Old Man Logan’s Future Wasteland Has A New, Brutal Ruler

Old Man Logan’s Future Wasteland Has A New, Brutal Ruler

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Wastelanders: Doom #1

In Marvel Comics’ latest one-shot exploring the dark future first seen in Old Man Logan, the Wasteland is getting a brand new ruler after President Red Skull. Following the Skull’s murder at the hands of Wolverine, it seems Doctor Doom himself is looking to take the reins. However, this new issue sees Doom looking for some considerably dark power to make sure his new rule goes unopposed.

In the original Old Man Logan storyline from Mark Millar and Steve McNiven, Logan was doing all he could to survive after the supervillains banded together to take over the country. While the Avengers were betrayed by the Thunderbolts, Wolverine was tricked by Mysterio into killing all of the X-Men, leaving him broken as the sole survivor. However, a road trip with a blind Hawkeye across the Wasteland saw Logan getting pulled back into becoming a hero once more, killing President Red Skull via decapitation with Captain America’s shield.

Now, Wasterlanders: Doom #1 from Torunn Grønbekk and artist Julius Ohta sees the former ruler of Latveria looking to take control of the entire Wasteland now that the Skull is no more. However, Doom has been searching for the Darkhold, the powerful tome written by the chaos god Chthon in order to ensure his power once he officially takes the throne of the Wasteland. This quest leads to him facing Baron Mordo while also freeing Agatha Harkness whose power Mordo had been using to create a magical protective shield. By the end of the issue, Doom defeated Mordo and freed Agatha before securing his prize: the Darkhold itself, giving him the power he believes will allow him to become the Wasteland’s newest ruler.

Old Man Logan’s Future Wasteland Has A New, Brutal Ruler

Doctor Doom is quite confident despite the warnings of Sofia Strange (Doctor Strange’s daughter). Even though the Darkhold is famously an unpredictable and corruptive force, Doom believes he can harness its power better than any of the others who’ve possessed the book in the past. While this is par for the course considering Doom’s large ego and pride, he is one of the strongest and most powerful magicians in the Marvel Universe. Perhaps he can bend it to his will?

With President Red Skull dead, Doctor Doom certainly seems like the logical next ruler to take over in this supervillain-controlled wasteland. While the world of Old Man Logan is clearly a very dark reality, it certainly looks like Doctor Doom is going to make it even darker with what’s essentially the furthest thing from light reading in any Marvel Universe.