Our 20 Most Anticipated Movies Of 2010

Our 20 Most Anticipated Movies Of 2010

As we come to the end of 2009, it’s time to look forward and put together our list of our most anticipated movies of 2010.

Last year could have been worse – 5 of our 10 most anticipated movies of 2009 turned out to live up to our expectations (including Watchmen, Up, and Star Trek), while the other five ranged from mediocre (Public Enemies) to downright disappointing (Terminator Salvation, Wolverine, Transformers 2). Of course “most anticipated” does not necessarily mean “movies we think are going to be awesome” – it’s “movies we hope are going to be awesome.”

This year the task was made a lot easier thanks to our senior editor Kofi Outlaw putting together Screen Rant’s 2010 movie preview, giving us a one-stop list from which to gather the biggies. While last year was a group effort, this year I’ve decided to pull rank and come up with the list myself, with some fine tuning help from editors Kofi and Rob Keyes.

So, without further delay…


Screen Rant’s 20 Most Anticipated Movies of 2010:

20. The Green Hornet – December 22

Our 20 Most Anticipated Movies Of 2010

Green Hornet made it onto the list just on morbid curiosity. I’m a big fan of the 60s TV series and was hoping to see a serious take on it on the big screen. However the production has not been smooth to say the least with apparent differences of opinion between Seth Rogen, director Michael Gondry and Stephen Chow (who eventually left the production altogether), production delays, script changes, etc. We’ll see what the final product looks like at the end of 2010.


19. Edge of Darkness – January 29

mel gibson in edge of darkness

An older Mel Gibson as a father set on avenging the death of his daughter? Consider my ticket purchased and my seat reserved.


18. The Last Airbender – July 2


M. Night Shyamalan has been a victim of his own success (and his ego) with each of his films getting pretty much worse than the one that came before. However here he will be tackling something completely different from anything he has ever done before, and based on the one trailer we’ve seen so far it looks like it may turn out to be impressive. We’ll see.


17. The Wolfman – February 12


Benicio del Toro is a great actor and I’m looking forward to seeing him as the tortured soul cursed by the, uh, curse of the werewolf. It looks like they’ll be trying to do as much as they can with practical visual effects (although I’m sure there will be CGI as well) and that suits this film.


16. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time – May 28


Is this going to be any good? I have no idea – but it looks like a helluva production. And Jake Gyllenhaal as a buffed out action hero? Curiosity factor alone is enough to put this on the list.


15. The Book of Eli – January 15

book of eli

Denzel Washington as a righteous, post-apocalyptic bad-ass? Check. Gary Oldman as the bad guy? Check. A trailer that emphasizes both of those to utter awesomeness? Check. See you there.


14. Robin Hood – May 14


While some were disappointed (myself included) that director Ridley Scott decided to drop a couple of unique concepts for the story from the final product (Russell Crowe playing both Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham, the sheriff as the good guy and Robin as the villain), this still looks like a great, reality-based update of the story.


13. Alice In Wonderland – March 5

Alice in Wonderland top 5 most disappointing movies 2010

If there was ever a film that was suited to the twisted vision of Tim Burton, this is it. I’m not the biggest Burton fan and some of what I’ve seen in the trailer doesn’t quite work for me (the Red Queen’s head is so huge it looks cartoonish), but overall this is bound to be a feast for the senses and probably the closest a screen version will get to the source material.


12. A Nightmare On Elm Street – April 30


The original Nightmare on Elm Street is a horror classic and we’re all curious to see how this reboot/remake turns out. From what has been shown it seems like they may tone down the humor and dial up some of the more realistic aspects of the story. Really looking forward to Jackie Earle Haley’s take on Freddy Krueger.


11. The A-Team – June 11

the a-team

With some interesting casting choices (Liam Neeson as “Hannibal” Smith, Bradley Cooper from The Hangover and Sharlto Copley from District 9) and director Joe Carnahan (Smokin’ Aces) behind the camera, this could turn out to be a fun hat-tip to the original series.

