Ocean’s Eleven Spinoff May Add Elizabeth Banks

Ocean’s Eleven Spinoff May Add Elizabeth Banks

The upcoming all-lady Ghostbusters remake may have triggered the outrage of casual sexists and franchise purists everywhere, but this only seems to have built an extra talking point around what seems to be a growing trend. With a fem-spinoff of The Expendables franchise also in the works, few were surprised by the recent news that Ocean’s Eleven would also be getting a reboot (or possible spinoff?) starring an ensemble of women thieves on an epic heist.

Currently nicknamed Ocean’s Ocho, with Gary Ross (The Hunger Games, Seabiscuit) set to direct, the film will feature Sandra Bullock (Gravity, The Heat) leading a team of eight. Bullock is rumored to play the sister of Danny Ocean (depicted by George Clooney in the 2001 remake of the 1960 “Rat Pack” original). Cate Blanchett (Cinderella, The Hobbit) is currently set to play Bullock’s right hand lady, and it was recently reported that Helena Bonham Carter (Alice Through The Looking Glass, the Harry Potter series), and Mindy Kaling (Inside Out, The Office) have also joined the ensemble.

Now Showbiz 411 is reporting that Elizabeth Banks (The Hunger Games, The LEGO Movie) is also circling a role on Ocean’s team. Cameras are currently set to begin rolling in early 2017 to accommodate Blanchett’s commitment to the Broadway show, The Present.

Ocean’s Eleven Spinoff May Add Elizabeth Banks

Banks directed the sequel to the successful Pitch Perfect, but recently backed out of directorial duties for Pitch Perfect 3 due to a busy schedule. This leads us to wonder whether early talks about the reboot might have been a contributing factor. Banks already has a history with director Ross, having worked with him on The Hunger Games and Seabiscuit. Showbiz 411 suggests that Ross was responsible for securing Carter and Kaling for the project.

Assuming none of these ladies are playing the villain, and the Ocho moniker holds, that means that three more starlets are needed to round out the ensemble. Jennifer Lawrence (X-Men: Apocalypse, The Hunger Games) was said to be in talks, but her schedule is reportedly preventing her from partaking in the heist. What type of dynamic the team is aiming for at this point is anyone’s guess, but it’s likely the film will follow the playful, humorous tone of its predecessors.

It’s not uncommon to hear complaints about Hollywood running out of ideas, but (despite being a crucial part of the business) the reboot has existed since story-telling began. (See William Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida). Gender swapping is just the latest wrinkle in the trend, which could cynically be seen as a cheap way to recycle a property. In a more positive take, it maybe a sign that Hollywood is recognizing the growing importance of diverse representation in the movies, and that even more original stories featuring well-realized female characters are soon to follow.

Screen Rant will provide updates on the Ocean’s Eleven reboot as they hit.