Once Upon A Time: Baelfire’s 10 Best Quotes

Once Upon A Time: Baelfire’s 10 Best Quotes

While he is generally not as popular as characters like Hook or Regina, Baelfire is ultimately one of the most intriguing and influential characters in Once Upon A Time. First introduced in flashbacks as Rumplestiltskin’s son, Baelfire is revealed to be integral to Rumplestiltskin’s deepest motivations, and his fate after being separated from Rumplestiltskin is one of the show’s juiciest mysteries in its earlier seasons.

As a voice of wisdom and as a character who could be sarcastic and self-deprecating, Baelfire has some of the best quotes in the show, many of which capture the series’ most important themes.

“Maybe We Met For A Reason. Maybe Something Good Came From Us Being Together.”

Once Upon A Time: Baelfire’s 10 Best Quotes

When Emma and Baelfire reunite years after their relationship ended, Emma is filled with anger and confusion. She refuses to believe that the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming and the son of Rumplestiltskin met through pure coincidence. Even though Baelfire did not know who she was, he refuses to believe their meeting and their relationship was a coincidence, instead choosing to believe that fate brought them together for a reason and that something positive came out of their relationship.

It doesn’t take long for Baelfire’s belief to be validated as he meets Henry for the first time and learns that he has a son. Henry is a hopeful, intuitive child who is wise beyond his years and makes everyone around him a better version of themselves. Regardless of what happened between him and Emma, Baelfire sees that a truly wonderful and special person came from their relationship.

“When We Get Back To Storybrooke, You’re Gonna Save David Because It’s The Right Thing To Do. No Deals. No Favors. Understand?”

Once Upon A Time Neal and Rumple side-by-side in Neverland

Rumplestiltskin tells Emma that he can create an elixir that will save David’s life, but says he will only do it for an equal favor in return. Baelfire refuses to let Emma or her family be manipulated or unforeseeably cornered into any of his father’s dangerous deals or clever loopholes. Knowing that Rumplestiltskin is desperate to reconcile with him, Baelfire knows he alone has the power to change his father’s mind and to convince him to do the right thing without getting something in return.

While Baelfire and Rumplestiltskin have different values and different approaches to tricky situations, Baelfire did inherit his father’s uncompromising nature and the ability to get others–even the devious Rumplestiltskin–to do what he wants. Rumplestiltskin follows through with his promise and saves David’s life without asking for anything in return when they return to Storybrooke.

“I Never Forgave Myself. There Hasn’t Been A Day That’s Gone By That I Don’t Regret Having Left You.”

Neal.Baelfire in Once Upon A Time

For years, Emma believed that Baelfire willingly abandoned her and never looked back. Even when they unexpectedly reunite years later, Emma still has a hard time letting go of this belief. In a moment of genuine vulnerability, Baelfire admits that he never went after her because he was afraid she would not forgive him as he never forgave himself.

This line embodies some of the show’s thematic strengths, exploring the dangers of tormenting oneself with self-loathing and regret, and the power of being honest with others and confronting guilt.

“I Almost Married A Minion Of My Evil Grandfather, Peter Pan.”

sonequa martin-green as tamara in ouat

Baelfire’s self-deprecating humor is one of his most likable traits and works well in a show that recognizes its often campy, melodramatic tone. One of the best examples of this is when Baelfire references how he was engaged to Tamara, who secretly worked for his evil grandfather Peter Pan, and was only in a relationship with Baelfire as part of Pan’s nefarious schemes.

As a character who lived in the Enchanted Forest, Neverland, London, New York City, and Storybrooke over the course of many years, Baelfire can’t help but marvel at the absurdity and strangeness that has manifested in his own life and his journeys across the various realms.

“You Came To Neverland On A Pirate Ship Through A Portal, But You Draw The Line At A Magic Coconut?”

Killian Jones

Baelfire’s sarcasm and perspective lead to another hilarious line that also acknowledges the extensive need for suspending disbelief when watching Once Upon A Time.

Hook threw a magic bean into the water that he used to transport his ship and its passengers to Neverland, and yet he is skeptical that Baelfire’s magical coconut can help them escape Neverland. Baelfire’s line provides some quality humor and also encapsulates how Once Upon A Time continuously introduced new methods of traveling in between realms.

