Outer Banks: 10 Fan Theories For Season 3, According To Reddit

Outer Banks: 10 Fan Theories For Season 3, According To Reddit

Content Warning: This article contains references to murder

After the success of the second season of Outer Banks, a third season is undoubtedly on the horizon. The series left off at a great point but there are also a handful of unanswered questions and endless possibilities for the Pogues, the Kooks, and an adventurous treasure hunt.

The thriller has everything, from romance to action, and shows just how far a group of teens will go—not just the thrill of achieving their goals—but for justice. With the Pogues last being seen on a random island with no way off, Reddit fans have a plethora of theories for what’s to come for the inevitable third season.

Will John B. Sr. Kill Ward?

Outer Banks: 10 Fan Theories For Season 3, According To Reddit

John B.’s hunt to find his dad, John B. Sr., has been a long one. It wasn’t until he became closer with Ward Cameron that he realized what happened to his dad after his disappearance. After an argument over treasure broke out on the boat, Ward pushed John B. Sr., causing his head to hit the boat and bleed. It was presumed that John B. Sr. died after Ward threw him overboard, with Ward going from being the wealthy, “nice guy” to one of the worst characters on Outer Banks.

However, it was revealed in season 2 that John B. Sr. is very much alive. With Ward wandering the streets instead of being in jail, Reddit user, CasperWyoming believes John B. Sr. will be “the one to finally kill Ward.” Considering that Ward tried to kill him, it’s a plausible theory as fans are sure John B will want revenge for what happened to him.

The End Of Topper

Topper talks to someone on Outer Banks

Fans aren’t sure why the Pogues and Kooks loathe each other, but it’s a longstanding divide for the town. With Topper being a member of the Kooks, he hated everything about the Pogues and judged their lifestyle. More than that, he hated that Sarah (a former Kook) liked the Pogues.

As angry Topper was at Sarah for leaving him for a life with John B., he helped her when he could because he loved her. But will he try to win her back? According to Reddit user, ColdsideAU, they believe so, saying, “[Topper] will try and lead the charge to get Sarah back and in the end, he will end up either dying trying to protect Sarah.” Since some antagonists go through a redemption arc, this could prove the case for Topper’s character in season 3.

The Beginning Of Cleo’s Addition To The Pogues

Cleo sits with John B and her friends while looking for gold on Outer Banks

Cleo started on bad terms with the group but slowly found her way to being a friend. At first, the only thing she wanted from John B. and Sarah was gold. But by the end of season 2, she slowly became a Pogue.

One Redditor believes that “Sarah’s the first true friend Cleo’s actually had” and it would be great if the writers could expand upon this more for depth. Furthermore, they believe something is brewing between Cleo and Pope, which is something Outer Banks fans are hoping to see in season 3.

Hello, Kiara & JJ

JJ and Kiara coming up with a plan on Outer Banks

John B., Kiara, Pope, and JJ make up the Pogues. It seemed like the three men had a small crush on Kiara but they made a pact to never make a move on a Pogue. JJ, in particular, told John B. that he had tried to flirt with Kiara but she wasn’t interested.

In season 2, this relationship was further set back as Kiara had slowly started a relationship with Pope. But when she realized they were better off as friends, some fans were hoping that the writers were attempting to build up the connection between her and JJ. As Reddit user, StandardFoundation67 said,”JJ and Kie becoming a couple” could be what’s next. Since JJ and Kiara have shown that they deeply care for one another, this theory is also probable and could easily lead them into becoming one of the best ships on Outer Banks.

Pope Gets Justice For His Family?

Pope holding hands with his Great Grandmother in Outer Banks

Pope was shocked when he found out he was related to Denmark Tanny. Denmark Tanny had been a former enslaved man and the sole survivor of The Royal Merchant shipwreck (which was said to be carrying gold worth an estimated $400 million). Denmark Tanny took this gold to buy his and his family’s freedom, while also helping other enslaved people. However, the viewers later discovered that he was killed after he tried to bury his wife.

With the second season revealing that Pope’s family was related to Denmark Tanny, some fans have begun to wonder how this will play in season 3. Reddit user Capital-Ad-3803 believes that “Pope [will] get justice for his family and end up sharing the money with his friends.” Although some believe that Pope doesn’t care about the gold, there is a chance that he could get justice for his family since Pope is now determined to find the Cross of Santo Domingo before anyone else.

Could The Backstory Of Sarah, Rafe, And Wheezie’s Mom Come To Be?

Rose standing in a boat with Wheezie and Rafe on Outer Banks

Viewers thought the absence of Sarah, Wheezie, and Rafe’s mother would be explained in the second season but it wasn’t. In the series, Ward remarried a woman named Rose who tried her best to be kind to the kids but they never respected her because she wasn’t their “real” mother.

Because of this, one Redditor thinks a backstory of the Camerons’ mother will come to be in season 3. “I’m sure [Mrs. Cameron] is dead, but interesting to find out what happened there,” they wrote. Considering a lot of the characters are coming back after presumably being dead, Mrs. Cameron being alive isn’t off the table. And if she came back from the dead, Sarah and Wheezie would have a safe space from Ward and Rafe.

John B. And Sarah’s Real Wedding

Sarah and John B smiling at each other and dancing on Outer Banks

John B. and Sarah went from being civil to enemies to friends to lovers. Many felt their love story was rushed, but they had been through so much together that their feelings for each other escalated. 

After a hectic few weeks, John B. asked Sarah to marry him, which she accepted. In their own way, they had their own ceremony and were now, in their eyes, married. While they weren’t legally married, Reddit user Sasa0206 thinks a real wedding awaits. “John B. and Sarah get a real wedding. I feel like this would happen at the end of the season, but it could also happen at the start or the middle,” they shared.

A Coincidental Island

The Pogues stranded on an island in the season finale of Outer Banks

In the season 2 finale, Ward ends up with the gold and the Pogues find themselves washed up on an island in the middle of nowhere. The Pogues have made plenty of bad decisions in Outer Banks, but being alone on an island was the safest they’ve been in two seasons. However, BruhRedditAccount has an intriguing twist that could change everything in the third season.

What if the Pogues “landed on the private island that the Camerons bought?” Now that Ward has extra money, it tracks that he would buy an island close by. But it would be ironic that it’s the island his daughter was on.

Is John B. Sr. The Real Villain?

John B Sr sitting on a boat looking at someone off camera on Outer Banks

One of the best parts about the second season of Outer Banks was finding out that John B.’s dad was alive. John B. had been lost for years and was willing to die to find out what happened to his dad. This realization will bring clarity to John B. in season 3.

However, what if John B. Sr. isn’t as clean-cut as viewers were led to believe? Reddit BoleynFR has a theory that could change everything, “Part of me thinks Big John might actually be the villain.” Finding out that the supposed victim in this story could actually be the antagonist would be an epic plot twist and would easily have fans on the edge of their seats.

Kiara’s Boarding School

Kiara leaving her parents home in Outer Banks

Kiara identifies as a Pogue while her family members are technically Kooks. Kiara comes from a wealthy family, which is why they don’t want her running around with the Pogues. To save their daughter from getting into any more trouble, Kiara’s parents wanted to send her to boarding school.

If Kiara does find herself in boarding school, Reddit Iruuune thinks she’ll “find clues from where there may be another treasure related to the Royal Merchant.” J.J. could help Kiara escape school and a new adventure begins. Kiara leaving the Pogues for boarding school would change the dynamic completely.