One-Punch Man Hints One Villain is the Secret to Fixing the Series’ Monster Problem

One-Punch Man Hints One Villain is the Secret to Fixing the Series’ Monster Problem

Warning: Spoilers for One-Punch Man, Chapter #198 (JP)

As Speed-o’-Sound Sonic and Flashy Flash fight for their lives in One-Punch Man, Flashy Flash makes note of a clue that could very well turn the series’ big monster problem on its head. Spotting two ninjas who he knew were once monsterized among the enemy forces, Flashy Flash begins to realize that there just might be a cure for monsterization, and studying these two could reveal it.

The Hero Association has been very concerned with reversing the monsterization process since the end of the Monster Association arc, and Flashy Flash had just witnessed experiments towards that end before heading out to battle the other ninja, so the idea was fresh on his mind. Flashy Flash knew that these two ninjas were once monsters that he had killed, so it was definitely a surprise to see them not only alive, but human again.

One-Punch Man Hints One Villain is the Secret to Fixing the Series’ Monster Problem

Figuring this would be important information for the Hero Association, Flashy Flash makes note, and avoids killing them… but just how are they here in the first place?

Phoenix Man May Hold the Key to Reversing Monsterization

One-Punch Man: Phoenix Man revives the monsterized Ninjas.

The two ninja in question, Hellfire Flame and Gale Wind, were previously seen offering a monster cell to Sonic, which only served to make him sick when he cooked it. Following that, the pair faced off with Flashy Flash and were rapidly defeated, leaving the two monsterized ninjas seemingly dead. However, as the monster Phoenix Man battled against the S-class hero Child Emperor, he revived their bodies, causing them to battle once more on his behalf. Child Emperor’s giant mecha, Brave Giant, attacked them with electricity and defeated them again… but somehow, the two ninja were now not only alive, but seemingly unable to transform into their monster states, rendering them ordinary humans again.

Given that these two represent some of the only known people to have gone back from becoming monsters, it’s definitely worthwhile to capture them for study by the Hero Association. It seems likely, though, that Phoenix Man’s revival of them after their deaths at Flashy Flash’s hands could be a crucial part of the equation, and getting Phoenix Man’s help won’t necessarily be easy. Phoenix Man himself was last seen working as a crossing guard, and had been reduced to “Chick Man.” It’s not clear how much of his power he retained, but he’s proven himself one of the more reasonable monsters.

Provided that the Hero Association can deduce Hellfire Flame and Gale Wind’s revival is related to Phoenix Man, it may be possible to convince Phoenix Man to help them in their attempts to reverse the monsterization process. Failing that, they could always capture him, as he doesn’t seem to have the power to fight back anymore. Of course, Flashy Flash and Sonic will have to survive their confrontation with the other ninja first, and that’s far from a given, with how many opponents they’re up against. Still, it’s the biggest clue that One-Punch Man‘s Hero Association could find towards reversing monsterization, so Flashy Flash’s survival has far more riding on it than anyone could’ve guessed.

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