One New Star Wars Movie Will Give The Best Exploration Of The Jedi In 20 Years

One New Star Wars Movie Will Give The Best Exploration Of The Jedi In 20 Years

The new Star Wars movie, Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi, is going to give the best exploration of the Jedi in 20 years. Two decades ago, Star Wars released a video game set 3,956 years before A New Hope called Knights of the Old Republic. It was a huge hit, as it fleshed out the galaxy, the Jedi, and the Sith beautifully. It introduced everything from Jedi Consulars to lightsaber types. Now, Star Wars is going even further back and releasing Dawn of the Jedi, set 25,000 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.

Set before the formation of the Republic, the Dawn of the Jedi era, while referenced in guidebooks beforehand, was first explored in a now-Legends comic series in 2012. They follow the early days of the Je’daii Order on the planet Tython – the Jedi Order’s predecessors. Despite Star Wars’ tendency to jump around along its timeline, up until now, no movie or TV show has gone that far back in time. This will be the first time that the era will be explored in detail in canon.

One New Star Wars Movie Will Give The Best Exploration Of The Jedi In 20 Years


How To Watch Star Wars Movies In Order

Here is how to watch all Star Wars movies and TV shows chronologically and in order of release, and how each fits into the Star Wars timeline.

Star Wars’ New Movie Will Reveal What It Really Meant To Be A Jedi

Cover art from Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi 0 Issue with the Force Gods of Mortis mural from Star Wars Rebels

In the Dawn of the Jedi comics, it is revealed that the Je’daii Order was formed in 36,453 BBY by the Talid monks of the Order of Dai Bendu. After having gathered Force-sensitives from all different planets, they settle on the planet Tython. Once there, the pilgrims discover they were called there to study the Force. They gather themselves into a collective of scholars and warriors, calling themselves the Je’daii Order. Tython is extremely sensitive to the Force and responds with violent storms when it is out of balance. This causes the Je’daii Order to develop a focus on balance.

The original names for the Force – the Ashla, Bogan, and Bendu – all came out of this era. Because of its Force sensitivity, the Je’daii Order named the different sides of the Force after Tython’s two moons; the light side was named after the bright Ashla and the dark side was named after the dark Bogan. The Bendu came from the Order of Dai Bendu itself. The Mortis god the Father and the powerful Force entity the Bendu from Star Wars Rebels personify this balance.

Showing these origins will reveal the Order’s original intent and what it truly meant to be a Jedi. This is an extremely exciting prospect, as the Jedi Order that viewers got to know was corrupted by politics. While there were references to the original mission of the Jedi, canon has not really explored this in-depth. Seeing the Je’daii Order will reveal the core of what it means to be a Jedi – who they were before they grew and expanded across the stars and got involved in galactic politics. Dawn of the Jedi will show the Jedi in their purest form.

Star Wars Will Finally Reveal The True Nature Of The Force

Dawn of the Jedi will allow Star Wars to explore the true nature of the Force in depth. While it hasn’t been explored much in-universe, George Lucas described the dark side as being an unnatural, corrupted state of the Force. The light side – or “good side” – is the Force’s natural, uncorrupted state. This is why the Jedi seek to stamp out the dark side where they see it, but still value balance. Dawn of the Jedi will be able to explore what this means in a way that other Star Wars content has not.

It can also explain more about the will of the Force and what that means. The will of the Force is often discussed in Star Wars canon. Characters are often pulled to do things because they sense that it is the will of the Force. However, while constantly referenced, this concept is not very well understood. Since Dawn of the Jedi will focus on the Je’daii Order and their original study into the Force, it will have the opportunity to explain this concept in more detail.

Dawn of the Jedi could also explore the Mortis gods and the Bendu. Presumably, these ancient Force beings have been around for millennia – possibly since the creation of the galaxy and the dawn of the Force itself. Given their relevance in canon, Dawn of the Jedi has the opportunity to explore their origins and true nature.

Star Wars Will Open Up A Whole New Era With Dawn Of The Jedi

Star Wars Era

Approximate Timeline

Dawn of the Jedi

c. 25,032 BBY

The Old Republic

After 25,032 BBY to c. 532 BBY

The High Republic

c. 532 BBY to c. 32 BBY

The Fall of the Jedi

c. 32 BBY to 19 BBY

The Age of the Empire (“The Dark Times”)

19 BBY to 5 BBY

The Age of Rebellion

5 BBY to 4 ABY

The New Republic

4 ABY to c. 34 ABY

The Age of Resistance

c. 34 ABY to 35 ABY

New Jedi Order

c. 50 ABY

One of the most exciting things about Dawn of the Jedi is that it will open up a whole new era of Star Wars movies and TV shows. So far, the furthest back in time a Star Wars TV show or movie has gone is the High Republic era. Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures is set 200 years before the events of the prequel trilogy, and The Acolyte is set 100 years before the events of the prequels. Dawn of the Jedi will be the first movie set during this era, paving the way for more canon Star Wars content set during this period.

This era is extremely important. Given that shows such as Ahsoka have set up Force entities like the Mortis gods and the Bendu as key players and teased the return of the Mother Abeloth, the Dawn of the Jedi era can provide necessary lore and background information. Dawn of the Jedi is introducing an era that has the potential to introduce the most Star Wars lore that fans have gotten since Knights of the Old Republic 20 years ago.

Star Wars- Dawn of the Jedi Poster

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi
Not Yet Rated

Announced at Star Wars Celebration in 2023, Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi is a prequel focusing on the first-ever Jedi. Taking place 25,000 before Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, Dawn of the Jedi will explore the events set prior to the Old Republic and the Disney+ series, The Acolyte. 

James Mangold



Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace , Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones , Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith , Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope , Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back , Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi , Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens , Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi , Star Wars: Episode IX- The Rise of Skywalker , Star Wars: New Jedi Order

Star Wars