One Piece Shows How EVERYONE Can Get Devil Fruit Powers

One Piece Shows How EVERYONE Can Get Devil Fruit Powers

Warning: SPOILERS for chapter #1070 of One Piece.

Everyone can now get Devil Fruit powers in the world of One Piece. Thanks to Dr. Vegapunk’s most absurd invention, called “green blood”, the abilities of Paramecia-type Devil Fruits can now be synthesized and replicated through a simple transfusion. This means that, potentially, every single person in the world could receive amazing powers, and the consequences could be catastrophic.

Devil Fruits are supposed to be very rare in the world of One Piece. Common people mistake them for the stuff of legend and myth, and their abilities and users are often associated with superstitious beliefs. Devil Fruit users usually easily make their way up in the world, becoming powerful individuals, feared pirates, or high-ranking World Government officers (such as Marine Admirals). Despite the rarity of “natural” Devil Fruits, One Piece has shown that some scientists were able to replicate them, or their effects, artificially. Caesar Clown’s SMILEs are artificial Zoan Devil Fruits that carry high risks, while Dr. Vegapunk has been able to successfully replicate even Kaido’s Mythical Zoan with no real side effects.

These processes are all very lengthy and expensive, meaning that the artificial mass production of Devil Fruits is still an impossible dream. However, chapter #1070 of One Piece shows that Vegapunk has actually invented a different method to replicate the powers of Devil Fruits, which is way more convenient. By extracting the “bloodline elements” (the series’ name for DNA) of a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit user, Vegapunk can then synthesize artificial blood that he calls “green blood”. Once administered, this liquid gives the person who receives it the same Devil Fruit powers as the original donor, meaning that Vegapunk can essentially give Devil Fruit abilities to anyone in the world with a mere transfusion.

Vegapunk’s “Green Blood” Is Going To Upset The Balance Of The One Piece World

One Piece Shows How EVERYONE Can Get Devil Fruit Powers

While it’s still not clear if there are drawbacks or limitations to this process, green blood looks like a potentially world-shaking invention. As Vegapunk himself says in the chapter, replicating an entire Devil Fruit artificially requires vast amounts of resources and time, making the process impractical. For his green blood, however, he simply needs the DNA of a Paramecia user, and then the resulting fluid can be administered to everyone (unless there are specific limitations Vegapunk still has to explain). This invention is incredibly dangerous. The World Government is currently using it to give powers to the already impressive Seraphim Pacifista, but the Navy could build an entire army of Devil Fruit-powered soldiers using it, similar to what Kaido tried to do with SMILEs.

It’s still unclear what consequences green blood will have for the future of the series, but it could certainly upset the world balance. While Vegapunk’s science is so advanced that it is essentially non-replicable, if other scientists with fewer concerns, such as the former members of MADS, Caesar, Judge, or Queen, get their hands on his research, they may have a chance to do it. This means that Devil Fruits‘ powers could spread to more and more individuals, or be sold to the highest bidder, throwing the world of One Piece into chaos.

The latest chapter of One Piece is available from Viz Media.