One Piece Franky Cosplay Blurs the Line Between Art & Real Life

In a new cosplay, the Straw Hat Pirates’ resident cyborg shipbuilder, “Iron Man” Franky‘s telltale combination of organic and mechanical parts is recreated with a stunning effect that makes it seem as if he’s stepped out of the pages of One Piece.

Abandoned by his family as a child, Cutty Flam, as Franky was formerly known, was able to survive as an apprentice in Tom’s Workers, a shipbuilding and dismantling company known across the world for the quality of its work. Over the years, Franky became One Piece’s master shipwright. After his mentor Tom was blamed and falsely arrested for a crime orchestrated by an agent for the World Government, Franky tried but failed to rescue him, and was severely injured in the aftermath. As One Piece Chapter #358 reveals, however, Franky used pieces of scrap metal, and his metalwork skills to repair his damaged parts. In the process, he became the skin and metal cyborg he is today.

In a series of shots posted to Reddit’s /r/Cosplay community page, cosplay artist Logurt_98 perfectly recreates Franky’s look to such a degree that he seems perfectly normal in a world where wearable technology is becoming more ubiquitous by the day. The look is completely manga accurate and captures Franky’s ridiculous proportions in a way that few other cosplay have.

Franky’s Body Can Be Upgradedsrc

One of the main reasons Franky chose to forego the more human-like builds of his earliest days as a cyborg was his desire to not only give his body back the abilities it had before his attempted rescue of his master but augment, improve and upgrade what he could do. Just as Tony Stark is constantly improving his armor to get it better functionality, Franky tinkers with his body in One Piece for the same reasons. Logurt_98 best illustrates the ways Franky has modified his body for the better in the shot of him bringing his two massive blue-block forearms together to form shield-like protection for his head and face. Logurt_98’s attention to detail is stunning as he even includes the strange fact that Franky’s metal forearms are still able to grow hair.

Unlike other Franky cosplay artists, Logurt_98 is not held back by his obscenely large forearms and hands. Instead, he makes it a strength of the cosplay. The cosplay stands out because it hews so closely with Franky’s appearance in One Piece. In the manga except for his head, all other parts of Franky’s body are cartoonishly accentuated. Logurt_98’s cosplay of Franky from One Piece doesn’t run from that but embraces it. The cosplay is so much better for it.