Overwatch 2’s New Rio Map Details

Overwatch 2’s New Rio Map Details

With development ramping up and new details fresh from the Overwatch 2 developer PvP livestream, fans of the team-based multiplayer FPS have quite a bit to look forward to. Originally announced at BlizzCon 2019, one of Overwatch 2‘s new maps is set in Lucio’s hometown of Rio de Janeiro, with vibrantly painted buildings and even a Lucio-themed club called Clube Sinestesia.

One of Overwatch’s greatest strengths is the diversity and likeability of its roster of unique heroes. Voice lines, cosmetic skin names, sprays, and emotes all have touches of different cultures and languages, depending on the specific hero. Heroes like Widowmaker, Winston, Hanzo, Genji, Reinhardt, and McCree even have entire maps related to their origin stories, and Rio will likely be that for Lucio. While Overwatch has previously visited Brazil for Lucioball at the Estádio Das Rãs stadium, Blizzard will likely tuck away plenty of details in the Rio map to enhance the lore and character development of Lucio and other characters.

Covered in the Overwatch 2 livestream with a handful of other new maps, updates to character designs, and changes to character abilities, the Rio map has the defense team start in Lucio’s home. Clube Sinestesia is apparently Lucio’s own club, though it’s a place the community can visit for free. Additionally, the Rio map includes a peacock carnival float Payload, a supermercado, a bar called Bar Do Peixuxa, and even a Brazilian barbeque restaurant spawn room. Many details behind Rio’s backstory are connected to story events in Overwatch 2, so Blizzard was rather tight-lipped about the broader context of the map.

The Rio map also demonstrates some of the changes in structure and gameplay Overwatch 2 will be implementing. It features winding streets that snake through a colorful favela, with many buildings that can be cut through or hidden in. Similar to the Havana Escort map in Overwatch, there seems to be plenty of opportunities to find cover and play more aggressively in Rio.

How The Rio Map Design Fits Overwatch 2’s New PvP

Overwatch 2’s New Rio Map Details

These design choices align with the new PvP structure planned for Overwatch 2; the game’s shift from 6v6 with two tanks, two supports, and two damage heroes to 5v5 with only one tank will certainly force more confrontations, since players will have less protection from barriers and shields. Alongside the 5v5 PvP multiplayer mode change was the announcement of a new game mode called Push, which features tug of war-like gameplay as teams fight over a neutral robot.

The Rio de Janeiro Overwatch 2 map is shaping up to be an exciting addition to the world of Overwatch. The game won’t release in 2021, but additional time in development should only help the anticipated sequel meet fan expectations.