Outer Range Adds Major Support For The Biggest Autumn Identity Theory

Outer Range Adds Major Support For The Biggest Autumn Identity Theory

Warning: SPOILERS for Outer Range episodes 5 and 6

As Outer Range approaches its final episodes, more clues begin to appear regarding who Autumn really is. Since Outer Wilds episode 1, the identity of the wanderer who showed up at the Abbotts’ ranch has been, along with the void, Outer Range‘s biggest mystery. As if Autumn knowing a lot about the void and its strange time-travel properties was not enough, the poet also hides secrets that involve the Abbott family.

That said, how much Autumn really knows about the void and what her ultimate goal is still remains unclear. Autumn seems fascinated by the idea of time travel and carries with her a necklace made of the same ethereal material that fills the void. Earlier in the show, Autumn pushed Royal down the hole to learn what would happen to him, but one major theory about Autumn claims that she has already used Outer Range‘s void to time travel.

One of the most popular theories about the characters’ identity, and one that makes the most sense, is that Autumn is Amy – Royal’s granddaughter – from the future. Autumn’s interest in the Abbott family and in Perry, the way she talks to Royal, and the similarity in terms of looks were some of the first pieces of evidence to support that theory. There was also a certain similarity in the necklace that Autumn wears to one that Amy wears, although it was not possible to confirm for sure that it was the same jewelry. In Outer Range episodes 5 and 6, the show adds even more fuel to the theory that Autumn is Amy from the future. During episode 5, Autumn broke into the Abbott’s house under the guise of wanting to get her necklace back and ended up having a serious conversation with Cecilia. Autumn mentioned in a quite peculiar tone how one never really knows a person, even if you have known them for a long time. This may be a reference to how Cecilia fails to recognize that Autumn is actually her granddaughter, thus adding to the future Amy theory.

Outer Range Adds Major Support For The Biggest Autumn Identity Theory

In addition to the moment with Cecilia, Autumn once again approached Perry, Amy’s father. The mysterious wanderer did not take long to build a level of intimacy with Perry, and the conflicted Outer Range character felt comfortable enough with Autumn to vent about the pain of Rebecca’s disappearance. Another hint that adds to the “future Amy” theory is how Autumn keeps bringing up Rebbeca and suggesting that Amy’s mother’s disappearance is connected to something bigger – as are Perry and herself. Autumn has an interest in the Abbotts, but she clearly has a special connection to the Perry side of the family. If Outer Range‘s Autumn really is Amy from the future, then it would all make a lot of sense.

Between reveals about time travel and the consequences of Trevor’s death, Outer Range episodes 5 and 6 took the time to hint at the biggest theory about Autumn’s identity. With only two episodes left, the sci-fi TV show will have to make the most of its time to answer all the questions and tie up all the loose ends. It remains to be seen if Autumn is really Amy from the future or if it was all a perfect red herring.

Prime Video releases new episodes of Outer Range every Friday.