Outlander: 10 Fergus Claudel Fraser Mannerisms From The Book César Domboy Nails

Outlander: 10 Fergus Claudel Fraser Mannerisms From The Book César Domboy Nails

Fergus Claudel Fraser is one of fans’ most favorite characters in the Outlander series. Fans enjoy every time he has an appearance, even when he only says a few lines. Fergus won the hearts of viewers (and readers) when he came into Claire and Jamie’s lives as a child and when he became their adopted son, fans knew the character would be around for a long time.

Due to the passage of time, the character has been played by two actors, César Domboy and Romann Berrux. For his part, César Domboy joined the cast in the third season to play the adult Fergus, a decision that the fans supported because the actor owned the character and nailed Fergus Fraser’s mannerisms – ten of which have been listed below.

Fergus’ Childhood Mannerisms & Body Language

Outlander: 10 Fergus Claudel Fraser Mannerisms From The Book César Domboy Nails

César Domboy developed his character based on the script, the books and the acting previously done by Romann Berrux. Domboy wanted to have as a reference the gestures made by the child actor, to give credibility to his role and to continue in the same line of interpretation.

The French actor took the hand movements of the young Fergus, who as a pickpocket was always attentive to all the objects around him. He also offered to his character the enthusiasm brought by the child, to replicate the charisma and spark of the other actor.

A Good Man With a Difficult Past

Fergus looking serious in Outlander

When Jamie and Claire meet Fergus in France, the boy steals in Paris’ streets to survive and sleeps in a brothel where he has a complicated life. For him, the arrival of the Frasers was a positive change, but although they offered him a better life, his past will always be with him.

Fergus was a good boy trying to survive, when he grew up, he became a good man. Regardless of all the difficulties he had to go through, he is happy and believes in people, but not in a naive way, but from the perspective of someone who knows how difficult the world can be. César Domboy knows how to transmit this kind of happy personality, but with a shadow in his past.

His Undying Loyalty to Jamie

César Domboy knew that one of the most important people for Fergus is Jamie, because he is a father figure to him. In every scene of Fergus with Jamie, the loyalty of the young man can be seen.

Fergus lost a hand trying to defend Jamie and never regretted it. Moreover, he has followed him throughout the world, because he knows that by his side, he has a family and the support of a father.

He’s Very French

marsali and Fergus aboard a ship

Fans love the fact that a French actor plays this character (who is also of French origin) because he can bring the accent, the gestures, the language and the cultural differences. All these details can be seen in a cast with many Scottish and English characters.

A lot of readers who fell in love with the character in the books, now continue to be fascinated by seeing the series, because the actor brings to Fergus the appeal and charm of the French.

The Sadness of Disability

Fergus sees Claire again in Outlander

Although Fergus is a very happy and positive person, his life is not exactly simple. In the past, he lived through painful experiences and in the present, he cannot free himself from some of them. It is difficult for him to get a job and this depresses him, because he cannot provide for his family.

César Domboy knows how to react to discriminatory comments, with small gestures that show how he really feels. Despite the sadness, there is also joy when he accomplishes something by himself and when he knows that others trust him.

How He Views Women & Family

Fergus lived all his childhood in a brothel. It was normal for him to see naked women while helping them brush their hair. Since he was a child, he had the ability to impress women with his attractiveness and natural charm and as an adult, he continues to do so.

Despite Fergus’ knowledge of women, César Domboy understood that his character, in fact, had not been with many women. Besides, for him, the most important thing is Marsali’s happiness and after marrying her, he only thinks about his family.

His Love for Marsali

Simply put, César Domboy and Lauren Lyle have great chemistry. They know how to play a young couple struggling to secure a position in society. But above all, they accurately portray the love they feel.

Fergus and Marsali fled Scotland to be together and the beginning was not easy; they had to show Jamie that they really loved each other. Domboy gives to his character looks and smiles that make the love story credible.

That Natural Charm

 Roger, Marsali and Fergus in Outlander

Fergus is an attractive young man with abundant dark hair and a noble French appearance. Besides, he has a particular charm that makes him stand out among other men. In the books, Claire claims that Fergus has become a very attractive and charming man, after 20 years without seeing him.

César Domboy successfully adds a sensitive and romantic aura to Fergus, which is part of the character’s personal charm. His attraction is intensified by the smile and gentlemanly behavior, which makes this character one of the favorites.

The Happiness of Helping

Fergus was alone a big part of his life, so he learned to fend for himself from a young age. For this reason, he is not afraid of work, but shows a longing to belong. This fact allows him to have a helpful personality.

Domboy reflects on screen Fergus’ joy when Jamie relies on him for a job. For Jamie and Claire, he would do anything, but also as a member of the Fraser clan he is willing to help anyone in need in his community.

Aristocratic Gestures

Fergus spent his childhood in France, and then, lived in Scotland until he was an adult. Although he became one of the Fraser clan, he still maintained his French behavior.

The character has the appearance of a French nobleman and aristocratic gestures, despite his humble childhood. César Domboy provided Fergus with the right mannerisms, where the character shows a correct French politeness characteristic of the time.