Paranormal Activity Gets a Digital Comic Book [Updated]

Paranormal Activity Gets a Digital Comic Book [Updated]

[This Article Contains Paranormal Activity SPOILERS]

Man, I can’t wait to see the heads of those of you who HATED Paranormal Activity (about 50% of the audience) explode!

Paranormal Activity has inspired an online comic book from IDW Publishing, written by comic book industry veteran Scott Lobdell (Uncanny X-Men, Fantastic Four, Wild C.A.T.S.), which has appeared in shiny polished digital format over at iTunes.

Update: If you want to preview the first 5 pgs of the comic book, go HERE.

If you thought that Paranormal Activity was a boring-as-hell movie about nothing, then you’re probably wondering to yourself how that premise – a young couple haunted by a demonic spirit – ever translated to the comic book page.

Entitled The Search for Katie, the online comic follows [SPOILER ALERT] the demonologist mentioned but never seen in the film, as he searches for Paranormal Activity main character Katie, following her possession by the demon. Here’s the official synopsis, courtesy of Shock Til You Drop:

Katie has gone missing. And Dr. Johann Averys, an internationally renowned demonologist, is determined to find her! PARANORMAL ACTIVITY didn’t stop on the final frame of the movie—in fact, the story is just beginning!

Writer: Scott Lobdell

Artist: Mark Badger

Letterer: Chris Mowry

Editor: Chris Ryall

You can pick up the comic for .99 cents over at iTunes by going HERE. Or, as stated above, you can preview the first 5 pgs by going HERE.

Paranormal Activity Gets a Digital Comic Book [Updated]

Katie is still out there…

Paranormal Activity had multiple endings that were screened for audiences . However, the premise of this comic confirms the “body-at-the-camera” theatrical ending as the official winner. I always thought that ending would make for a good lead-in to the forthcoming Paranormal Activity sequel, but I guess the studio isn’t going to wait that long. Will the misadventures of Dr. Johann Averys serve as the prologue to the sequel? We’ll see.

If you liked Paranormal Activity, please check out the comic and then let us know what you think.

Side Note: How did they ever get Scott Lobdell to do this???

Paranormal Activity will be on DVD/Blu-ray on December 29th.

Update Source: Bloody-Disgusting