“You Coward! You Promised! Don’t Break Our Deal!”

Rumplestiltskin and Baelfire portal scene in Once Upon A Time--Rumplestiltskin is unable to honor his word and go through the portal with his son

In a moment that will haunt both Rumplestiltskin and Baelfire for years to come, Rumplestiltskin is unable to go through with his deal and travel with his son to the Land Without Magic. Baelfire’s insistent words about his father going through with their deal cut deep as Rumplestiltskin has always struggled with cowardice and much of his identity revolves around the sanctity of his deals with others.

Young Baelfire’s words become a potent memory for him and his father. For Baelfire, it is a reminder of how Rumplestiltskin chose to cling to his power instead of taking a leap of faith with his son. For Rumplestiltskin, it is a reminder of his greatest failure and that his most important goal is to reach the Land Without Magic so he can reunite with Baelfire and make amends.

“The Underworld Is For People Who Have Unfinished Business. And That Isn’t Me.”

Michael Raymond James as Neal and Jennifer Morrison as Emma Swan in Once Upon A Time season 5 episode 12 Souls of the Departed

When Emma is on her way to the Underworld to save Hook, she receives an unexpected visit from the deceased Baelfire in her dreams. When Emma asks Baelfire if he is in the Underworld, he said he is not because the Underworld is only for people who have unfinished business and are thus unable to move on to the next stage of the afterlife.

This scene and this line, in particular, provide some much-needed closure for Baelfire’s story. After countless years of dealing with childhood abandonment, running from his past, and many other hardships, it is a relief to know that Baelfire is finally at peace with himself. He reconciled with his greatest mistakes, reforged meaningful relationships with Emma and Rumplestiltskin, and he had the chance to be Henry’s father. It is fitting that this is one of Baelfire’s last lines and it is his final scene in the series.

“Go Find Tallahassee. Even If It’s Without Me.”

Neal spends his final moments before death in Emma's arms in Once Upon A Time

When Emma and Baelfire first plan on settling down many years earlier, Baelfire tells Emma to close her eyes and point to any spot on a map of the United States, and the location that Emma lands on will become their new home. Emma lands on Tallahassee, Florida. Tallahassee thus comes to represent a happy ending for them and their relationship. Unfortunately, life gets in the way and they are never able to settle down together as they once planned.

When Emma holds Baelfire in her arms in his final moments before death, he encourages her to find her own Tallahassee, even if it is without him. This makes it clear how deeply Baelfire cares about Emma as he uses his final moments to ensure that she will find her happy ending and her true home after he is gone.

“Thank You, Papa. For Showing Me What It Is To Make A True Sacrifice. It’s About Saving The Ones That You Love.”

Robert Carlyle as Rumplestiltskin in season 3 of Once Upon A Time, crying as his son dies

Baelfire not only has a meaningful goodbye with Emma but also with his father. After years of resenting his father and trying to stay hidden from him, and after years of Rumplestiltskin believing he failed his son, Baelfire gives the greatest gift he could possibly give before passing away.

He thanks Rumplestiltskin for showing him what it means to be a hero and the meaning of a true sacrifice. Father and son are able to fully reconcile with each other and share one last moment where they acknowledge how much they mean to each other. All of these factors make Baelfire’s death easily one of the most heartbreaking moments in the entire series.

“That’s How You Know You’ve Really Got A Home. ‘Cause When You Leave It …There’s This Feeling You Can’t Shake. You Just Miss It.”

Neal Cassady in Once Upon a Time, with earnest expression

Once Upon A Time features numerous characters who grow up without a family or any kind of stability. These characters naturally question what a true home is as they have never had one or at the very least haven’t felt like they’ve had a true home in many years.

Baelfire answers this difficult question in the best way possible during a flashback in the show’s season 3 finale. Sometimes a person doesn’t know they’ve found a real home until they leave and miss it. Home is defined by a sense of belonging and making someone feel loved. This aligns perfectly with the show’s approach to happy endings and redemption. The road there is difficult and impossible to predict. The only way to complete the journey is with the help of others, embracing hope, and accepting that the most rewarding parts will manifest in unexpected and powerful ways.