Obi-Wan’s Biggest Victory Over Anakin Was Also His Cruelest

Obi-Wan’s Biggest Victory Over Anakin Was Also His Cruelest

Warning: contains spoilers for Darth Vader #16!

Fans may be surprised to learn that Obi-Wan‘s cruelest blow to Anakin Skywalker wasn’t when he cut off his legs, but when he stole his greatest wish. As shown in Darth Vader #16 – by Greg Park and Raffaele Lenco – Anakin’s hatred for Kenobi grew even deeper once he came to believe his old master had usurped his role as Luke Skywalker’s father.

Set between between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, the story takes place during the War of the Bounty Hunters – a conflict in which every major bounty hunter in the galaxy is hunting the carbonite-encased body of Han Solo, which has been stolen from Boba Fett. Much of the action has centered around the Crimson Dawn’s auction of his body, attended by the Rebellion, Darth Vader, the Hutt Clan, and Fett himself. Knowing he’s still not strong enough to take on Vader, Luke flees to draw him away, and the Sith warrior gives chase. But while Vader tried to turn Luke in their last encounter, he’s since come to fear that Palpatine will replace him with his son, and is now intent on killing the competition.

While Vader transmits haunting images to Luke, he implores him to turn back or watch Han die. Vader recently resolved that Luke’s friends are his weakness, seeing his willingness to connect with and depend on others as a vulnerability. Over an image of Obi-Wan, he seethes, “Luke, my son. You yearn for a father,” cutting the image of his former master in two. While Vader has (temporarily) moved past the point of wanting to recruit his son, it’s clear from this moment that he believes Obi-Wan stepped in as a significant father figure to Luke – a concept that still enrages him. From Vader’s point of view, Obi-Wan turned Padme against him, viciously mutilated him, and left him for dead. Now, following a quest to discover the truth of his long-lost son, Vader finds the boy seemingly grew up in the care of the man who ruined his life.

Obi-Wan’s Biggest Victory Over Anakin Was Also His Cruelest

While it’s debatable whether or not Obi-Wan was really around long enough to act as a father rather than a mentor, it’s clearly Vader’s belief that this was the case. Obi-Wan, true to the Light, kept Luke from his father and from the Dark Side. In so doing, he kept Vader from ever knowing, or having the chance to raise, his son. To Vader, Luke is the last living remnant of the Anakin that he left behind, and in recent comics, he invited the Emperor’s wrath by going on an unsanctioned mission to learn more about him. This connection comes through in Star Wars Episode VI, as Vader finally allows his care for Luke to overcome his hatred. Prior to that experience, Anakin never knew his children, and at this moment only hatred for his master boils in his heart for taking away his last connection to his humanity.

Obi-Wan visited a great deal of suffering on Vader, but it’s clear that in his later life, the idea that cut deepest was that his former master took over his legacy, raising Luke as a Jedi. At this point in his life, Darth Vader is too overcome with bitterness and fear to offer Luke love, but he clearly resents the bond his son formed with his former master. Marvel’s Star Wars comics have been doing a fascinating job of showing how Vader misunderstood his son prior to their final duel, perceiving his greatest strengths as potential weaknesses. However, while Darth Vader may not yet be able to access the love he holds for Luke, the hatred he bears for his son’s bond with Obi-Wan shows the dark side of that emotion, which remains waiting to be awakened in its purest form so it can save the galaxy.