Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Greatest Feats In Star Wars Canon

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Greatest Feats In Star Wars Canon

Obi-Wan Kenobi is known for some tremendous feats throughout the entire Star Wars saga, and here are his greatest accomplishments. According to Matt Stover’s novelization of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, by the end of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi was essentially considered the ultimate Jedi. Even his lightsaber form seemed to symbolize what it means to be a Jedi, because Soresu emphasizes defense rather than attack.

Given Obi-Wan’s reputation, not to mention the fact he was the first Jedi introduced in 1977, it’s no surprise he has some tremendous feats and accomplishments. Many were even greater in Star Wars Legends, the continuity abandoned by Disney after the House of Mouse acquired Lucasfilm back in 2012. Still, here are Obi-Wan Kenobi’s greatest canon feats.

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Greatest Feats In Star Wars Canon

Obi-Wan Kenobi

The Padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi became a Jedi Knight after his master’s death. Obi-Wan trained Anakin Skywalker as a Jedi, with his own apprentice knighted after the Battle of Geonosis. The Jedi Master became a key player in the Jedi during the Clone Wars, and was heartbroken when Anakin turned to the dark side; Obi-Wan critically wounded Anakin before taking to the shadows, watching over the young Luke and Leia for years. He sacrificed himself for his two charges, becoming a Force Ghost and continuing to mentor them.

Created By

George Lucas


Alec Guinness
, Ewan McGregor

First Appearance

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope


Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope


Ben, Rako Hardeen


Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
, Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back
, Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi
, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace
, Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones
, Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

TV Shows

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
, Star Wars Rebels
, Obi-Wan Kenobi


Breaking Into Fortress Inquisitorius Should Have Been Impossible

Obi-Wan Managed To Fool An Entire Group Of Inquisitors

When Obi-Wan is tasked with saving Leia Organa from the clutches of the Empire, there are multiple seemingly impossible challenges that he must overcome. One of the most impressive of these challenges was presented to him after Leia was taken to Fortress Inquisitorius, the Inquisitors’ base of operations. Not only does this fortress seem impenetrable due to the fact that vast parts are underwater, but it is also crawling with Empire troops and dark side Force-sensitives.

Still, Obi-Wan managed to sneak in undetected with little outside help and save Leia from captivity. Only two Jedi are known to have managed this – Obi-Wan Kenobi and Cal Kestis – and Obi-Wan’s was surely the greater challenge, given security would surely have improved after Cal’s successful infiltration. This demonstrates Obi-Wan’s determination, paying off in an escape from this dark prison.

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Obi-Wan Defeated General Grievous With Ease

His Battle With The General Was Expertly Executed

Out of all the battles that Obi-Wan took part in throughout the franchise, his confrontation with General Grievous is perhaps the most tactically executed. Though this was not the first time the two had met in battle, with Obi-Wan and Grievous crossing blades several times in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, their final face-off in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith was their first on screen. With each time they clash, it seems that Obi-Wan only grows more confident.

Despite a romp that takes them across various different settings on Grievous’ hideout on the planet Utapau and several sections of the fight leaving Obi-Wan surrounded by all manner of droids, the actual fight between Grievous and Obi-Wan is a relatively quick one. He disarms two of Grievous’ arms right off the bat, before chasing him down while riding a veractyl. Obi-Wan even finishes off the fight with a blaster, leading to one of his most iconic quotes, showing just how wide his range of skills really spans.


He Managed To Keep Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Safe

Not Even The Inquisitors Could Stop Him From Saving Them

After Anakin Skywalker’s fall to the dark side and Padmé Amidala’s tragic passing, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Bail Organa took on the responsibility of protecting their children. Both Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa had to be hidden from the Empire, both due to their abilities in the Force and their familial connection to one of the Empire’s most dangerous members. Luke was sent to live with family on Tatooine while Leia was raised as a princess on the planet Alderaan.

During this time, Obi-Wan lived as a hermit on Tatooine. Not only did he manage to save Leia from an Imperial kidnapping attempt, but he also watched Luke from afar in order to ensure that he and his family were safe. He was even instrumental in convincing the one-time Inquisitor Reva Sevander to spare Luke’s life at the end of the Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ TV show. Without him, it is likely that the twins would have faced very different fates, possibly even more entangled with the Empire.


Obi-Wan Defeated Darth Maul On Naboo

He Prevailed Even After The Death Of His Master

The Duel of Fates is the most iconic fight in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, not only for its incredible action, but the consequences that follow. During this fight, the dark side disciple Darth Maul kills Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, leaving a Padawan Obi-Wan to fight him alone. Despite the odds being stacked against him and the death of his master weighing on his mind, Obi-Wan manages to win the battle by slicing Darth Maul in half.

This feat would be incredible on its own as Darth Maul is a more than capable fighter, but it is only more remarkable considering the fact that Obi-Wan is an inexperienced Padawan still grappling with the death of his master. Anyone else in this position might have crumbled or given into the rage of the dark side. However, Obi-Wan showed control and trust in the Force beyond his years and managed to neutralize the threat on Naboo in a fight that would establish decades of rivalry between the two characters.


