Old Man Superman Secretly Watches Over DC’s Future Heroes

Old Man Superman Secretly Watches Over DC’s Future Heroes

Warning! Spoilers for Justice Society of America #22

In one version of the DC Universe’s future, an elderly Superman secretly watches over a new generation of heroes. While he’s no longer an active superhero, the older Clark Kent takes on a grandfather role to the Legion of Super-Heroes.

There have been many versions of Superman’s future throughout comics, exploring the man he becomes once he’s past his prime. Whether he’s still leading the Justice League in Batman Beyond or gives way to a new hero to take his place, Superman tends to remain firm in his ideals. In Mark Waid and Alex Ross’ Kingdom Come, Superman fully embodies the character that readers had known, as he became even more like himself in older age. The iconic tale imagining the DC heroes later in their lives received an epilogue in Justice Society of America #22, written by Geoff Johns with art by Dale Eaglesham and Alex Ross.

About 1,000 years after the events of Kingdom Come, an elderly Superman lives secretly among humanity, watching as a new generation of superheroes take to the skies. Standing among ordinary citizens, old man Clark looks up at the Legion of Super-Heroes flying over the city. Alex Ross’ depiction of the elder Man of Steel draws resemblance to Gandhi, emphasizing their similar roles in the world. Although seemingly unable to be the Superman he once was, Clark is still the same man at heart, happy to see the legacy of the Justice League live on.

Old Man Superman Secretly Watches Over DC’s Future Heroes

The reveal that Kingdom Come’s Superman lives 1,000 years later is an interesting extension on his Kryptonian biology’s impact under the yellow sun. Fans were already aware that Clark ages slower than humans, as referenced in Batman Beyond and All-Star Superman. However, it was unclear how old Clark could live. Witnessing the collapse of society and helping the world rebuild, this take on Superman is a more fantastical and epic version than other iterations of his future self.

As an old man who had seen plenty of death when he was younger, it says a lot about Superman’s future that he remains hopeful and uncynical. Watching as his fellow Justice League members pass on, he continues to look forward to a new age which they inspired together. Despite not having the physical advantages he once did, he still represents the best of humanity. It’s only fitting that the fairy tale of Superman should conclude with him approving the new heroes.