One Star Wars Easter Egg Hints At Grogu’s Secret Backstory – But Raises More Questions Than Answers

One Star Wars Easter Egg Hints At Grogu’s Secret Backstory – But Raises More Questions Than Answers

Grogu’s backstory in The Mandalorian has mainly been kept a secret ever since his debut, but one Star Wars Easter egg has provided a new hint towards uncovering it – and has simultaneously raised new questions. Pieces of Grogu’s Order 66 backstory have gradually been revealed over time within The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett, but the events of his life leading up to the moment he meets Pedro Pascal’s Din Djarin in The Mandalorian are still shrouded in plenty of mystery. This especially concerns one key planet, the only clue viewers have to Grogu’s origin ever since his debut.

Arvala-7, a planet first introduced to the Star Wars galaxy by The Mandalorian, is so far the only planet traced to Grogu’s origin and backstory post-Order 66. Given the fact it’s a brand-new addition to the galaxy, there isn’t much known about the desolate planet other than the fact it’s inhabited by a fair number of Jawas and the Ugnaught Kuiil. Another Star Wars show, however, has since referenced the Arvala system – and it ties an interesting thread to Grogu’s own backstory.

The Planet Arvala-6 Is Referenced In Andor

One Star Wars Easter Egg Hints At Grogu’s Secret Backstory – But Raises More Questions Than Answers

Taking place during the earliest days of the united Rebellion effort, Andor references the name “Arvala” in season 1, episode 4 “Aldhani.” While reporting to his superior officer and colleagues, one Imperial Security Bureau lieutenant mentions the planet Arvala-6 in relation to Imperial mining, where he assures his superior a previous conflict on the planet had been put to rest and their mining work had resumed. The lieutenant also mentions people being displaced, which could either be implying a widespread arrest or perhaps offhandedly referencing another desolate planet in the same system where they may have put these people. Nonetheless, the sole mention of Arvala-6 in relation to mining already weaves an important thread to Arvala-7.

Arvala-7’s Encampment Is An Abandoned Mining Town

A band of Niktos protects Grogu at the encampment on Arvala-7 in The Mandalorian season 1 episode 1

While Arvala-7 is never said or seen to have any remnants of Imperial mining in The Mandalorian, the planet does indeed have an unknown mining history. The encampment on Arvala-7, as featured in The Mandalorian, is described as an “old abandoned mining town by Doug Chiang in The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Season One), a decision intentionally made to give the encampment “a little more of a history.” This mining connection only brings Andor‘s mention of Arvala-6 and The Mandalorian‘s Arvala-7 even closer together, and it provides context not just for their respective settings, but for one key character’s debut moment.

Grogu Was Kept At Arvala-7’s Old Mining Town

The first glance at Grogu's pram in The Mandalorian season 1 episode 1

Arvala-7 is the planet Grogu first appeared on, where he was secured within the safehouse at the encampment under the guard of Nikto bandits. Given the fact this encampment had actually once been a mining town and was located within the same system as an Imperial mining hub, a new connection now exists between the Empire and Grogu’s origin story. This becomes even more curious when looking at the full circumstances of Grogu’s The Mandalorian origin, particularly in the way the Empire chose to hunt him down.

Regardless of the fact the Empire clearly had a stake in and control of the Arvala system at one point, they still sent bounty hunters after Grogu on Arvala-7 rather than using their own forces, particularly in Moff Gideon’s case. Even more curiously, IG-11’s commission specifically stated that Grogu ought to be terminated, despite the Client on Nevarro offering Din the choice of dead or alive. This, then, could point towards the possibility of the Arvala system and its Imperial history being more complicated than what it seems, despite the prior abandonment of Arvala-7’s encampment. While this remains speculation for now, the connection between Arvala-7 and the Empire does make one thing about Grogu’s backstory clear.

Grogu’s Timeline Has More Clarity (& More Questions)

Andor season 1 takes place in 5 BBY, or 5 years before the Battle of Yavin as featured in A New Hope – meaning Grogu, who was found by Din roughly fourteen years later, wouldn’t have been on Arvala-7 before or during that point. Arvala-7 and, presumably, Arvala-6 would both have to be abandoned by the time Grogu arrived, as the mining town on Arvala-7 was already being used as a hideout by the Nikto bandits. While this does provide a small amount of clarity on the official timeline of Grogu’s life, it also raises more questions about how he got to Arvala-7 in the first place, and why he was near old Imperial mining hubs.

In Andor, Arvala-6 had already become somewhat of a thorn in the side of the Empire, as their restless activity was covered in an ISB meeting – and sparked a meaningful discussion among those gathered. This could mean the liberated Arvala system took it upon themselves to hurt the Empire, with Grogu perhaps being a piece of important cargo they intercepted amidst those efforts. It could also be that a potential power vacuum in the absence of the Empire led to more crime, which is how the Nikto bandits came to possess Grogu’s floating pod in the Arvala system. This, however, is still pure speculation, though it does have the opportunity to receive some key clarity in the future of Star Wars.

Now that Din and Grogu have accomplished their big adventure of reclaiming Mandalore, they both have some time to slow down in The Mandalorian season 4 to share more private moments, which will hopefully include some more backstory reveals for the two of them. Din lacks almost as much backstory as his adopted son and Mandalorian apprentice does, regardless of the fact they have both quickly become some of Star Wars’ most iconic and beloved characters. The mystery of Grogu’s arrival on Arvala-7 continues to be one of the greatest between the two of them, but it’s possible The Mandalorian will go on to reveal exactly how these threads all connect to one another.