filed by Square Enix hints that Parasite Eve will be the next horror franchise to see a revival. There are lots of classic horror game franchises being revived in the modern era, including the Dead Space series, and the Silent Hill franchise is returning in 2023 with brand-new entries as well as a remake of Silent Hill 2.Parasite Eve is a series of video games that act as a sequel to the 1995 novel of the same name. The series follows Aya Brea, a New York City police officer who develops the ability to control mitochondria, granting her special abilities. She faces off against Melissa Peace, another woman with mitochondrial powers, who wishes to wipe out humanity and birth an ultimate being. The second Parasite Eve was more of a survival horror game in the Resident Evil mold, while the third entry is more of a third-person shooter. The first Parasite Eve is considered the highlight of the series, with an action RPG gameplay system that is similar to Vagrant Story‘s turn-based/action approach to combat.Related: Silent Hill 2 Remake: Why James’ Face Looks So WeirdThe last entry in the Parasite Eve series was 2010’s The 3rd Birthday, which was met with a cold reception that seemingly killed the franchise. The time might have come for a Parasite Eve revival, however. According to Gematsu (as spotted by Wario64 on Twitter), Square Enix has trademarked the word “Symbiogenesis” in Japan, which is a word connected to the Parasite Eve franchise, as it refers to two organisms merging to form a new one. There’s a chance that this could be used as a subtitle for a new entry in the series, or as a name for a remake or remaster.

Square Enix’s New Trademark Hints At New Parasite Eve

Square Enix has been remaking/remastering a lot of its old library lately, with November seeing Tactics Ogre: Reborn coming to Nintendo Switch and other modern systems, Front Mission 1st: Remake also coming to Switch, and December seeing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song Remastered, and Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. 2022 has already seen Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition, Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster, and Live A Live. It’s clear that Square Enix is all-in on updating its library and Parasite Eve could be on the list for a remaster in the vein of the PS1 Final Fantasy remasters, or maybe a full-blown remake of the game, like the Resident Evil 4 or Silent Hill 2 remakes.

The original Parasite Eve isn’t available on modern platforms and can only be acquired on the PS3’s PlayStation Store (which is closing). The game is in dire need of an updated release, so “Symbiogenesis” could refer to a new iteration of the first game. It’s also possible that there could be a reboot, in order to distance the series from The 3rd Birthday. Parasite Eve was one of the best games on the original PlayStation and it’s long overdue for a return. Then again, “Symbiogenesis” could just be one of the random names Square Enix loves to use for its games, and Aya Brea will have to wait a bit longer to come out of retirement.