Odin Breaking Up The First Avengers Team Ever Nearly Destroyed the Universe

Odin Breaking Up The First Avengers Team Ever Nearly Destroyed the Universe

In Marvel Comics’ new one-shot starring the very first team of prehistoric Avengers, the arrogance of Odin almost destroyed the entire universe after he caused the team to disband. While the Avengers of 1,000,000 BC fought together for years as the original wielders of Earth’s primordial powers, the All-Father of Asgard was overconfident and far too enamored with the Phoenix Force for his own good (or the good of existence itself).

As seen in previous issues of Avengers by writer Jason Aaron and artist Javier Garrón, the first host of the powerful Phoenix Force was the one who assembled Earth’s first Avengers. Joining her in her battle to protect the world were the first and ancient versions of the Black Panther, Iron Fist, Starbrand, a mammoth-riding Ghost Rider, the first Sorcerer Supreme Agamotto, and Odin himself who originally wielded Mjolnir before the birth of his son Thor. Together, they repelled several dangers and threats such as a young Thanos who attempted to conquer the Earth when he was just a child.

However, the team’s weakest link would prove to be Odin. As seen in the new Avengers 1,000,000 BC #1 from Jason Aaron and Kev Walker, the All-Father saw himself and the Phoenix Force as superior beings over their fellow Avengers who were merely mortal. As such, Odin’s indifference to the death of the first Black Panther created tension amongst the team, a rift he exacerbated when he invited the Ancient Avengers to Asgard for a surprise wedding where he attempted to propose and marry the Phoenix on the spot. Enraged by the All-Father’s idiocy, the Phoenix Force nearly left Earth completely, knowing that if she did the Ancient Avengers would never reunite and the world would fall to ruin, likely resulting in a cataclysm that would have a domino effect on the rest of the Marvel Universe.

Odin Breaking Up The First Avengers Team Ever Nearly Destroyed the Universe

While Odin’s actions nearly caused the end of everything, the Phoenix chose to stay. Rather than relying on Earth’s gods to protect the Earth, the powerful force of destruction and creation came up with a plan to continue Earth’s legacy of heroes by convincing the goddess Gaea to carry Odin’s first child, a new god who would grow up to be Thor who would come to love Earth and its people. Having her own role in Thor’s conception, the Phoenix Force effectively became a secret second mother to Odin’s son (much to the bitter All-Father’s chagrin).

Not only does this issue confirm the secrets of Thor’s birth, it better explains Odin’s indifference towards the world of men. That being said, Odin’s foolishness as the brash and overconfident king of the gods nearly caused the first Avengers to be Earth’s last, a ripple effect that would have likely ended everything. Thankfully, the first host of the Phoenix was able to remain a force of creation long enough to foster a legacy of heroes (despite Asgard’s All-Father). Avengers 1,000,000 BC #1 is on sale now.