Ozark: The Main Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Ozark: The Main Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Ozark has proven to be an incredibly gripping throughout all three seasons with a great balance of drama, action, and fantastic storytelling. But the main strength of the show is down to the brilliance of the characters and how detailed they are.

The varying personalities really help the show have a great balance and gives everyone a different person to try and route for. But ranking each personality and determining how they truly behave isn’t easy to do, which is where Harry Potter and the Hogwarts houses come into play!

Within this list, we shall be taking a detailed look at the main characters of Ozark and their personalities and revealing which Hogwarts houses they would be best suited to be in.

Gryffindor: Ben Byrde

Ozark: The Main Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses

Ben was a new character that was brought into the show for the third season. As the brother of Wendy, he was instantly thrust into the main storyline and with his Bipolar Disorder, he certainly added an interesting dynamic. The fact he didn’t really have any filter made him a wildcard in the show, and it led to a lot of problems for other characters.

He was incredibly brave by the fact he was happy to confront many people within the show, no matter how much power they had. He was also very open and honest, while old-fashioned in his thought process of wanting to look after Ruth, and because of the traits he possesses, Ben would be a Gryffindor.

Slytherin: Wendy Byrde

Wendy Byrde on a plane in Ozark.

At the start of the series, Wendy Byrde might not seem like she has what it takes to survive in the world she is thrust into. However, throughout the show it quickly becomes clear she is more than capable and a lot of that is down to how smart she is, often planning away in secret and scheming to make things happen.

She knows how to play the game in order to secure her safety and that of her family. Wendy would be a Slytherin mainly due to how calculated they are, as those wizards in that house often know how to plan and make things work to their best advantage.

Hufflepuff: Jonah Byrde

Ozark Jonah Gun

Jonah Byrde is one of the two family children, and he is also someone who really is incredibly intelligent. This is one of many reasons why he would be a great Hufflepuff, as those in that house are known for being very smart, which he shows by the fact he helps the family out countless times with his knowledge of technology.

Hufflepuffs also tend to be outsiders who beat to their own drum, and Jonah also fits into that trait. Out of all the family members, he is the most unique, preferring to be on his own, yet he is equally loyal to the family, helping out as often as possible.

Ravenclaw: Charlotte Byrde

The next Byrde family member is Charlotte, who is the daughter in the show and the older of the two siblings. However, there’s no doubt she is still a young girl who is thrown into a crazy world. However, rather than just accepting it, she uses her intelligence to make the best of the situation.

Her smartness is one of the reasons she would be a Ravenclaw, but the main reason is that people in this house are known to not be easy to trust and can backstab anyone, at any point. Charlotte goes against her own family at one stage during this show, proving there is no line she won’t cross.

Slytherin: Darlene Snell

Darlene Snell looking serious on Ozark

Darlene Snell is someone who is absolutely perfect for being in the Slytherin house, and not just because she is quite a creepy and evil character. Darlene might not seem like the brightest spark, but she is incredibly clever and is very successful at what she does.

Slytherin’s tend to be amongst some of the greatest witches and wizards and that is why she fits in. Slytherin’s are normally good leaders as well, which Darlene showcases, but they also have an ability to backstab those closest to them, which again, Darlene certainly does by killing her own husband.

Hufflepuff: Buddy Dieker

Buddy stands in front of smoke in Ozark.

Another character who would most likely fit into the Hufflepuff house is Buddy Dieker, who was involved in the first two seasons of Ozark. He was terminally ill and came with the home that the Byrne family decided to buy and while he was very much independent and stuck in his ways, he came to love the family as his own.

This is why he would make a perfect Hufflepuff because those who end up in that house tend to be loyal people. They aren’t people who will always be in the thick of the action, but when they are needed they turn up, which is exactly what Buddy does to help the Byrne family.

Gryffindor: Ruth Langmore

Ruth is one of the best characters within Ozark, and someone who really has had fantastic development. While Gryffindor might seem like a strange place to put her, this house is often the home to witches and wizards who come from tough and complicated backgrounds, making them great people by the end of their Hogwarts journey.

Gryffindor’s are also not typically always the brightest characters either, but they are incredibly hardworking and try their best to make things work. They are also incredibly brave, often putting themselves in the line of danger because of it which is something Ruth certainly does plenty of times.

Hufflepuff: Wyatt Langmore

Wyatt in his trailer in Ozark.

While Ruth might be a great Gryffindor, Wyatt is more likely to be placed into the Hufflepuff house. He’s a fascinating character who has often been conflicted about a variety of things. Despite how people judge him, Wyatt is incredibly smart and that is a trait of many Hufflepuffs.

They are also known for being loyal people, and while his trust in his family might get tested massively throughout the series, he always does stick by them, including Ruth. Hufflepuffs are also kind people, and while Wyatt may have his faults, kindness is one of them.

Ravenclaw: Helen Pierce

Helen is one of the most important characters within Ozark and is someone who is featured more as the series progresses. She is the bridge between the cartel and the Byrde family and while she claims to be the ‘family lawyer,’ that isn’t really her role.

She’s an incredibly smart and independent woman who always seems to have her finger on the pulse and is known to always have some form of an answer to issues. Ravenclaws are traditionally very wise and they are known to backstab people when needed, which Helen also happily does in order to stay in control.

Slytherin: Marty Byrde

Just like his wife Wendy, Marty Myrde is an ideal Slytherin. Everything he does is calculated and done in the dark with very few people knowing about it. He is an incredible money launderer, and he is always focused on pushing things forwards and making plans to solve any potential issues.

Marty also has no problems in crossing people he doesn’t like, even if it means murder. Slytherin’s are normally incredible wizards, and even though what Marty does is illegal, he is absolutely brilliant at it. Never settled and always wanting more, at any cost, he is a Slytherin.