One Batman Ally is More Crucial Than Any Bat-Family Member

One Batman Ally is More Crucial Than Any Bat-Family Member

The Bat-Family has some of the greatest allies Batman has ever known, but could one friend of the Dark Knight be even better? Batman: Noel reveals that a long-time associate of the Caped Crusader could be serving the most important role in Bruce Wayne’s life.

Though he began his mission to clean up the crime in Gotham solo, Batman’s endeavor grew from a one-man operation into a full-fledged army. Aiding his war on the Penguins and Two-Faces of Gotham are his Robins, Batgirls, and several other heroes who have spent nearly their entire lives training with Bruce. Batman and the Bat-Family work like a well-oiled machine. Everyone serving under Batman knows what their leader expects and follows his orders to a T. It took some time to get to this point, but Batman’s operatives have become one of the best superhero teams in the DC Universe.

However, one of the most important people aiding Batman’s work might not even be an official member of the Bat-Family. In Batman: Noel by Lee Bermejo, Batman is spending Christmas Eve tracking down the Joker, and keeping tabs on one of the criminal’s flunkies to find him. However, Batman’s work is interrupted by Superman, who has come to check on his friend. Clark notices Bruce is a bit more dour than usual and takes him on a trip around Gotham to lift his spirits. As they fly through the city, they stop by Commissioner Jim Gordon’s home to see how he’s spending the holidays. Jim and his wife are entertaining one of Gordon’s officers, when the cop describes Batman as a “necessary evil”. Gordon corrects his man, saying that Batman isn’t evil, he just lacks focus occasionally, something that Gordon believes he helps the hero with.

Jim Gordon Is Batman’s Greatest Asset (Not The Bat-Family)

One Batman Ally is More Crucial Than Any Bat-Family Member

Commissioner Gordon is someone who has worked with Batman for nearly as long as the hero has been around. Gordon is first and foremost a deputized officer of the law, so while he’s worked with Batman, he’s never exactly been a member of the Bat-Family in the way that Nightwing or Batgirl are. However, that distance works out because it gives Gordon an objective view on how Batman is operating. Essentially, Batman is kept in check by one of his most trusted allies outside his usual network.

It’s good that Batman has people on his team that know how to follow orders and live up to his standards. But the Bat-Family aren’t exactly built around keeping Batman in check so much as they are there to carry out his work. Granted, Batman usually doesn’t go too far while on patrol, but few people in the Bat-Family can easily stand up to Batman if they need to. Gordon, on the other hand, doesn’t answer to Batman. He’s an independent authority as far as Bruce is concerned, and he can remind Batman of the careful line he walks. Bruce needs an ally like that outside of the Bat-Family, just in case Batman can’t see it when he’s not thinking clearly.