Obi-Wan Kenobi: 10 Jedi Survivors That Could Appear

Obi-Wan Kenobi: 10 Jedi Survivors That Could Appear

Star Wars is about to enter a dark era for the Jedi. Imperial Inquisitors are roaming about. No Jedi is safe. Lucasfilm’s upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi series is set to treat fans to what, according to, Kathleen Kennedy calls the “rematch of a century.” Kenobi will see the titular hero come face to face with Darth Vader once again with both Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen reprising their roles from the prequel trilogy.

Kenobi is set ten years after the events of Revenge of the Sith. Despite Order 66 wiping out the majority of the Jedi order, there are still many survivors of the Great Purge living in secret. It seems like a no-brainer that Obi-Wan would enlist the help of some Jedi in his galaxy-sprawling adventure.

Taron Malicos

Obi-Wan Kenobi: 10 Jedi Survivors That Could Appear

Malicos emerged as a standout character from Jedi: Fallen Order with his unique take on the dark side of the force. Like Cal Kestis, he too survived Order 66. He eventually went into exile on Dathomir, where he became the Nightbrothers’ leader and learned the ways of the dark side.

Star Wars has become known for its characters that are morally grey. Taron’s connection to both the Jedi and the dark side could bring interesting conflicts. Despite being buried alive in Fallen Order, Malicos can still return and would make a great addition to Kenobi‘s already exceptional roster of characters.

Kanan Jarrus

Kanan Jarrus from Star Wars Rebels holding his lightsaber.

Easily the most compelling character of Star Wars Rebels, Kanan was instrumental in building the Rebel Alliance in a time when no one would stand up to the Empire. Although Jarrus had abandoned his Jedi ways and become a smuggler after Order 66, having him briefly appear in the series to aid Obi-Wan, even without his saber, would satisfy fans.

After receiving his warning message and easily one of Obi-Wan’s best quotes, Jarrus’ smuggling tricks could definitely come in handy in giving Obi-Wan safe passage off of Tatooine. Freddie Prinze Jr. brought a lot of depth to the character in Rebels and is just as passionate about Star Wars as other fans are. Having him return would be a wonderful inclusion to the series.

Quinlan Vos

Quinlan Vos as he appeared in Clone Wars

After having one of the coolest story arcs in the novel, Dark Disciple, it would be absurd not to have Quinlan Vos appear in a live-action project at some point. Following his succumbing to the dark side then returning to the light, nothing is known of Quinlan Vos’ activity post-Clone Wars.

Vos’ brash decision-making and reckless behavior have made him butt heads with Obi-Wan before, but, in a time of uncertainty and without the Jedi order, Obi-Wan could use all the help he could get, and Vos would definitely be able to fill that role. Should he ever appear, Jason Momoa would be the perfect actor for the role with his abilities to create likable yet flawed characters.


A close-up of Grogu in The Mandalorian

While it may seem utterly ridiculous, the potential of Grogu appearing in the upcoming series should not be totally dismissed. During the attack on the Jedi Temple, Grogu was seemingly saved from the Clones’ onslaught, but viewers still do not know who rescued him. Having his rescuer be Obi-Wan could connect The Mandalorian to Obi-Wan Kenobi in a very clever way. It is also unknown where Grogu went after his time as a Jedi.

Having Grogu’s rescuer be Obi-Wan could also give Ewan McGregor the chance to appear in flashbacks in The Mandalorian. Grogu’s popularity has only gotten bigger and bigger, so Lucasfilm should take advantage of that and have him appear in more projects, further developing his backstory.

Luminara Unduli

Luminara Unduli holds her blade in Star Wars

The new Star Wars canon established that Luminara Unduli miraculously survived the turning of the Clones during the battle of Kashyyyk like Yoda. That being said, she did end up suffering an unfortunate fate in the hands of the Empire. Some point after surviving Order 66, she was killed, and her corpse was used as a clever trap to lure other Jedi survivors into an Imperial base.

The grim fate of Unduli is certainly sad, but how she got there remains to be seen. Having Unduli as an ally to Obi-Wan then being killed and captured by Vader would surely add plenty of stakes to the show.

Trilla Suduri (Second Sister)

Trilla holding her red lightsaber in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

The teaser for Kenobi had many big reveals, with one piece of concept art showing what looks to be the Second Sister Inquisitor from Respawn’s acclaimed Star Wars game, Jedi: Fallen Order. Before her time in the Inquisitorius, the Second Sister was known as Trilla Suduri, a Jedi, like her other Inquisitor brothers and sisters.

She is shown to be ruthless and a formidable fighter as a dark side user, but her history as a Jedi is just as compelling. For some time after the Great Purge, she and her master, Cere Junda, led a small group of younglings until they were captured by the Empire. Her backstory is quite tragic, and it would add another layer of depth to Kenobi by having a sympathetic villain.

Eeth Koth

Star Wars Eeth Koth

Even though he did not have much screen-time in the prequel trilogy, the Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith comic added much-needed depth to his character, showing he had raised a family after Order 66. He is forced to defend himself against Vader but is sadly no match and perishes.

The Star Wars shows and films have shown to sometimes retcon elements from the comics, with Yoda’s lightsaber being the most recent example, so to have Koth appear in Kenobi should not be off the table. Having a recreation of his sacrifice from the comics would be the perfect way to introduce Vader and assert himself as the main threat of the series.


Yoda with a Lightsaber in Attack of the Clones

Yoda has been an integral part of the Star Wars universe since his first appearance, and whenever he appears, it is always a treat. Although the events of Revenge of the Sith saw him go into exile on Dagobah, Yoda can still appear through the power of the force, like the way he communes with Ezra Bridger to give him guidance in Rebels. 

Yoda did have a final lesson for Obi-Wan in teaching him how to enter the netherworld of the force. Time and time again, Yoda has offered valuable wisdom to the franchise’s heroes when they are in need, so it should not be out of the question to have him appear in the show after Obi-Wan experienced some of the worst things in his life recently.

Cal Kestis

Cal Kestis wielding his lightsaber and jumping in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Cal solidified himself as a fan-favorite after a single outing in the game Jedi: Fallen Order. The events of the game take place five years before Kenobi, leaving many possibilities as to his whereabouts. His good nature and optimism could play very well with Obi-Wan, and the two would definitely get along well. Kestis’ experience with the Inquisitors could also be helpful for Obi-Wan as they have been confirmed to be appearing in the show.

Kestis’ double-sided lightsaber is the perfect opportunity to employ really impressive lightsaber action in the series, and, of course, nobody else but Cameron Monaghan can play the role. Seeing him in live-action would make fans’ dreams come true, and Kenobi undoubtedly makes the most sense timeline-wise.

Ahsoka Tano

Ahsoka Tano looking serious in The Mandalorian, played by Rosario Dawson

Ahsoka Tano is one of the most likely to appear in Kenobi out of the many fan-favorite characters. Lucasfilm’s plan to connect many of the Disney+ shows together could extend past the timeline of The Mandalorian, and it would be a smart business move to entice fans of The Mandalorian to watch all the other Star Wars shows.

Much of Ahsoka’s story before Rebels is unclear, and it has not been shown when she created her white-bladed lightsabers. Rosario Dawson’s performance of the character was exceptional and felt exactly like the character who fans first fell in love with in The Clone Wars. Having Ahsoka interact with Obi-Wan in live-action is certainly something many fans dream of seeing one day, and Kenobi leaves the opportunity open perfectly.