Ozark: 8 Things The Show Needs To Do To Get Its Finale Right

Ozark: 8 Things The Show Needs To Do To Get Its Finale Right

Fans were left in shock following the end of the first half of season 4 of Ozark, at the edge of their seats waiting to find out what will happen in the final episodes of the Netflix show. There was so much to unpack in the first seven episodes that it’s wild to imagine that the story can be neatly wrapped up in just another seven.

Nonetheless, the episodes and events that occurred left fans with plenty of questions about how the story will proceed. Will Ruth ever find happiness? Will Omar remain in jail? And most importantly, where will the Byrdes end up?

Explain That Opening Scene

Ozark: 8 Things The Show Needs To Do To Get Its Finale Right

The opening scene of the season is a dramatic one. The Byrde family is traveling together in their car, seemingly heading back home after finally having tied up every loose end. They are about to begin a new life, free and clean of criminal enterprises.

However, in a shocking twist, they swerve to get out of the way of an oncoming truck and the car flips multiple times. One of the biggest questions fans have after the first part of season 4 of Ozark is what happens after that. Fans also want to know if it was an accident or a hit. The implication is that the entire family perishes in the crash and this is how the story ends for them. It’s unclear, however, whether this is a misdirect or the true ending exposed before giving viewers a glimpse into all the events that led up to it.

Ruth Gets Revenge

Ruth looking angry in Ozark Season 4

Ruth was screaming at the top of her lungs at the end of episode 7 after discovering her cousin Wyatt and Darlene shot dead in their home. She makes it very clear to Marty that she will not sit idly by and let the mess he created take away everyone close to her. She takes off with the baby, clearly ready for revenge.

Who she might get revenge on, however, remains unclear. Does she have something to do with that oncoming truck? Does she leave the Byrdes be and go after Omar and Javi? And does Ruth even survive? For the show to end the right way, Ruth needs to get an upper hand.

Omar Navarro Must Pay

Omar Navarro in a private plane in Ozark.

Omar Navarro might have wanted out of the drug underworld, but that doesn’t excuse everything he did up to that point. He killed a lot of innocent people and should not get off scot-free because he decided he’s willing to turn on the entire organization for the sake of his freedom.

While he was in jail when fans left him after the first half of season 4, how long Omar might stay there remained up in the air. Javi is the real villain of the final season, but Omar needs a comeuppance as well.

Javi Meets His End

Javi from Ozark talking close up to Omar, looking angry while Omar has his hand on his face.

Fans probably won’t be content with Javi simply disappearing or going to jail. They will want to see him ended, in the same way, he so callously killed others on the show, including Wyatt, who was an innocent party in all the drama. Javi dying is one of the fan predictions for part 2 of season 4 of Ozark, according to Reddit.

For the show to end the right way, however, Javi needs to first believe he has the upper hand, then be taken down near the end, just when he thinks he has all the power. Having his men and women turn on him would be the ideal way for Javi to realize he never had any power all along. That should include a face-to-face with the uncle who betrayed him.

Ruth Has A Happy Ending

Ruth holding cash in Ozark.

Fans not only want Ruth to get revenge for everything that was done to her, including losing Wyatt, one of the few family members she had left and the closest one to her, but they also want her to finally find happiness. Ruth seemed so lost for so long, simply struggling to find a purpose.

With her running the motel and having developed some useful business skills, there’s so much Ruth could do, from continuing to work as a motel owner to taking over Darlene’s farm. Fans would love to see her thriving, whether it’s in the Ozarks or with a whole new life somewhere else.

Frank Cosgrove Jr. Finds Redemption

Darlene and Frank Jr. talking in Ozark.

Frank Cosgrove Jr. went through a lot, most notably getting his private parts shot off by Darlene. Fans were angered by him when he treated Ruth poorly, but the two reconciled and he seemed to have turned himself around, at least when it comes to his treatment of and respect for Ruth.

By the end of the fourth season, he honored Ruth’s wishes, even though his father was dead, and seemed to be someone she could count on as an ally. Frank might not be the most intelligent villain on Ozark, but fans still hope to see one character who was once bad turn good on the show. And Frank has the potential to be that character.

Teaser For Potential Spin-off

Omar leaning against atable in Ozark

When a popular show ends, fans always hope for a spin-off. If the teaser, in the beginning, is any indication of what will happen, the Byrdes may no longer be around for a sequel story of any kind. But there could be spin-off opportunities for characters like Ruth.

What might the Ozarks look like once the Byrdes, Darlene, and the Mexican drug underworld are gone? Would Ruth team up with Clare Shaw to run a secret illegal drug trade parading as a legitimate pharmaceuticals company? There are opportunities, and it’s safe to assume that anything involving Ruth, fans would watch.

Someone Survives The Crash

The Byrde family from Ozark sitting around the dinner table with Chinese take-out.

It’s a long shot, but fans hope that at least one of the Byrdes managed to survive the horrific car crash shown at the beginning of the season. It could be one of the kids who then begins a new life trying to forget their sordid past. Or, it could be Marty who, after dealing with the deaths of his wife and children, decides willingly to go back into a life of crime since he has nothing left to lose.

It could even be Wendy, who has had one of the best character arcs on Ozark, finally becoming the power player she has always wanted to be. Whoever it is, it feels as though the show needs to offer some glimmer of hope that the Byrde family name won’t die with the show.