Obi-Wan Kenobi Holding Lightsaber


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Even In Death, Obi-Wan Won His Final Match Against Darth Vader

And Ensured That Luke Skywalker Would Finish The Job He Started

When Obi-Wan faces off against Darth Vader for the last time in the movie eventually retitled “A New Hope,” it is not a battle he is planning on coming back from. He knows that Darth Vader is stronger than him, and instead of the blow for blow battles the two have had in the past, this fight is much more serene. When Darth Vader finally does defeat Obi-Wan, he passes peacefully into the Force and disappears.

This fight is impressive for a number of reasons, but is particularly notable for inspiring Luke Skywalker to continue his journey. When he sees Obi-Wan die at Darth Vader’s hands, Luke sees just how dangerous he is. It is this single event that convinces him to continue on his quest to become a Jedi, with Obi-Wan’s presence in the Force remaining to guide him to Dagobah and therefore to Master Yoda.


The Death Of Darth Maul Showed Kenobi At His Wisest

Obi-Wan Offered Peace To His Life Long Enemy In His Final Moments

Although Obi-Wan makes very few appearances in Star Wars Rebels, any time he does appear on-screen he manages to make an impact. This is especially true during his appearance in Season 3, Episode 20 “Twin Suns,” in which Darth Maul arrives on Tatooine for one final fight with Obi-Wan. The battle is over in moments, with Darth Maul finally dying at his old foe’s hands.

Despite everything Darth Maul has taken from him, from Qui-Gon Jinn to the Satine Kryze, Obi-Wan still takes the time to comfort his enemy in death and assure Maul that Luke Skywalker will someday end the Sith’s reign of tyranny. It’s an amazing feat in and of itself that he still has so much kindness left to give in his heart after all the tragedies Obi-Wan has suffered in his life, and his ability to recognize that pain in someone who should be an enemy shows just how good of a person he truly is.


His Final Fight Against Darth Vader In Obi-Wan Kenobi Showed How Strong He’d Become

Obi-Wan’s Powers Are Much Greater Here Than In Any Other Appearance

Obi-Wan is tremendously powerful in the Force, but he typically uses understated Force powers. He is more often seen utilizing his quick wit and negotiation skills, or even his proficiency with a lightsaber. There is an exception to this at the end of the Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ TV show, when Obi-Wan finally faces off against Darth Vader at the height of his power.

This fight is a no-holds-barred spectacle, showing off exactly what the two are capable of when constraints are stripped away. The two use their powers to throw massive boulders, much larger than anything seen in the prequel trilogy, splintering the otherwise empty landscape. Obi-Wan even manages to crack open Darth Vader’s mask and defeat him, something that he could not previously do in earlier episodes of the series, making it even more impressive that he eventually managed to do so.



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Obi-Wan’s Duel Against Anakin on Mustafar Is A Staple Of The Franchise

It Resulted In The Birth Of Darth Vader As We Know Him

One of the most important battles in the entire franchise takes place during Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith between Obi-Wan Kenobi and his one time Padawan, Anakin Skywalker. The Duel on Mustafar is the culmination of all Chancellor Palpatine’s manipulations, and despite Obi-Wan’s best efforts to bring Anakin back to the light side of the Force he cannot make him see the truth. It is here that, after decades of brotherhood and fighting side by side, Obi-Wan is forced to put an end to the darkness inside of Anakin’s heart.

Though this is not the end of Anakin’s story and in some ways it is just the beginning, the fact that Obi-Wan was able to put their shared history aside for the greater good was nothing short of a miracle. He had essentially raised Anakin from childhood, taught him the ways of the Force, fought for him and alongside him. He still did what had to be done with little hesitation and with no love lost for his fallen ally.


Obi-Wan Survived Order 66 And The Great Jedi Purge

He Lived For Decades In A Society That Wanted Him Dead

When Order 66 destroyed the Jedi and the society surrounding them, most were killed at the start, either by the Clone soldiers they commanded or by Anakin Skywalker himself. Obi-Wan was lucky enough to escape this fate, managing to not only make plans for himself away from Coruscant but also for Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. This is only the beginning, however, as the hunt for the Jedi did not stop after Order 66 was issued.

After this, Darth Vader created an elite task force known as the Imperial Inquisitors, made specifically for hunting down the Jedi that had escaped the Purge. Using them, these Jedi would either be assimilated into the Empire to become Inquisitors themselves, or would more often simply be killed outright. Obi-Wan survived for decades on Tatooine after the creation and training of the Inquisitorious, managing to fool the Empire into thinking that he was gone for good until the moment of his reappearance on the Death Star.


Obi-Wan Followed Qui-Gon’s Wishes And Took Anakin On As A Padawan

Obi-Wan Took On The Challenge Despite His Inexperience

When Obi-Wan appears in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, he is still a Padawan learning the ways of the Force under Master Qui-Gon Jinn. When he meets Anakin Skywalker and later when Qui Gon dies, his training has still not yet been completed. Despite this, he makes a vow upon hearing Qui Gon’s final wishes to train Anakin in the ways of the Force.

Obi-Wan faces a lot of opposition to this, not only because of his inexperience, but also because of Anakin’s older age. He has already formed attachments and opinions, thus making his training even more difficult than the average youngling’s. Obi-Wan decides to train him regardless, beginning one of the most powerful master-student bonds in the entire Star Wars series.