Palpatine Actor Won’t Be In Rey’s New Jedi Order Movie – Is Star Wars Done With The Emperor?

Palpatine Actor Won’t Be In Rey’s New Jedi Order Movie – Is Star Wars Done With The Emperor?

Emperor Palpatine actor Ian McDiarmid says the character won’t be appearing in Rey’s New Jedi Order movie, potentially marking his end in Star Wars. Presumed dead after Return of the Jedi, Palpatine somehow returned in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker to serve as the saga’s final villain. He was promptly destroyed again, but the means for his resurrection left the Emperor’s ultimate demise in question.

In an interview with, McDiarmid made clear that he has no knowledge of any Palpatine appearance in the New Jedi Order movie:

“I haven’t been approached.”

McDiarmid notably kept his work for The Rise of Skywalker a secret until the official reveal at Star Wars Celebration in 2019, and he also denied involvement in Obi-Wan Kenobi. While it’s possible that he’s doing the same for the New Jedi Order film, this time Star Wars truly has a chance to move on from the Emperor.

Rey’s New Jedi Order Is A Chance For Star Wars To Break With The Past

Palpatine Actor Won’t Be In Rey’s New Jedi Order Movie – Is Star Wars Done With The Emperor?

As Rey will be building the New Jedi Order, Star Wars has a choice to make in moving the franchise forward. Many of the elements that plagued the sequel trilogy were rooted in an unwillingness to stray too far from the past, as evidenced by Palpatine’s unexpected revival. For the franchise to thrive on the silver screen once more, something fresh must be brought to the table.

The Sith will always be the sworn enemies of the Jedi, and they may rise again in the future – but not through Darth Sidious. He could theoretically make another contrived return, perhaps as a spirit hopping through bodies, yet Star Wars stands to gain nothing from bringing him back. Introducing a new antagonist who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes of the Emperor and Darth Vader could ensure that Star Wars is set for decades, and Rey’s New Jedi Order movie is the starting point.