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Click here to see our 10 most anticipated movies of 2010

10. Shutter Island – February 19

Shutter Island

Based on screenings that have already taken place, the word on this Martin Scorcese-directed, Leonardo DiCaprio-starring mystery is that it is quite excellent. I’m a big fan of both of these gentlemen and although this isn’t “blockbuster-y” it makes the list.


9. Predators – July 7

Predators header

After the debacles that were the two Aliens vs Predators movies, I was more than a bit leery about another Predators film. However with Robert Rodriguez producing, a plot that is reminiscent of the original but taking place on the Predator home world and actors like Adrien Brody and Laurence Fishburne signed up for the movie – I’m starting to thing this has a chance at being decent.


8. Clash of The Titans – March 26

clash of the titans medusa poster

Up and comer Sam Worthington takes over for Harry Hamlin in this uber-effects laden update of the classic film which featured stop motion animation by the venerable Ray Harryhausen. Based on the trailer it looks pretty impressive and may actually put the original to shame.


7. Tron Legacy – December 17

tron legacy poster

It’s looking like this 28 years later sequel is sparing no expense and is pulling out all the stops to live up to the reputation of the original, including bringing back Jeff Bridges to reprise his role. It looks gorgeous, but director Joseph Kosinski is unproven. On the bright side, the studio knows it has a lot to live up to, so we’ll see how this turns out.


6. Toy Story 3 – June 18

toy story 3 poster

Pixar + another Toy Story movie = high on the anticipation list. We’ll see if they can recapture the magic of the first two films (Who am I kidding? Of course they will).


5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I – November 19

harry potter and the deathly hallows featurettes

I’m not a huge Harry Potter fan (only ever read the first book), but I like the movies all right. I watch them once and then forget about them because frankly they all kind of run together for me. Having said that I think the most recent one is probably my favorite due to the characters maturing and the way they interacted with each other after such long friendships, and this penultimate film is the beginning of the end – should be good.


4. The Expendables – August 13

The Expendables Poster

Considering the fantastic job Sylvestor Stallone did with both the recent Rocky and Rambo movies, the hope is that this throwback to 80s action films gives fans some testosterone-laced nostalgia. With a line up that includes Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts, Bruce Willis and even Arnold Schwarzenneger this has GOT to be a wild ride.


3. Inception – July 16


Fresh off of a little film called The Dark Knight, director Chris Nolan brings us what seems to be a sci-fi mystery movie starring Leo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Ken Watanabe, Michael Caine and a slew of other big name actors. So far the marketing for this has been very mysterious, and much like Avatar in early 2009, people are looking forward to this even without really knowing what it will be about.


2. Kick-Ass – April 16

kick-ass poster

Much like 2009’s Watchmen, Kick-Ass is sure to be one of the most controversial movies of 2010. An R-rated (quasi) superhero movie in which one of the protagonists is a young girl who doesn’t hesitate to maim and mutilate the bad guys with both blade and gun, all the while mouthing off foul language that would make her at home with any platoon of Marines. Reaction has been crazy-positive on this among the fanboy crowds so it remains to be seen if this will have widespread popularity or will open big and quickly fizzle.


1. Iron Man 2 – May 7

iron man 2 trailer

And here we are at what without a doubt is the most highly anticipated movie of 2010. After the wild success of the first Iron Man film (considering the character was not nearly as well known as Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, etc.), audiences have been eagerly awaiting the follow-up from Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr. If the first trailer is any indication, Iron Man 2 may enter that short list of sequels that turn out better then the original.


So there’s our list – I’d say about half of them are pretty much a lock to be great and the jury is out on the other half. Some honorable mentions that we’re also looking forward to include Red Dawn, The Losers, Solomon Kane, Jonah Hex, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and Legion.

What movies are you looking forward to in 2010? And what do you think of our list?

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