Paradise PD: D&D Moral Alignments Of The Main Characters

Paradise PD: D&D Moral Alignments Of The Main Characters

The show Paradise PD is an adult animated comedy series on Netflix that follows a police department in a small town. From a “drug-sniffing” dog that has developed an addiction, to a senior citizen that somehow remains a member of the police force, Paradise PD has no shortage of strange characters.

Through it all, Kevin Crawford, the main-protagonist and Chief Randall Crawford’s son tries to be the best police officer he can be. Unfortunately, his father seems dead set on making it difficult for him by not providing him with the proper equipment and support. Needless to say, this series is full of outlandish characters which beg the question, where do they fall on Dungeons and Dragons Moral Alignment chart?

Lawful Good- Mayor Karen Crawford

Paradise PD: D&D Moral Alignments Of The Main Characters

A recurring character in the series, Mayor Karen Crawford not only runs this small town rampant with crime. She also has to deal with her psychotic ex-husband who happens to be the police chief. Although she’s far from being squeaky clean herself, she does what she can to make sure Chief Randall Crawford treats their son fairly.

It takes some doing to accomplish this, Randall is especially difficult to deal with and Kevin is too childish to stand up for himself. Through all of this, Mayor Crawford has to address her drug rampant town. As she tries to do her best managing the “argyle meth” crisis, Mayor Karen Crawford is as close as you can get to “lawful good” in this series.

Neutral Good- Kevin Crawford

The “goodie-two-shoes” of the series, Kevin Crawford had an obsession with becoming a police officer at a very young age. Unfortunately, he was scarred forever after injuring his father…twice. Shooting off Randall’s prized possessions is without doubt the reason why their relationship has been rocky. However, regardless of his father’s efforts to discourage him, Kevin pushes on.

Although most of the time completely oblivious, Kevin has turned into quite the police officer. He’s done well to combat the argyle meth problem in the town and is usually at the forefront of every investigation. Kevin also isn’t as “straight-edge” as some may think, frequently going behind his father’s back to continue his investigations.

Chaotic Good- Chief Randall Crawford

The remaining member of the Crawford family, Chief Randall Crawford is a mix between absolutely insane and a diligent police chief. Believe it or not, he used to love Kevin, up until Kevin permanently mutilated him. Since then, Randall has been a whirlwind of emotions, usually caused by him using too many testosterone patches.

Even though Randall spends most of his time impeding his sons attempt at becoming a great police officer, at certain times he means well. Deep down, way deep down, he’s proud of what his son has been able to accomplish. Although he might not show it, he’s hurt that he’s no longer married and spends most of his time alone. But even with all these emotions, he tries as hard as he can to be a good police chief.

Lawful Neutral- Stanley Hopson

It’s difficult to say anyone in this series is “lawful”, but if you interpret the law how Officer Hopson does, he fits the criteria. Officer Stanley Hopson is…strange to say the least. He’s the oldest member of the police department and frequently abuses his power as the department’s elder to exploit people. He’s even gone as far as to lock Chief Randall out of the police headquarters, requiring him to perform certain “favors” to get back inside.

You might be wondering why Officer Hopson is even employed in the police department. Great question, nobody knows why he remains at the department and Chief Randall has tried multiple times to remove him. Sticking around where nobody wants him seems like Stanley’s favorite thing to do.

True Neutral- Bullet

Originally brought on the police force to help with finding drugs, Bullet, the department’s dog has developed quite the addiction. He doesn’t have a drug of choice, he’d rather not choose and just take them all. Bullet does what he wants, he doesn’t need rules or guidelines because he can always fall back on the excuse of being a dog.

Some have argued that “True Neutral” is the most dangerous alignment in D&D. Bullet confirms this theory when argyle meth was first introduced Bullet wanted to be the first to try it. Instead, his group of “friends” got to it first, killing all of them in the process. Rather than change his ways, Bullet goes on being the department’s dog that sniffs drugs for all the wrong reasons.

Chaotic Neutral- Gina Jabowski

Although she’s not evil, Officer Gina Jabowski is the most frightening person in this small town. She’s past tough on crimes and perhaps borders closer to sadistic than psychotic but somehow she possesses the capability of being a good cop. Criminals are frightened of her and probably the only reason the criminals haven’t completely taken over the town.

However, Gina has her setbacks, mainly her obsession with Dusty. She constantly harasses her fellow officer due to an obsession caused by a brain injury. Although Gina does a great job as a police officer, she only does it for the self-gratification that comes along with it.

Lawful Evil- Gerald “Fitz” Fitzgerald

In the first season, Officer Fitzgerald seemed to be a pretty straight-up guy. He was struggling with PTSD which is why he didn’t carry a gun but slowly through the season we saw “Fitz” come into his own and become a pretty great cop. Towards the end of the season, we found out that this was all an elaborate rouse and Officer Fitzgerald was the argyle meth kingpin.

Fitzgerald’s evil knows no limit, he’s easily manipulated Kevin into believing Dusty was the argyle meth kingpin and was able to even employ Santa Claus. Fitzgerald also leaves no witnesses, when Terry Two-Toes was arrested, Fitzgerald murdered him the night before he was going to be interrogated. Paradise City’s resident “bad guy” Fitzgerald is a real menace to society.

Neutral Evil- Dusty Marlow

Now it’s not necessarily fair to call Officer Dusty Marlow “evil” but he has committed mean or distasteful crimes when he is pushed to do so. It’s hard to blame him considering he’s the police department’s body shield, using Dusty to absorb bullets during raids and making him sneeze to repel the bullets back. Dusty is the punching bag of the department so it’s no wonder he occasionally has to let loose.

One of these moments was during the “Christmas in Paradise” episode, Dusty is very excited for Christmas but makes a stunning discovery. He finds out that Santa Claus is responsible for the mass deliveries of argyle meth. Dusty goes into a frenzy and ends up killing “Santy”, shortly after he’s arrested and framed for being the argyle meth kingpin.

Chaotic Evil- Robby

Probably the most prominent argyle meth dealer in town Robby has made quite the name for himself considering a lot of his bosses have died. Robby could also fall under the category as one of the most off-putting characters in the series. Robby only looks out for himself, often becoming an informant and revealing the inner-workings of the argyle meth operation. The only person Robby hasn’t ratted out yet is Officer Fitzgerald.

There is one person that Robby is quite afraid of though, Officer Gina Jabowski, who frequently beats him and his counterpart Delbert quite mercilessly. A prominent player in the argyle meth operation, Robby could potentially play a big role in Season 3.