Now You See Me 3 Is Fixing An 8 Year Mistake With Exciting Returning Cast Member

Now You See Me 3 Is Fixing An 8 Year Mistake With Exciting Returning Cast Member

The Now You See Me 3 cast is bringing back several cast members, and one returning actor helps fix a mistake the franchise made 8 years ago. The first two Now You See Me movies revolved around the Four Horsemen, with Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, and Dave Franco leading the group. Isla Fisher was part of the original film, while she was replaced by Lizzy Caplan in Now You See Me 2. This created questions about who would return for Now You See Me 3 once Lionsgate finally moved forward with the sequel.

The plan for Now You See Me 3‘s cast is to combine the original group of magicians with a younger generation of talents. The new castings include Ariana Greenblatt, Dominic Sessa, and Justice Smith, who are set to play the newer group of magicians. While there was uncertainty upon Now You See Me 3‘s announcement about which of the cast members from previous movies would return, an update on the returnees has come. As a result, the franchise has fixed a mistake made with Now You See Me 2.

Now You See Me 3 Is Fixing An 8 Year Mistake With Exciting Returning Cast Member


Now You See Me 3 Can Double Down On The Franchise’s Biggest Criticism In The Funniest Way

Now You See Me 3 is officially happening, and the third installment can take the franchise’s biggest criticism and double down in the funniest way.

Isla Fisher Is Returning For Now You See Me 3 After Being Left Out Of The Sequel

She Did Not Return As Henley In Now You See Me 2

It has now been confirmed that Isla Fisher is returning for Now You See Me 3, reprising her role as Henly Reeves. This news came along with confirmation that Jesse Eisenberg’s Danny, Woody Harrelson’s Merritt, Dave Franco’s Jack, Mark Ruffalo’s Dylan, and Morgan Freeman’s Thaddeus will also reprise their roles from previous installments. The decision to bring Isla Fisher back for Now You See Me 3 means the sequel is avoiding leaving her out for the second consecutive entry.

Isla Fisher’s Now You See Me 3 return makes sense after the events that led to her missing out on the previous sequel. Isla Fisher’s Now Your See Me 2 absence was not the result of not enjoying the first film or a lack of interest, as she was pregnant when production began. This led to her deciding to opt out of returning, with the franchise obliging by replacing Henley. Lionsgate’s choice to replace Henley with Lizzy Caplan’s Lula instead of simply recasting the role made it possible for Isla Fisher to now rejoin the Four Horsemen in the threequel.

How Now You See Me 3 Can Explain Isla Fisher’s Return As Henley Reeves

Henley’s Magic Career Did Not End

Isla Fisher in Now You See Me

Now You See Me 2 had to address Henley’s absence from the Four Horsemen, explaining that she left the group after becoming tired of waiting for The Eye’s next instruction. This could pave the way for how Now You See Me 3 explains Isla Fisher’s return. Now that Dylan is in charge of The Eye, it would make sense if he reached out to Henley to bring her back into the fold. It is even possible that Thaddeus previously recruited her in secret after she left the Four Horsemen.

Now You See Me 3 will have to explain Henley’s sudden return to the ensemble in some fashion. While there are plenty of options for what direction the story could take, it’s nonetheless exciting that Isla Fisher is coming back at all. It would have been easy for Lizzy Caplan to return and remain in the central role, but having Henley’s presence in the sequel can help the franchise recapture some of the magic of the first film.