One Piece: 10 Best Fan Ships

One Piece: 10 Best Fan Ships

Over 101 volumes and 20 seasons, One Piece continues to garner attention from its loyal fan base as well as attract new viewers. The action-packed series and rich storytelling have brought together many individuals from around the world into one big fandom that discusses various topics.

It’s not only known for its action-packed scenes and rich storytelling, but for the fun and colorful characters that the viewers have met. And with the number of characters that have been introduced, it is no surprise to anyone that certain characters would be shipped together.

Luffy and Nami

One Piece: 10 Best Fan Ships

Luffy, the powerful straw hat-wearing pirate, and his navigator Nami are among the most popular and common ships amongst the fandom. The relationship started as a supposedly temporary arrangement before Nami became attached to Luffy and the crew, their bond developing over time and causing fans to take an interest in shipping the pair.

While they can be very argumentative and sometimes violent on Nami’s side, they have a very trusting relationship, and she is one of his closest confidants. She also seems to be the only one who can stop Luffy, most of the time, from being completely reckless and tries to talk him down from putting himself in dangerous situations. Only time will tell if this fanship will become a reality.

Luffy and Boa Hancock

Boa Hancock Swooning Over Luffy

Considering Luffy is the main character, he’s the one that’s more than likely to be shipped with another character. Boa Hancock, the Pirate Empress, is a popular choice by the community regarding Luffy’s ships.

The fandom discusses this pair a lot due to Hancock’s genuine interest in Luffy. Boa fell in love after his selfless sacrifice as well as the kindness he showed while protecting her sister’s secret. And even after being rejected, she loves Straw Hat Luffy. It would only make sense for these two to be a noteworthy addition to this list.

Zoro and Komurasaki

Komurasaki holding on to Zoro in One Piece

Seemingly infatuated from the start, the proud Komuraski was drawn to one of the best characters, Zoro. And so were the fans of this potential pair.

Komuraski found Zoro to be trustworthy enough to open up to. She also considers Zoro an admirable warrior who helped her in her time of need. Despite Zoro not showing any interest, this does not deter the fans from pairing these two up and hoping they become official.

Sanji and Viola

Viola holding on to Sanji in One Piece

Daughter of the previous king, Viola, and the crew’s cook Sanji is one couple that comes up often. Both showing some amount of attraction to one another has grabbed viewers’ attention and their hopes for the couple to become official.

After reading the mind of Sanji, Viola had found that he was a genuine and perverted man who wanted to help her. This allowed for her to break her facade of working for Doflamingo. By the end, they part ways. The viewers see the hints dropped that Viola has become enamored with the cook. And after seeing Sanji’s mind, it’s safe to assume he has some feelings as well.

Nami and Zoro

Nami ruffling Zoro's hair in One Piece

Two of the longest-serving members of the crew, Nami and Zoro are another pair that gets shipped together. It’s not as popular as her and Luffy, but it has gained enough attention to want to see them together.

The two had a rocky start when they first started serving Luffy. Despite her initial betrayal, she later redeemed herself and developed a close bond with Zoro. Their relationship has been compared to Vegeta and Bulma from Dragon Ball Z. Zoro being the proud, strong man who gets bossed around by the headstrong woman. It’s a big reason these two are often shipped together due to these parallels.

Sanji and Pudding

Sanji and Pudding About To Get Married

A romance that no one could see happening, Sanji and Pudding are a pair that is shipped quite frequently. Even with Pudding wanting to kill Sanji in cold blood during their arranged marriage, the aftermath got many fans wanting these two to get together officially.

Despite the plan to kill Sanji, Pudding was won over by Sanji’s kindness towards her. He showed her genuine compassion and didn’t find her third eye off-putting. This is a sensitive topic due to others alongside Pudding’s mother bullying her for it. Even after using her Devil Fruit powers to make him forget, fans still hope that that kiss was not their last!

Sabo and Koala

Koala Crying For Sabo With Hack

Since they were teenagers, these two have been close and have worked together for several years. And while it’s made clear they are friends, there have been small hints here and there that may suggest more than that.

The fans had started to ship these two after the similarities between them and Luffy and Nami surfaced. They have a similar dynamic, and Koala has been known to scold Sabo on occasion. And she is very attached to him. It’s only natural for fans to latch on and hope they move on from friends to more than that!

Zoro and Robin

Zoro and Nico Robin On The Thousand Sunny

Despite a complicated start and being enemies, Zoro and Robin would later have a good relationship. One which fans grabbed onto and began putting them as a couple.

Both are similar in many ways. And while not verbally conveying it, he showed his trust and care for her by fighting as hard as Luffy to help get her back once it was revealed she tried to sacrifice herself for the crew. Their similarities have made them a perfect pair to ship!

Sanji and Nami

Sanji and Nami laughing in One Piece

The perverted and talented chef Sanji is known for being a flirt. And one of the women he frequently flirts with is Nami. Due to his attraction, Nami has been known to use it to get him to do things for her, which he enjoys doing. And with some of Nami’s reactions to him, the fans think they would be cute together.

While being quite the flirt and womanizer that he is, Sanji has a significant amount of respect for Nami and is always kind towards her. For this, she always responds to him the same way. Sanji is also very protective over Nami and will beat up anyone who badmouths her or is a pervert towards her. These are just a few of the many reasons these two are shipped together.

Usopp and Kaya

Usopp outside Kaya's window in One Piece

Being from the same island, Usopp and Kaya developed a close relationship while Kaya was stuck inside due to her being very sickly. And although Usopp is cowardly, Kaya holds him close to her heart, so fans have paired these two up!

Usopp would visit Kaya every day to tell her stories from her window and would get her to laugh. Kaya appreciated his company and his desire to entertain. Even after his departure, she continues to treasure him to this day in the story. It’s a sweet relationship that many find to be a perfect match, and maybe, this ship will come true.